Author Topic: 7DRL Success: Fragile Wrath  (Read 5708 times)


  • 7DRL Reviewer
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7DRL Success: Fragile Wrath
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:23:03 AM »
Win32 and Mac OS X intel x86 binaries are available here:

To Mac OS X users: do not try to run it from dmg. Copy it to
writable directory please.

To Windowns users: the same request, copy it somewhere where it
can create file in own directory.

To Linux users: I have used some C++11 features in the code, but
the only available to me linux box has too old compiler.
It is possible to compile the game under linux.
I just can't do this at the moment.
Win32 version probably will work with wine.

This is an attempt to bring beat'em'up spirit into roguelike.

Here are short instructions:
Technically you have only one hit point.
But your attacks do paralyze demons for several turns.
While demon is white - it is paralyzed.
When it is black - it is ready for attack.
There are three combo meters:
wrath - filled while attacking
move - filled while moving
zen - filled while standing still
combo moves for last two combo meters are not available at start and
must be unlocked with items.
It is relatively simple to just kill demons, but you need to collect
soul shard that they drop upon death. You need shards to unlock new
wrath combos and upgrade old.

I had to cut a lot of features in order to complete it in time.
But as a playable proof of concept it is success.
IMO gameplay like this should revolve around ambush-like behavior of monsters.
I had in plans 4x4 boss with some randomly generated movement and
attack patterns. But failed to fit it in time frame.

Have fun and good luck!


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Re: 7DRL Success: Fragile Wrath
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 11:37:15 AM »
Interesting concept---at least on that level it already seems far superior to, say, how Brawlers currently work in ToME 4.   Definitely hope you continue with this post-competition and get to all the things that got cut for time.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training