Author Topic: Diablo III Released  (Read 14685 times)


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Re: Diablo III Released
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2012, 12:25:53 AM »
Part of the disconnect perhaps stems from how Incredibly different a direction Blizzard went in for DIII versus, say, the various ambitious community mods that slowly managed to crop up over the many years, often having to dodge around patches and all sorts of nonsense.  D1 to DII was a progression on a few fronts, and based on the mods, what folks were hankering for was more and different and deeper----really it parallels the whole vanilla Angband and the many variants syndrome.  People wanted more of the sorts of things that "If Only.." Blizzard would pay more attention to the post release support after the LoD expansion that the sky was the limit, yet they were derailed by their pesky other projects like Starcraft and WoW.  Whereas Angband eventually garnered the likes of Quickband, something like Sil, and currently a Minimalband sifting things out----I'm not aware offhand of any "streamlining" or reductionist stuff for D2 or D1.

Based on what I've seen, Blizzard has either outright cut much in the way of variety, like the shrines and quest rewards for instance, or structured things in such a way as the bulk of the payoff and decision making is rather backloaded.   Given the RMA scheme, one can't help but reckon this is rather intentional to keep people playing, as the longer somebody plays to get to a groove of satisfaction the more likely they will at least "sample" the auction house and potentially get hooked as the potential revenue stream for it astounding considering the current sales figures that put it in the neighborhood of already 6 million+.

Given the massive dev period, and general literacy capabilities, Blizzard obviously had a pulse on the community clamor for all of these years and yet chose this model to adopt...perhaps with ample "suggestion" from the Activision side of things.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Diablo III Released
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2012, 06:37:13 AM »
Like it if you want, but don't label others elitist for picking out obvious flaws.

We have to divide between two things:

1. Game mechanics of the typical Hack and Slash genre, as defined by the 1st Diablo
2. Diablo 3 as latest member of this genre

What I wanted to say is that sometimes it is a feeling (just a feeling, unbound to any specific person) that the RL scene tends to behave a little elitist in regard to 1. Not necessarily here, but also in the many "Is Diablo a rl?" threads in the past, in the newsgroups. It usually pointed out tha the Hack and Slash genre once was influenced by roguelikes, but has sacrificed complexity for commercial success.

My impression is simply that some rl people don't like it, if games clearly influenced by roguelikes, but with less complexity are commercially more successful than true rls with lots of complexity. See also the discussions on Dungeons of Dredmor.

That Diablo 3 has its own flaws and may be even shallow within its own genre is another question and may well be true :)
-- LR: The Book of Stars graphical roguelike RPG

Darren Grey

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Re: Diablo III Released
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2012, 07:52:12 AM »
Yeah, I agree there are elitist dicks that seem to want to be as exclusive as possible. But thankfully I think there are more voices around these days to defend the likes of Torchlight or Dungeons of Dredmor (not that either game is perfect, but they're both better than many popular traditional roguelikes).


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Re: Diablo III Released
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2012, 08:10:43 AM »
Yeah, I agree there are elitist dicks that seem to want to be as exclusive as possible. But thankfully I think there are more voices around these days to defend the likes of Torchlight or Dungeons of Dredmor (not that either game is perfect, but they're both better than many popular traditional roguelikes).

Agreed :)
-- LR: The Book of Stars graphical roguelike RPG