Author Topic: Riot Police beating down MINORS in Spain.  (Read 8906 times)


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Riot Police beating down MINORS in Spain.
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:27:12 AM »


Spanish riot police is courageous enough to crack down on HIGH SCHOOL students!

During the last week several protests have been held by students against ravenous buget cuts on public education.

Bear in mind that these student protests ARE NOT coming from an university context. They are coming from a high school context. These are 12~17 year old younglings, not your run-of-the mill so called antisystem radicals.

We're not talking about cuts on fancy stuff either - these high school students are finding themselves without HEATING or even without ELECTRICAL POWER.

Police sources claim there are around eleven injuried riot policemen,  but they probably strained an elbow or something while swinging their batons, because there's no footage whatsoever of these  students attacking the riot police. What there IS footage of is police giving good ol' cane medicine to minors, and the police Director General of the Valencian Community calling these students "their enemies".

This is happening in the Valencian Community - or "PaĆ­s ValenciĆ " as they fancy themselves to be called, the most indebted autonomic community, largely due to it's long and outrageous history of corruption and embezzlement. So the money that should pay these students' heat and electrical power is by now, probably gone in paying some high-ass public official's whores and coke.

Here are some video links for your enjoyment  :-*

(The poster isn't affiliated in any way to the protesters and this post expresses solely his own opinion)
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Re: Riot Police beating down MINORS in Spain.
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 07:08:24 PM »
This is very bad  :'(

As always,
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Re: Riot Police beating down MINORS in Spain.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2012, 06:36:42 PM »
Real heroes, those policemen.
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Re: Riot Police beating down MINORS in Spain.
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 08:39:49 AM »
That's the way people handle that stuff in south. It's always funny to think if the same would happen here in north which doesn't. We don't protest in streets and police is not kicking our ass. We handle things more intelligent way. Still, the way EU is stealing our money will possibly cause more protests even here.