Author Topic: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn  (Read 15110 times)


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Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:06:52 PM »
  Been working on this for far too long. Finally getting it out there. I'm a bit burnt out on it to be honest.

  It's a dungeon crawl style card game. I was going to put together a computer interface. Maybe some other time. For now it's a straight up old school card game. Graphics by David Gervais from his AngbandTK sets.

  Print on card stock and go nuts.

Updated Link July 2013


EDIT: Here is the original game, version 1.0.

Chex Warrior

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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 08:33:48 PM »
Cool glad to see this got finished, will definitely play this as soon as I can.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 12:11:39 AM »
Thanks for it, I printed and played it with a friend and had a good time.

Not sure though how the Battleaxe works.
I made it work like this: "if there are more enemies in the room, just roll against the one with the highest power (randomize if necessary) and just read its description as well; if you win, all of them are hit".. is it as you intended it to be?

Nice game buddy.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.

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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 12:18:06 AM »
Hmm, must remember to print this out for IRDC...


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 01:12:49 AM »
@Skeletor regarding the Battleaxe.

  What was I thinking? I dunno. :-)

  Conceptually the goal is to have the axe swing wide and kill everyone in the room.

  So say there are monsters with power 7,5 and 3. Apply your attack roll to all of them. So if your attack roll plus bonus is, say, a 6, then the 2 weaker monsters die (assuming they can be hit by a melee weapon).

  It's a dangerous move, because if you miss then you are affected by all 3 baddies. Not just one. So if you miss all three then you must discard 3 cards and take all negative effects of all 3 baddies.

  So one roll, apply it to all monsters in the room, and take all negative impacts from all misses all at once instead of the standard one on one duels of the current system.

  I think originally I wanted all fights to be gang fights. Like the monsters would all gang up on you. If I go for another card game perhaps the monsters will be sort of like that, but instead of a gang attack the cards would stack up to the equivalent of one monster. So instead of drawing 3 monsters, you'd draw 3 body parts. Head, Body and Feet. The monster would behave and have attacks based on it's make up. Like the Chimera, or Griffin and any number of other Greek bifurcate/trifurcate monsters.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 05:44:55 AM »
Hmm, must remember to print this out for IRDC...

  One goal of the game was that it could be played on a small airplane tray table. I had in mind people traveling to IRDC and needing a little distraction on the plane.

  I can imagine the scene...

[on an airplane, a woman sits by a nerdish young man. He is playing a cheaply built card game]

Woman: So what game is that? Uno?
Man: Actually it's an amateur attempt at a card based Roguelike.

Woman: Roguelike?
Man: A type of computer game...from the 80's.

[Woman's eyes glaze over. She goes back to starring at the new Lindsey Lohan movie, content in the superiority of her life choices. The man smiles and draws three cards. Frowns. Dies again.]



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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2012, 09:26:25 AM »
Gang fights.. very interesting.

Yes, this way the battle axe is not only more fun but also a bit more balanced than how I thought it was working.

Man, I hope you keep doing those game.

You're the kind of dude I'd choose to be with in a desert island over a hot chick, haha.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 09:37:34 AM »
  Well thank you Skeletor. I was thinking of doing a sci fi version. A sort of take off of Space Hulk.

  I also had the idea of doing some themed dungeon expansions. We'll see. I have a ton of time on my hands and no real we'll see.

  Truth be told this game about burned me out. The current version isn't play tested too completely, but I tested and designed so many failed system leading up to the current version I just want to tear my hair out.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 10:12:22 AM »
  As far as the whole desert island scenario. I'm in!
  We could make cards out of leaves for our entertainment. Hunt. Fish. Eat coconuts. Get a tan.

  Sounds like the perfect life to me man.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 03:48:50 PM »
Ditto! Always been thinking about it. I like sun, the ocean and of course roleplaying/tabletop/math/tactical games more than anything else so it'd be really the perfect life for me to be in such a situation with likeminded people with some survival skill as well.

Anyway, been playing the game on solo.. still nice, but just realized how often I manage to achieve the uber-tank.. probably you should balance some aspects.

