Author Topic: ASCII Sector (Now at v0.7.2 RC)  (Read 5578 times)


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ASCII Sector (Now at v0.7.2 RC)
« on: March 30, 2012, 01:43:10 PM »
Close enough!   8)

Ascii Sector is a free space combat/exploration/trading game for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. You start with a simple spaceship and can then accept missions or trade goods to earn enough money to upgrade your ship or buy a new one.

You can engage in deadly fights both in space, on the ground and on board spaceships, and using the Ascii Sector scripting language, you can create your own quests for the game or have fun with other players' quests.


- Fixed crashing bug when the wingman flies into an asteroid.
- Fixed bug with mission text from the Quine bleeding over into character dialogues.
- Fixed infinite loop when using 'Take All' from the ground after an item had been swapped from one of your inventory slots onto the ground because you picked up an item and all your slots where full.
- Fixed bug with gibberish in unused savegame slots if you've checked the sector trade info before accessing the 'Save' page of the Quine.
- Fixed bug that caused hostile NPCs on ships to always be grey.
- Fixed the twitching mouse cursor when aiming if the game window doesn't have focus or is minimized.
- Fixed issue with "rescue ejected pilot" missions failing if you jump out of the system the pilot is in without having rescued the pilot.
- Fixed minor bug that allowed you to move when your inventory weight was exactly 100 -- but only when on a ship.
- The game now automatically pauses when minimized.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 12:56:18 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: ASCII Sector (Now at v0.7.2 RC)
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 12:57:11 AM »
v0.7.2   8)
Here's the release candidate for v0.7.2. Please let me know if you have any issues. And also please confirm if any previous issued you had have been fixed. Thanks! ;D

UPDATE January 23rd:
- Fixed movie player menu crashing when there are more than 90 movie files in the movie folder.
- Fixed automatically switching positions with NPCs. Now doesn't automatically switch positions with mission characters as well as stunned and captured characters.
- The first time you land on a base where you have to deliver a message or item to a character, a message will tell you about using 'L' to look for the mission character.

- Fixed attacking character with a blocked path or unable to find a path to you saving up time units and then unleashing a flurry of attacks.
- Fixed bug when calculating time left before mission expires.
- Fixed mission characters spawning in inaccessible spot on Basin.
- Fixed "Pirate/Confed Controlled" being written on top of "(Casino Ship)" for Adavene.
- Fixed an issue with the window size not setting correctly when going from fullscreen to window.
- You can now pay your fines at Port Newton Capital Planet.
- You now automatically switch positions with random NPCs without having to hold down 'S'.
- Added keypad support for setting hand grenade delay.
- If you're about to jump into a system with nowhere to refuel and you only have 1 jump fuel left, the game will now inform you that you will be stranded and ask for confirmation before you jump.
- You now start the game with an afterburner.
- Added switching between windowed/fullscreen with Alt+Enter back in (was accidentally removed in previous version).
- More precise sleep time between frames.
- Added info in the options menu that informs you that having v-sync on will cap the game speed.
- Changed the introduction dialogue to the Merchants' Guild to make it clear that you have to buy the commodities yourself.
- On Linux, changed all the game's file paths back to the game folder, as there were issues with using best practice file paths.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: ASCII Sector (Now at v0.7.2 RC)
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 01:54:47 AM »
Whaaaat? I don't belive that! Last months are so awesome for roguelike world!