we have released a new version of Hokuto no Rogue.
You can download it from:
http://hokuto-no-rogue.sourceforge.net/This is an important release because we focused on the story instead of game mechanics and I have to say we are really satisfied of the results. If you want to have fun with this release make a Custom character, follow the storyline and try to defeat "the Colonel". You will not regret.

Here is the changelog:
ver. 0.6.0 (3/17/2012)
- fixed bug in Hokuto Nishi Shinku Ha
- Addedd Colonel
- Addedd Mad Sarge
- GodLand structure complete
- Added GodLand events
- Added quest "kill colonel"
- Added quest "free captives"
- Added option: "characters animation" (needs restart or change level to take effect)
- Added feature: show static pictures in events
- Added weapon: boomerang
- Modified: choices list are now circulars
- Modified: 'enter' key now works on every weapon type
- Minor BugfixingEnjoy!