Hey all!
For some time now, I've been creating a new roguelike named "Left Field Hotel".
(Out of Left Field - An idiom meaning "suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction; not expected or prepared for")
Anyway, the game is a survival horror roguelike set in a hotel. The game currently starts off with you waking up from bed in your hotel room to find that everyone else has disappeared. The hotel is empty...mostly.
I'm removing the download. The game has been completed and no longer needs any kind of testing. I'll continue to fix things up until the ARRL this September.
There is only one enemy right now. This enemy cannot be hurt and you are forced to hide and run from it. If it finds you, it will follow you around and even break down doors over time if they are in the way.
What's Else Is There?
The game includes a fairly complex damage system (at least in my opinion). There are 4 areas of damage. Head, Torso, Arms, and Legs. Each of these categories have many subcategories. Heads have eyes, nose, ears, mouth, forehead, temples, and other parts. Arms and Legs can be severed as well as other features. You are able to hold your breath (and faint if you hold it for too long), become paralyzed, and much more.
There is an option to hurt and/or kill yourself with whatever is in your hands. The most damaging items right now are the Knife and the Hammer.
Unlike usual roguelikes where the player is able to see around them, in Left Field Hotel you are able to see any tile that has light on it. Light is able to combine and become more bright if there are multiple light sources around.
All of the tiles in the game were created by me. The "?" Enemy is inspired from other artwork however. (If you know a bit about SCP's I think you'll guess what it is

Things To Add
The world outside the hotel mostly right now. It will mainly be part of the storyline that will make sense once I add certain items and events into the game.
Here's an example of a lamp lighting the area around it. You can see a balcony and an open window as well as some objects in the room.