Author Topic: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.12!)  (Read 14361 times)


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PWMAngband (now at v1.1.12!)
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:00:57 PM »

For those unfamiliar with PWMAngband, it's a multiplayer real-time variant of Angband based on MAngband 1.1.2 with additions from ToME (features from the time it was still called PernAngband, but without the Pern references) and a few personal additions: new races, classes, monsters and items.

Six bloody months since last release... this has been a while! And finally...

New PWMAngband 1.1.8 (aka build 1) released!

The 1.1.8 version is a milestone version... it ports many features from the Angband 3.3.x series, and even some features and fixes from the 3.4 development version. This includes new dungeon rooms and levels (caverns, labyrinths, ...), new level feelings, multiple pval system finally complete, more consistent resistances, many item tweaks, more dangerous mimics (they *really* mimic items now -- be VERY careful with innocent swords lying around in the dungeon, they may eat you!)... and many other gameplay changes. Macros no longer exist... but the new keymap system allows to enter vital customized commands that can be mapped to special keys just like before. See readme.txt for the full story, or below for the full list of changes.

Files updated: client, server, lib, source code.
Don't forget to update both clients and servers...

Note: some basic entities have changed, so savefiles are incompatible again; please start a clean server instance with the new version

Important note: all older files have been deleted from the usual download location; please upgrade to 1.1.8 if you're still running old servers.

And then....there was a ridiculous changelog....

Gameplay changes

Angband 3.3.0:
- New level feelings
- Refactoring of and enhancements to cave generation code, including circular
rooms, labyrinths, and cavern levels
- Improved monster pain messages
- Moved fear, blindness, and confusion from resists to protections, and
separated damage resistance from effect resistance
- Add protection from stunning
- Remove now-incorrect hint about sound resistance
- Remove confusion as a breath attack, along with bronze monsters/DSM
- Remove confusion resistance or chaos resistance from artifacts with both, and
change confusion resistance to blindness resistance for Amulets of the Magi
- Multiple pval support (improved from the first draft in PWMAngband 1.1.7)
- Rewrite of object_power for slot-dependent price balancing, and pricing of
light radius
- Drain charges only drains as many charges as a recharge gives
- Afraid monsters now have increased spell failure chance
- General store now only buys lights, food, oil and spikes (for PWMAngband, the
General store also accept tools)
- Stat drain now repairs on level up: restore stat potions removed
- Prevent unusually high AC armour from being detected from afar
- Toned down +dam and +speed on nonweapon standarts and removed brands from
- New flags for "weak" brands (x2 dice damage instead of x3)
- Paurnimmen's brand changed to x2
- Rebalanced ego DSM
- Make lurkers, mimics, and creeping coins more convincing
- Create doors, create stairs, and glyph of warding push items in adjacent
squares away
- Rebalancing of some artifacts and ego items (for PWMAngband, remove most
extra abilities added previously to buff Angband standard artifacts and ego
items -- they are obsolete after this)
- Added a few new artifacts/ego items
- Allow locking of doors with the Disarm command, improve spikes
- Monster hindrance (sleep/slow/confuse/scare) now more useful
- Make Teleport Other a bolt and make Destruction remove artifacts
- Remove percentage healing for potions, switch CLW/CSW/CCW to healing
20/40/60hp respectively
- Tone down the price of CLW
- Add a neutral gender
- Scale no_selling gold multiplier in early levels, and reduce money from
selling by 1/3rd
- Tone down flask of oil damage
- Remove random (pointless) curses on jewelry
- Poison melee damage now reduced by poison resistance
- High AC no longer grants quite such overpowered protection in melee
- Replace delay factor input as the square root of the desired time in
miliseconds with the far more intuitive "time in milliseconds"
- Add Potions of Neutralize Poison to the Alchemist shop
- Master and grand master mystics now have a second PARALYZE attack instead of
a POISON attack
- Remove IGNORE_FIRE from mithril arrows and bolts for consistency with other
mithril items
- Increase commonness of basic ammo a bit
- Decrease price of staff of Magic Mapping
- Remove ammo of Backbiting
- Add HURT_COLD/FIRE to some monsters

Angband 3.3.1:
- Rebalance to-hit vs. AC (take two)
- Ensure that PDSM can't get the Resistance ego
- Make a mimic on a pile of objects look like a pile

