So I downloaded and tried a few games.
I liked the main menu first of all. After admiring it for a good 6 seconds, I pressed New Game.
I set my stats, age, and such first. Kind of wish there was a way to tell what things such as "Appearance" or "Founding" do. Also, does age do anything, or is it just there?
I moved around, but I couldn't figure out the controls other than that. After checking the controls screen, I can safely say I don't like them. Not sure why you really need to add "Shift" or "Ctrl" into so many commands. Anyway, I accepted some quest from a lady to go into her basement and kill some monsters. After going in, I tried to fire some arrows with my bow at some orcs and skeletons, but they did absolutely nothing, and the baddies ended up killing me.
In my second game, I just used a sword and killed everything with no problem. What really annoyed me is that whenever I check my inventory (i) I have to move my already comfortable right hand from the numpad over to the mouse and press the "Close" button with it. Shouldn't I just have to press "i" again to close the inventory? Oh well. Also it took me a while to figure out how to drop items. Maybe make it more obvious that the left of the inventory screen is what's on the ground? I also found a telekinesis spell, but attempting to read it told me that it's too complicated for me. Does that mean that my intelligence is too low? Or what? About a third of the doors in this dungeon triggered a trap and I never figured out how to tell if a door activates one or not.
After the lady paid me for killing all of the baddies in her basement, I accepted another quest from some guy to deliver something to some mining camp. I went through a few wilderness levels, until I finally died to some green things named something that started with "T".
For my third life I decided to go north to the tower on my map. After just running through 10 or so levels without any problems I entered a new level that made an error pop up on my screen. It said that it couldn't load some npc script or something, and upon pressing "Ok" it closed my game.
Something that makes the game incredibly easy when going through the wilderness is that enemies cannot pass to other levels. So if you can quickly run through a level then the enemies don't have enough time to reach you.
I found some rocks with paint(?) on them, but I didn't know how to mine them, if I even could, so I continued onward. I found some sort of snow fortress, which was neat. One thing that I like about this game is the the amount of things hidden around the wilderness. It really encourages exploration. I continued exploring until the error popped up again and the game crashed.
More games, more exploring, more errors and crashes. Is this happening to anyone else?

Other than that, I really recommend adding some sort of tutorial with a test level or something that shows how the game works for new players.
What did I like? Well the menu for one thing. Other than that, exploring was actually pretty fun. Some people may hate this, but I liked that the world was not randomly generated. It made for a much more directed adventure with a much more defined goal (Not that I played enough to figure out what that goal was). This is probably the only roguelike I've played that has its own world editor with its own programming language. There's a lot to like in this game, but too bad that it kept crashing on me.