As an aside, the graphics in Dungeon Ascendance are scaled from 32x32 originals using hq2x and hq3x algorithms. (see At IRDC Jeff Lait mentioned that there were decent scaling algos out there for pixel art, so I had a bit of a serach. Jeff also mentioned that 32x32 was big enough to do something with scaling-wise whereas 8x8 really isn't.
Initially I just used a block nearest-neighbour resize from 32x32 to 64x64 and 96x96 which I thought looked better than bilinear or bicubic on pixel art. However, the hqnx really blow those away.
The only issues I had were that some of my GUI icons were 16x16 originally and hqnx occasionally would make circles into polygons etc.
I couldn't find an MIT license hqnx algorithm in Java, so I just prescale the assets when developing and include the scaled-up icons in the game. I have the icons arranged in lines & columns in a big bitmap in 32x32 size. I use an ImageMagick cmd line to split this into individual files, rescale each using hqnx and then use another ImageMagick cmd line to reintegrate the scaled files into a large bitmap. I do this to avoid the scaling algorithm intepolating from the border of one icon into another icon.