Author Topic: CyberRogue 0.0.6 r41 Released!  (Read 5756 times)


  • Rogueliker
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CyberRogue 0.0.6 r41 Released!
« on: July 18, 2008, 07:41:57 AM »
Funky Ferryman

- Firearms now work to shoot targets (manual targetting only) (bug: Can "kill" a target but it doesn't die, fixed in r42)
- Inventory management now takes place in the "non-action" part of the screen - you can still see the map while you fiddle around in your pack.
- Damage is dependant on weapon (fists do stun damage, firearms do hit damage, melee weapons depend on style, so a knife will do kill, a bat will do stun)

- Armour - currently stun damage is mitigated by your stun defense, but hit damage is completely unmitigated
- Skill improvement - skills are now visible in r42 (all 4 of them!) and each time you successfully use one it is improved (to go from level 0 to level 1 takes 10 good uses, 1 to 2 takes 20, etc. upto 9 to 10 takes 100 - 450 successes makes you a god, right? - liable to change)
- Auto-targetting - haven't quite got my head around this yet... I need to work out which monster is closest and "tag" it, cut currently monsters don't know what square they're standing on, only the map knows what is standing on which square. Edit: No wait, I'm a moron... Monsters do know where they're standing or they wouldn't be able to whale on you...
- Further ideas yet to be put down in words...

Source and Windows binary: Downloads

I'm still looking for a suitable name - I couldn't think of one back when I tried making CPRL (and failed), and CR is really just a shortening of that. I can't use ShadowRun... EdgeRunner? That's something from CyberPunk 2020, also sounds like crashRun... All suggestions happily taken (my creative juices are a little dry right now).
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 02:05:16 PM by Scautura »
Duct tape is like the Force - it has a Dark side, a Light side, and it holds the Universe together.