There's a part of my brain that responds to certain stimuli that makes me think "Roguelike" to things that may or may not be an RL.
Games of such ilk usually titillate me.
Though not Moria, Angband or Crawl, i get a roguelike-y feeling.
I've found of late this sensation becoming more prevalent in commercial releases.
Maybe it's a simple as punishing difficulty and procedural generation, but i'm not sure, so i'm fishing for a conversation on the subject.

There was a game on the Indiefort bundle from GG called 'Shepherd to the Slaughter', which stirred very roguelike-y feeling, despite being real time and 8 bit-ish.
In the 80's we'd definitely have called it an 'arcade adventure', but i felt distinctly roguelike-y.
Then there's this game i've just scored called FTL. Aside from being superb fun and painfully hard it just feels...well, it feels like a roguelike, yet by conventional definitions it's clearly not.
After Dungeons of Dredmor i've been looking forward to more commercial RL's, and am being challenged as much by the definition of the genre as much as the difficulty level.
Well, fellow dungeon bashers, your thoughts?