Amazingly, I endeavored to contact the developer of this game and got a fairly well wrought response! Here it is pasted, perhaps some folk here would like to go into this with me and we can make a thread of impressions and epic tales, help each other etc?
Thanks for your interest in Kamyran's Eye.
The game has been out for some time and is quite stable and bugfree as far as
we know.
We still maintain it too by providing updated executables on our website.
You can then also get updated installers from manifesto.
There are about 100 types of equipment, 100 other items like food, potion
ingredients, scrolls etc., 200 npcs,...
In terms of magic there are 12 main spells, 14 potion and some special
spells and magical items.
The length of the game depends on which end you choose and lies between 3
minutes (if you run away) and 20 hours for one of the longer ends.
There are quite a few optional areas that are not needed for any end...
not all of them will be included with every game world.
Some have not yet been found as far as we can tell.
A lot of gameplay also depends on what cities get destroyed, who allies
with whom etc. (influenced by luck, geography, your actions)
There is no messageboard as far as we know.
The game has been mentioned on various independent game- and roguelike outlets
and has been selling ok given how roguelikes are somewhat of a niche.
It is currently only available via Manifesto games.
Feel free to propose other services for our consideration though.
You can also get it directly through us via e.g. paypal if you want.
Hope that answers your questions.
Make sure to try the demo (downloadable from manifesto) if you haven't already.
You can also get the user manual from"
I personally plan to take the plunge sometime in the next few days or so. THIS is exactly the kind of feedback from a company one could hope for.