Author Topic: Haunts: The Manse Macabre (going open'ish, public stuff out there)  (Read 9594 times)


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Not a full on roguelike but it seems like it would be appealing to the general community.

A game that takes place in a haunted mansion that is randomly generated and it's turn based. The artwork looks very cool.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 03:53:44 AM by getter77 »


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 01:06:40 AM »
Interesting...and damn surprising that they are writing it in Go apparently alongside one of the longer Kickstarter period's I've seen yet---30 days had been the norm for most projects.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 01:22:14 AM »
This looks really cool.  I love the humor in the video :P

Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 09:32:40 PM »
Yeah, the video was actually pretty entertaining to watch. I watched it a few times just cause of the humor.


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 10:22:31 AM »
Just pledged myself. I really hope this one gets more attention and makes it's goal. It's just barely halfway.


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2012, 05:25:37 PM »

So....things sort of went screaming off the rails here and the project is in some substantial degree of peril despite the successful funding, though they are working at it in various ways as per the latest 2 updates which broke the news.   Still....not a helpful state of affairs for a project to find itself in----likely to cast a deepening shadow of suspicion on the whole of crowd funding projects to come warranted or not.  : /
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2012, 08:20:29 AM »
  Yeah this is pretty high profile failure. Could chill donations in the future. Sad.


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2012, 04:27:00 PM »
-likely to cast a deepening shadow of suspicion on the whole of crowd funding projects to come warranted or not.  : /

People are operating under the misconception that if they pledge money to a Kickstarter they're buying a game.
They're not.

"Kickstarter" does not equal "long-ass-wait pre-order".

Too bad about this game though. I hope they manage to negotiate something and finish it. Seemed like something cool.
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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2012, 09:49:57 AM »
  Yeah, this seemed pretty far along, hopefully someone can put something together worthy of a release.


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Re: Haunts: The Manse Macabre (going open'ish, public stuff out there)
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2012, 03:55:10 AM »
Weird progress...but progress:

We have a plan!

We’re going to finish developing Haunts: The Manse Macabre as an Open Source project. The source code has been open from the beginning, but now we’re going to fully embrace open development model and making the game entirely open source. We’ve had about thirty programmers from a variety of backgrounds, including many proficient in Go, who have stepped forward and offered to help finish the game. We’re still in the process of setting up the infrastructure for issue tracking, source control, documentation wikis, and other tools necessary before we can begin in earnest, but we hope to have that all up and running within the next week or two.

Today I sent out a survey to all the interested programmers who’ve contacted me to get a better idea of what people are interested in working on and how much time they’ll have. We’ll be appointing some interim release managers in the short run and then working together to elect those positions. If you’re interested in being included in the survey now, contact me through Kickstarter. But anyone will be able to help out once we get started, we'll need programmers with a variety of skills and interests, testers and more.

If you'd like to join the crew, just fill this survey out:
Blue Mammoth is still interested in the project, but their involvement will come once the game is much closer to finished, and will be to facilitate the retail release, get copies out to our backers, and help promote and distribute the final game. Someone from Blue Mammoth will probably have a finger in helping out on the development side, but getting this game finished will be up to the community of volunteers.

There are still a ton of details to be figured out about the licensing (we may end up adopting a slightly different open license if it needs to be more open), credit, business model, etc. Plus setting up the issues list, organize the priorities for what needs to get done, establishing a public knowledge base, and more. This is just the beginning, but I’m excited about where it’s going and enthusiastic as hell about the support we’re getting.


Austin is finishing up the inking on the caricatures and those should be out to backers this week.

Additionally, based on backer S.D.'s excellent suggestion, he's working up some cool Haunts themed wallpaper images for both desktops and mobile devices, which will be out for Halloween.
In The News

We've gotten a lot of press coverage, most of it in the general vein of, "Look, see, Kickstarter projects can go bad, so be careful!" I think that's a fair and useful point to make. But we're committed to being the follow-up story. You know, the underdog who comes back from the brink of collapse and proves a resounding success!

Here's one nice piece I wanted to share with you.

I've also done a few interviews, including one for a radio show that podcasts their episodes. That should run next week, and I'll share the link with you when I get it.

And the new project site of sorts:

Happy Halloween!

Well, not as happy as we had originally planned, but happier than I feared it would be. I want to thank all of you for sticking with us and for all the kindness and support you've offered in the past few weeks. It's been just plain amazing.

 We're figuring out the whole open source development thing - if you want to pop over and take a look at the project's site, it's here:

 As a token of our thanks and as a Halloween treat, Austin has put together some cool wallpapers based on Haunts - there's one for the denizens and one for the intruders, as well as some more understated backgrounds that are suitable for cell phones and tablets. You can (and should!) download them from the version of this post on our Web site, here:

Go scare someone!

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training