Author Topic: Roguelike bundle  (Read 6467 times)

Darren Grey

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Roguelike bundle
« on: September 13, 2012, 02:28:25 PM »
For those unaware the Roguelike Bundle release ( has been delayed to allow more polish to be added to the candidates.  We're looking now to release around Hallowe'en (though most of us will have interim ARRP releases too).  This does mean that the door is ajar for any advanced games which would like to join the bundle.  Requirements are:

 - Must be fairly polished already as there's not a great deal of time left
 - Must agree to the tenets of the bundle - open source, traditional mechanics (turn-based, permadeath, etc), no commercialisation, accessible to non-roguelikers (obviously some of these are a bit subjective)
 - Must be willing to undergo harsh scrutiny and criticism before release
 - Must be willing to dish out harsh scrutiny and criticism of other Incubator titles

Any takers?  Note that this is one RL bundle and there will likely be others in future with different requirements.


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Re: Roguelike bundle
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2012, 03:10:33 AM »
  The Halloween Bundle huh? Sweet. Maybe some of the ARRP games can clean up a bit and join.