Author Topic: Mac mini  (Read 25349 times)


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Mac mini
« on: September 07, 2012, 07:19:23 AM »
Thinking of getting Mac mini. I need something useful after buying two completely useless PC laptops (one with atom and fujitsu). I need a quiet, small regular computer (I hate laptops, now more than ever) and Mac mini is possibly the only option there is. I don't need a super powerful computer so I guess the cheapest version will be ok, but maybe with 2->4Gb memory.

I have an old non-wide screen monitor which can be a problem, but even with a new monitor the price doesn't sound too much. I'm thinking of using Studio One (daw) with Mac and possibly for something else too (writing).

Do you have anything against this or should I become a Mac assh-- I mean user.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 08:50:18 AM »
  Well Krice you seem like the type of guy that likes to be able to get at the guts of his system.

  Macs are for people that just want it to work and don't care about performance, availability of programs, etc...

  I'd never go MAC myself. For me it's like soccer. Where I'm from only the weaklings and mama's boys go that route.


PS: I'm well aware that total badasses play soccer. But not in the US. Only the kids who's mommies won't let them play football, basketball, baseball or hockey end up playing soccer. And girls.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 09:06:03 AM »
But not in the US. Only the kids who's mommies won't let them play football, basketball, baseball or hockey end up playing soccer. And girls.

The reason why soccer isn't popular in US is that you need to be fit to play it. In american football they don't run that much, just wait for someone to throw that elliptical "ball". Same with baseball, you only have to run short distances once a while.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 10:34:07 AM »
I have a Mac Mini (but running Linux, of course), that I got around seven years ago, and I'm happy about the hardware. It's not my work station any longer, but sits in the living room for watching films, casual browsing, etc. The only downside I can think of, at the top of my head, is that the thing seems welded shut, so you'll not be able to replace the optical drive when it dies on you, for instance.

Soccer? I dunno. Rugby seems much more intellectually stimulating.

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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2012, 11:17:32 AM »
only downside I can think of, at the top of my head, is that the thing seems welded shut, so you'll not be able to replace the optical drive when it dies on you, for instance.

The new model is different. It doesn't have an optical drive and there is a big round cap on the bottom side which you can open to install memory.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 11:38:04 AM »
But not in the US. Only the kids who's mommies won't let them play football, basketball, baseball or hockey end up playing soccer. And girls.

The reason why soccer isn't popular in US is that you need to be fit to play it. In american football they don't run that much, just wait for someone to throw that elliptical "ball". Same with baseball, you only have to run short distances once a while.

Actually I just told you why it's not popular here. No need to make up ignorant nonsense. It's getting much more popular all the time though. By your reasoning that would mean Americans are becoming fitter. Yep. That's what's happening. Lol.

We have a very diverse population, so there are several 'most popular' sports. Football is the biggest, but in many areas basketball or baseball are bigger. Mixed martial arts and hockey are #2 in many areas. This has been consistent since before Americans became fat as fuck. By your reasoning golf should be the most popular.

Apparently the fitness of the population has little bearing on the fitness of the athletes. The US and Britain are the least 'fit' nations on the planet, yet they did very well in the olympics. Even per capita they did better than Finland, which by all accounts is a very fit nation.

The two do not equate. On a personal note I'm fat as hell. 271 lbs.

As for getting a Mac, do you really think you be happy with one of those things?


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2012, 01:00:47 PM »
The US and Britain are the least 'fit' nations on the planet, yet they did very well in the olympics.

I think money can explain that. Finland is the second poorest country in the world after Poland so there is less chance for people to become athletes. Summer sports are also diffcult, because we have 8 month winter. It's no surprise that we are pretty good in hockey.

As for getting a Mac, do you really think you be happy with one of those things?

I guess Mac is like PC, but it's quiet and OS doesn't eat 1Gb of memory. Let's hope so anyway.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2012, 01:17:53 PM »
Finland is the second poorest country in the world after Poland so there is less chance for people to become athletes.

Poland is poorer than Burundi, Congo, and Haiti huh?  The recession in Europe must be worse than we realized! :P


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2012, 02:34:50 PM »
Finland is the second poorest country in the world after Poland so there is less chance for people to become athletes.
Poland is poorer than Burundi, Congo, and Haiti huh?  The recession in Europe must be worse than we realized! :P
Har, har. Take comfort in the fact that Krice has taken a holy vow always to write a line of code before he trolls (his version of a "swearing jar", I guess), meaning Kaduria should be released any day now ;)

As always,
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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2012, 12:41:28 AM »
  I'd never go MAC myself. For me it's like soccer. Where I'm from only the weaklings and mama's boys go that route.

PS: I'm well aware that total badasses play soccer. But not in the US. Only the kids who's mommies won't let them play football, basketball, baseball or hockey end up playing soccer. And girls.
Wow, is that how it is now? I was on a high school soccer team in the U.S. a couple decades back and broke my arm, twice (not from falling--from other guys ramming into me), tripped and hurt a hell of a lot of other guys, and the captain of the team was kicked in the face so hard he had to have reconstructive surgery when the lower half of one side of his face was smashed in. Soccer can get pretty nasty, and there were definitely no momma's boys... Guess it depends on where you are. Baseball is where the wimps were at--what a boring sport to play.

Oh, and Macs are for anyone who doesn't actually want much control over their computer. Annoying as hell... (I was forced to use them for years in an office I worked in at one point. Going back to my own PC was like... FREEEEDOM!!!)


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2012, 06:27:24 AM »
Oh, and Macs are for anyone who doesn't actually want much control over their computer. Annoying as hell... (I was forced to use them for years in an office I worked in at one point. Going back to my own PC was like... FREEEEDOM!!!)

Yeah. All Apple products are like a powder compact with a built-in display. I don't even consider them as computers. That's why there is no Mac version of Fame (and there will never be).
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2012, 04:06:26 PM »
There are PC Mac Mini-likes. Look here,

(my high school soccer team was pretty rough btw)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 04:08:03 PM by george »


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2012, 07:24:22 AM »
There are PC Mac Mini-likes.

If there was one with modern processor (i-series) and very quiet fan (laptop-like) I could be interested. But where you can find something like that?


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2012, 12:44:05 AM »


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Re: Mac mini
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2012, 03:02:00 AM »

(my high school soccer team was pretty rough btw)

Anecdotally surely plenty of tough dudes play soccer in the US. Do not mistake sweeping generalities for statements about individuals. The image of soccer in the US is that it is for candy asses. That does not mean that any individual is a candy ass. See the difference?

MAC's are for people that don't know how to use a computer. That's the generality, that does not mean that there aren't plenty of fully capable users working with Macs. Generalities say nothing about individual instances.