I can't imagine that any of my feedback could be anything more than redundant, but I downloaded and played your game. Locational damage is awesome and I think your priorities will really differentiate URR from other new Roguelikes. I'm very eager to see where it heads. So please quit your job, abandon school, let your personal life atrophy, and develop this full-time. September is a long ways away.
Haha, thanks a lot for the kind words

. Mythical creatures are going to be a very small (and entirely optional) part of the game, since I very much want to focus on making something akin to a strategy/4x game in ASCII, as well as a roguelike. My current intention is to take about a month and a bit with only minimal development (it won't stop, but I need about 20k words of thesis written in the next month and a half) and then blitz 0.2.0 in September. 0.3.0 is going to be much smaller (just mechanics like sleeping, food, drink, morale, etc) so that should be much earlier after.
Congrats on the grand fix release, here's hoping no further showstoppers emerge and you can take a well deserved sojourn to the land of everything-other-than-URR. 
Cheers getter! Typically, there was still one thing left, so I've just put out 0.1.3b. But that is genuinely the last until 0.2.0...