Okay. Got it going on my laptop. Note I have not read the above feedback, so this may be redundant.
I don't really 'get it' yet.
-So what are the buttons? I've pressed all of them. 'L' i think is a look command, but it seemed like an arrow/ranged firing command. '/' changes my color and the name of the area from Caves of Dusk to Caves of Duske (the 'e' is white). I think this means I am changing stances.
-Okay I think I was wrong. I have several colors...white, brown, blue, grey and purple. White stance puts me in Duske, the others are 'Dusk' only.
-I'm pretty sure this game is all about stances, so I think these colors are stances. No idea what they do yet. Looking above I may have hit 'u' trying to figure out the controls. I may have erred in doing this.
-I was thinking I'd have qweasd hex control. I don't. Going with mouse.
-Okay looks like I'm raging. Raging: 44. Yes I am switching stances with the '/' key. But I only figured out that key because I was looking for the help key. Lol. I can hover over it and see what stance I'm in. But the only letter that will show is the white 'e' for Temple Stance.
-I figure Temple is my holy or healing stance. I'll stick with it. I'm one shotting everyone anyway.
-Note to self. Do not double click on your character when on the stairs. You'll not descend. You'll just cycle through 2 turns and the baddies will wail on you.
-Auto descend when over stairs? Please?
-Switched to Rogue stance...built up rage to 10/10 but then it shifted to 15/1? I think I need 100/1
-Okay. I'm starting to get it. The game is about figuring out what stance to be in at what time. Each stance does different moves.
-Oh shit I"m enraged. My guy is bleeding up. Wait those are flames. Flames of rage. I'm so pissed...So what?
-Oh shit tool tips say I get to a rage passive and a rage targetted. I'm thinking that 'L' was not a 'look' command but maybe a targetting deal. Lemme see...Rogue stance, target on that huge 'D'...huh...nothing....
-Okay I clicked on the 'D' when it was adjacent and I like warped or something. And things died. And I'm happy about that. But I dont' know wtf just happened.
-Seems like it's pretty easy to set up baddies so I get the first hit. Good feature. I like having the first hit when I can one shot everything.
-Oh man I'm at the Tilde level! Water? It's called the Stygian Vale(le) now. White 'le'. Now the name changes depeding on my stance.
Temple = Valele (white 'le')
Rogue = Valee (brown 'e')
Shadow = Valeow (blue 'ow')
Death = Valeh (grey 'h')
Chaos = Vales (purple 's')
-I'm sticking with Valele. Temple stance.
-Shit I beat it! The last guy, a purple '&' morphed into the stairs or something when I beat his ass.
-Okay so I'm back in the PurganonTemple. The 'Temple' part is white so I think that's probably my stance. Tested it, yep. It's the stance. Not the location. I get full stance words now, chaos, shadow, rogue, etc...Each word in the correct color. There's no space in between the words for stance and location.
-Day Dream Forest Time!
-Not doing well. Down to 10 life. Can't really figure out what stance I'm in. I guess I can go by color of my '@'. I think Daydream Forest is covering my stance text.
-Running from Treants because they self report as 'invincible'. I believe them. I run. :-)
-Are these Fey ('F') shooting me! CHARGE!
-I just windshielded a 'birther'. Note that in the US a birther is someone that does not believe our president was born within the borders of the US. So this invalidates his presidency (you have to be born within our borders to serve as president, you can hold any other position no problem, but presidential birth must be within our borders). People bring this up because our president's name is African in origin. Mine is English in origin, and no one questions me. I think you can see the underlying racist/ignorant bullshit going on there.
-I'm having the grandest of times blowing the shit out of birthers. Fuck them.
-Critique - It seems I can always move a to a space one space away from enemies. This allows me to nearly always get a shot off first and gain health from it. If there is more than one enemy I can back up until only one ends up being adjacent. Is that a quirk of hex? So far I like the hex grid. Just seems like I'm easily able to line up a kill shot.
-I'm losing health in this forest only due to misclicks.
-When I hover over a baddie to click him to death the tool tips always pop up. This is distracting and annoying. This is a feature of the T-Engine. I don't like it. It gets in my way. Can you lower the tool tip 20 or 30 pixels? So it doesn't obscure the target?
-Well. I'm stuck. There are 'T' (ents) blocking my path that won't move. Couple of thousand clicks and they dont' move. I tried 'chaos' stance to teleport, but it doesn't work with ends I guess since you can't get near them. I was hoping for a OH SHIT SHADOW STANCE!!!! That got them moving. Turn invisible, they move, then you can go back to a visible stance and they move again. So here I go, onward!
-Soulbirth Glade...feel my wrath.
-Lol, I just died. A couple of moves into Soulbirth Glade.
-I hope this little log helped you Darren.