Author Topic: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available  (Read 16906 times)


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Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« on: October 28, 2008, 01:18:58 PM »
Hello! The latest version of Legerdemain, a Roguelike fantasy RPG dreamed in clouds of Unicode, is now available for the taking.

Version 1.0.1 is a bugfix-only release. Some folks that have delved deep into Phenomedom's fractures have come back with some nasty buglike creatures in tow. You may not ever encounter any of them, but then again you might.

To shield yourself, head on over to the Downloads area at and ensure your adventures will remain intact till the end of days...

I wanted also to thank the roguelike community for its feedback and encouragement over these past couple of months. There's still some cluebooks left but they are going at a steady rate, show your support by grabbing one from here:


« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 01:20:38 PM by njerpe »
Legerdemain - A Tale Fraught with Peril and Wonder


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 11:23:46 PM »
Do you have a list of fixes?
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 04:04:35 AM »
Sure, ordinarily you can retrieve them via Mantis, available here:

But for convenience I've listed them below:

- 0000240: [Defect] Conversation history cites incorrect paragraph numbers (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000242: [Defect] Raising crooked wand reveals in duplicate messages (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000241: [Defect] It is possible to get stuck in the top half of the fens. (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000238: [Defect] Unable to access fungal caves in Sewers of Zor III (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000239: [Defect] Bedrethorn highlights *memory* but has no response for it (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000236: [Defect] Repeat voyages to White Vertigo strand the character (njerpe) - resolved.
- 0000237: [Defect] Gossiping about Filloughby does not unlock his 'knock name' (njerpe) - resolved.

Legerdemain - A Tale Fraught with Peril and Wonder


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2008, 12:11:47 AM »
Sure, ordinarily you can retrieve them via Mantis, available here:

But for convenience I've listed them below:

I couldn't be bothered with the log in process.  Thanks.  Some of them I have noticed. 

Some other bugs.
While rummaging in my pack for something to throw, I got hit and died, then upon "waking up" in my room I was asked to select a target for the throw.
You can still use ranged combat when afraid (maybe this is intentional though)

Also upon identifing an object, it would be nice if all future versions of that object were identified. It has been a long time since I needed to keep an actual list of items and there uses on paper.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2008, 12:48:05 AM »
Is there any chance this game will ever offer Tiles for graphics?  I'm within inches of doing a life sub of UnReal World and would like to be in a position like such in terms of throwing down the dough for this Roguelike as well  (nice books are nice...nice stuff is nice)...but I just have yet to possibly ever come to be able to deal with ASCII.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2008, 11:04:23 AM »
Tiles: they seem to be a rite of passage for any roguelike wishing to obtain some semblance of popularity. So yes, I've been thinking about it.

I'd want original ones though, and I'll need several hundred of them since the character set is so large. Several sizes too, preferably. And I'll need to find someone with artistic ability who is willing to draw them.

It might be too early to send out a call for tiles, but if there's lots of interest then that would encourage me to speed up the process.
Legerdemain - A Tale Fraught with Peril and Wonder


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 12:34:11 AM »
Well, ADOM has still managed to hold out lacking Tiles----but that's also one I've not played accordingly.  I really can't even explain why I can't handle ASCII, but I know I can't be the only one out there in the same boat.

I do agree that a Roguelike taking an untrodden path such as yours probably necessitates a unique and well wrought Tileset.  Perhaps it will come about in a similar way that they are trudging along with Dwarf Fortress?  Independent yet attempted syncro with the game releases.

Like the other things I need to get wrangled in my life's todo lists relative to Roguelikes and finally getting full on involved in them, learning the whole Tile aspect is surely among them.

I'll continue to eye the development of this, and see how things manifest.  Heh, one could see a good excuse to publish a heavily updated guidebook and some such at a distantish future date to go along with a Tile release finally happening...
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2008, 06:35:23 PM »
Tiles: they seem to be a rite of passage for any roguelike wishing to obtain some semblance of popularity. So yes, I've been thinking about it.

I'd want original ones though, and I'll need several hundred of them since the character set is so large. Several sizes too, preferably. And I'll need to find someone with artistic ability who is willing to draw them.

It might be too early to send out a call for tiles, but if there's lots of interest then that would encourage me to speed up the process.

Well, I decided to go ahead and throw the money down for the retail package in order to support the inclusion of excellent tiles to match this seemingly excellent effort somewhere down the line/put my money where my mouth is.  In fact, should there be another "retail" release(do this...),  I will gladly purchase game again with any additional new goodies that would exist at that time!  Definitely go the extra mile and do a jewel case for the game disc though in this hopeful future run....sleeves make me nervous even though I already just now completed my order.

Also, yo!  A semi-local!  I'm down in Henry County, GA about 45-an hour south of Atlanta.  I never would've guessed to come across a Roguelike presence around these parts, let along in GA period.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2008, 06:15:00 PM »
Hey thanks for your support, your package shipped today!

There's more game development in GA than you might think. Check out for more info, they have regular meetings and you can become a member for networking, info on local cons, etc.

So far I'm the only vocal roguelike afficionado of the group, but it would be great to have some others :)

You can also check out Legerdemain on Facebook at:

Quite a few of the fans on there are situated in and around the Metro Atlanta area.

Legerdemain - A Tale Fraught with Peril and Wonder


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Re: Legerdemain v1.0.1 now available
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2008, 01:43:54 AM »
Very interesting, I often suspected there would surely be something like this afoot in GA considering our College/Tech school populations.   Definitely something for me to keep in mind as the future rolls on.

Sure enough, quite a number of Atlanta folk fans on Facebook!  None that I know, but hey, I can't ever seem to come across any lively Roguelike and such discussion anywhere so we'll see.

Feel free to hit me up on anything at any time the notion strikes.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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