For instance, here's my first solo game where I ended up slaying almost every monster in the dungeon.. I have to say I had a good start.. metal cuirass (+3 armor), wizard robe (+1 with and against magic attacks) and fire wand (+5 fire magic attack, discard if you get 1); after a couple of turns I find a Bauble of Mirth (allows to reroll any 1), so I thought "how lucky, here's a permanent +6" and that would have been pretty impressive but guess what.. I got 1 fighting the Rust Monster (5) guarding it.. so I still managed to kill it but no big deal with the bauble.. until two rooms later I found the Fire Wand guarded by a Hydra and a Floater; couldn't think of a better use for my Scroll of Sleep so from that point on everything went pretty smooth.. no need to roll against any monster under 11 (Cold Wand +5, Bauble of Mirth guaranteeing a minimal throw of 2, Metal Cuirass granting armor until 10..) and I also had the awesome Hide Boots (they maybe need to be nerfed.. 100% permanent trap avoidance basically means you can ignore half of the dangers).
The only (minor) issues have been a Naga (immune to cold attack) but being just a 5 I had no problems to slice it with my long sword.. and an Ice Monster who caused a little bit more troubles (I couldn't flee, it was tough, and immune to cold of course) but at that point I had so many unnecessary cards I could discard that after some turns I finally got the roll I needed.

I don't know, you should definitely balance things.. maybe the monsters could be strenghtened and/or the armor system changed. Like instead of a fixed bonus, having the any protective equipment granting a chanche to avoid a discard.. dunno, but how as it is sometimes it makes already strong builds absolutely unvulnerable (with a +3 battle axe, a +4 armor metal plated suit and +1 armor metal helmet, that dragon can hit me only if I roll a 1!) (well, actually I got a 1 and got my ass kicked).
Three ideas for this could be:
a- changing the way they work from damage resistance to passive defence.. e.g. an helmet grants a 1/6 chanche to avoid the discard every time you get hit, the steel cuirass a 3/6, etc; they don't add up anyway; any piece grants a different dice throw
b- making them break when rolling 1s, no matter how the battle were supposed to end
c- making the game 2d6(or 3d6) based instead of 1d6? or maybe 1d10, 1d12 or 1d20?
d- adding a sort of "stealth factor" penalizing players who carry heavy equipments or huge amount of items by making them more noisy when going around therefore increasing the number of cards in every room?
e- adding critical hits (6) and fumbles (1); no matter which enemy you're fighting against, they always respectevly win and lose

Now some questions:
1- on wizard robe + fire wand: if I get 1 I still get the +5 on that roll before discarding it, right?
2- and, does the 1 becomes a 2 because of the wizard robe thus preventing the wand to fizzling? I thought it'd still fizzle notwithstanding the +1 to the final value
3- how does one flees out of the dungeon? When there aren't anymore cards?
4- when a Jackal barks, what happens to revealed items? do they get discarded like traps, or just get shuffled back in the deck?
5- do bow and metal plated suit go in combo? like you can flee right after you fire the "free" shot with the bow?
6- the metal plated suit says that you can't leave the room until you fight at least one round.. I have this room with a slime (2) and a dragon (10), can I just kick the slime ass and flee away?
7- temporal trap while playing solo.. the previous room is "summoned" again with all its traps and monsters? so they need to be killed again to get points? what about items? are they putted back in that room? and what about the item and monster in the temporal trap room, do they get discarded? for instance, what happens if: in a room I see a poisonous trap, a moblin and a sword, I get hit by the trap and lose 2 cards but then kill the moblin and take the sword.. then next room temporal trap and two items?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 04:22:40 AM by Skeletor »
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2012, 07:37:38 AM »
  If I were to release another version the monsters would be buffed up a bit, with more immunities and more 'ignores armor' types of things.

  As for your questions...

1. It's not too clear by the rules what a fizzling wand does. Basically it's a failed attack. Nothing happens. You've lost the round no matter what you rolled.
2. Discard according to what is rolled on the die, not the final tally after bonuses.
3. The game ends when you die, there are no more cards or you just decide to quit (flee the dungeon).
4. Keep adding item cards to the room. You can get seriously stacked room this way.
5. Yes. And remember some enemies, those with ranged weapons, can engage at bow range.
6. Yes. You can choose who to fight...I think I'll add monsters that you HAVE to fight first if I do an expansion.
7. This is a tough one. I thought about not including this trap because it's hard to administer...basically you reset your game back to the previous 'room'. Reshuffle all things in the current room back into the deck (except the trap). So if you found the goat horn in the last room and defeated the dragon for it you have to go back and do it again. Replay your last turn exactly.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2013, 08:30:18 AM »
Updated the download link, that's all.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2013, 03:48:39 PM »
For what it's worth. I'd love to see a computer version.  :)


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2013, 02:23:36 AM »
Yeah me to. Feel free to make it.  :-)

I totally stalled out on that project... :-\

I tend to start many projects and never finish.


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Re: Cardlike 2.0 - Quest for the Goat Horn
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 05:36:16 PM »
Yeah me to. Feel free to make it.  :-)

I totally stalled out on that project... :-\

I tend to start many projects and never finish.

Actually, I just got an app called CardWarden for my iPad that lets you import cards from images and play them in a virtual space, so I'm gonna check out your game with it. :)