saves are incompatible!)
-You may now choose from four different death penalties during character creation!
-A town is placed under the player after world generation. (Will be changed later.)
-Sleeping at the Inn no longer leaves you with a grogginess effect.
-Corrected log message order for skullbomb explosion and waking up.
-Trees no longer appear on invalid tiles.
-Some objects now refer to the player by name when used, rather than “You…”
-The effects of drowsiness are now far more severe. You become even slower and less accurate. Your concentration will drain. And your brawn will be halved.
-Fixed a bug that disabled objects (like stairs) that were supposed to be usable while being stood on.
-The game now has black borders in fullscreen to keep the aspect ratio.
-The value of random contemplation and rejuvenation modifiers has been slightly reduced and proc ten times less often.
-Reduced the amount of cashews that appear.
-Reduced the weight of later-tier shields.
-The arrow keys can now also be used to control the camera.
-Fixed a bug that allowed certain NPC’s to sleep when they shouldn’t be able to.
-Enemies that are not greater than half your level no longer yield any experience points.
-The number of experience points you earn is now reported by the message log.
-Fixed a bug that caused the view to shift out of bounds when entering a cave/dungeon from the surface.
-There are now caves littered around the world.
-You can no longer switch to the world map while an actor has you targeted for combat.
-Characters get a +1 rejuvenation bonus while sleeping.
For those curious as to what this project is about that might not venture to the Early Dev forum: of David Collins:
It still has a long way to go, but I've reached the point in development where I'm confident enough to start showing things off to a larger audience. Maybe I'll even gather a group of people who'll give good feedback. Clarion is still under heavy development, and not even 10% of the planned features are in yet, so keep up with the blog if this seems like your kind of game.
Here are the main features.
-Turn-based roguelike gameplay, with some quirky mechanics thrown in like "concentration" and "botch".
-Developed by an artist-and-programmer in one! The graphics serve the gameplay with an easily-readable cartoony presentation.
-Intuitive controls and UI. Forget that mess of hotkeys and endless menus.
-Large procedurally-generated world. Go dungeon diving, run along the coast, or explore a desert, and much more.
-Sound effects and voice acting. Catchy music by Blue Warrior:
-A unique setting and story. Replace orcs, dwarves, and elves with screaming wurms, apes, and dinosaur men.
-Edible money!
-Emergent A.I. allows characters to get tired and go to sleep in beds, run away when injured, use doors, use any skill in the game, and do almost anything the player can.
Powered by Game Maker, so generally Windows only beyond giving WINE and such a shot perhaps.
Nice to see another release so soon.