Regarding finding time to work on things. I find that 'finding time' is mostly a function of will.
Not saying that you are weak willed. Please do not thing I am saying that. What I find is that when someone tells me they are having trouble finding the time they are really talking about priorities. They are taking about lacking the will to shift their priorities.
Again I'm not trying to be a huge asshat here. There are plenty of those folks around without me engaging in that.
I like your game as is. I loved dodging those tree bastards and blasting shit down. Is there sound in your game? I seem to remember hearing the pleading of my foes as I skewered them.
What I am saying is that if you really dig your game, then you'll have the will to shift things around so you can finish it.
The problem is that most games take about a bazillion more hours to finish than one would think they should. Starts. Restarts. Testing. Public testing which leads to restarts...etc...
You think you are making a 7DRL but then you wind up with a monster.
I guess my real advice is to make a game, the game, you are happy with. Then fix the bugs.
Good luck Darren. I love your games. Sorry I've given any specific advice. Just meta advice. I guess I'm in a cheer leading mood. :-) SMILEY!

EDIT: My goodness there were so many typos in that post. It was pretty heartfelt so I'll leave it as is. Still...too many errors. A 'GUNFIST' amount of errors you might say. :-)