Angband 3.3.2:
- Allow RES_STUN on randarts

Angband 3.4 (experimental):
- Rebalance stealth and monster detection
- Revisit stacks of consumables
- Fizzix's summoning changes
- CunningGabe's improvements to pits
- CunningGabe's mimic updates
- Add NO_STUN/NO_SLEEP flag on all undead monsters (for PWMAngband, make
player ghosts resistant to stunning)
- Change alertness values so that they are saner

- Turn on power-based pricing for wearable items
- Set depth and commonness of randarts according to power
- Remove purse multiplier
- Decrease minimum value of stocked items to 10 for Black Market and 1000 for
Expensive Black Market
- Don't generate a vault if part of that vault would be generated out of bounds
- Don't make stair creation fail when generating up staircases on "force-down"
levels, but generate down staircases instead
- Rework archer spells: add two new spells (Farsight and Explosive Shots),
tweak mana cost/fail rate/experience gain of other spells
- Third evolution of dragons is called "mature" again
- Give "law" dragons immunity to cold and "chaos" dragons immunity to fire
("balance" dragons get both)
- The Temple sells prayer books again
- Library renamed to "House of Arcanes"
- Silver Dragon Scale Mails and Dracolisk Scale Mails give immunity to their
element again
- Use depth/weight/AC/to-hit/to-dam from base item for most artifacts (until
artifact.txt is reworked for Angband 3.4)
- Allow +2 extra might/shots on missile launchers
- Doubled the rarity of PWMAngband artifacts compared to standard artifacts
- Unbias teleport: try very hard to avoid teleporting back to the same spot
when teleporting twice
- Removed ATTR_MULTI from Emperor Mimic
- Player ghosts don't get a free turn anymore when floating up/down
- Forbid all artifacts from being sent to other players via telekinesis
- Change the way artifacts are logged in player history: add one entry per
artifact with the same index and the same name; add a new entry each time an
artifact is "generated", marking "lost" any active entry; only mark an artifact
as "found" the first time it is picked up

User interface

Angband 3.3.0:
- Added NPP's visible path-to-target
- Major input layer refactor: remove macros, create internal keyset, provide
facility for recognizing modifier keys, improve and document the keymap editor
- Added a "pile of items" tile for all tilesets
- Added content to the SDL port's About box
- Adam Bolt tileset element mappings fixed
- Subwindows set properly when loaded from a pref file
- SDL client: handle transparency properly for 8x8 tiles
- Fix slowdown caused by map redrawing
- Fonts now listed in logical order in the SDL interface
- More consistent capitalisation of definite article
- Fix display of quiver slot when inventory is empty
- Pval descriptions no longer displayed in object name
- Add updated tiles from buzzkill and juggle5
- Add skill, race, class info to birth UI
- Artifact description revisions
- Change recalled monster spell damage to max values instead of averages
- Use <angle brackets> for pvals so that two pvals are not confused with
- Display tile selections in decimal
- Renamed novice monsters to apprentices, gallants, acolytes etc.
- Allow overriding of keymaps
- Added support for new keycode KC_BEGIN (keypad 5)
- Added keypad support for running and tunneling to pref.prf
- Print a message when Deep Descent cannot be completed
- Remove weird colour-setting lines from the pref files
- Show distance in target-out-of-range message
- Prevent messages about damaged items referring to post-damage values
- Add wizard mode command to show new GF_ graphics (added in Dungeon Master
command menu in PWMAngband)
- Improve (e)quipment command output, especially while naked
- Add code to describe_combat() to handle num_blows increments lesser than 0.1
- Add monster recall for NONLIVING flag
- Make projected attacks from unseen foes give messages to non-blind players
- Remove ai_sound option (make it always on)
- Prevent the 'l'ook command showing monster inventories except for Dungeon
- SDL client: ensure tile width/height are left at 1 if graphics are not
- Replace impair mana with stun resistance on the character details screen

Angband 3.3.1:
- Make "purple uniques" display correctly
- Nomad's updated tiles

Angband 3.4 (experimental):
- Blubaron's improved tile support
- Added ability to save PNG screen shot on windows platform
- Make monster timed effects give messages for unseen monsters

- Don't display "(nothing)" in the inventory subwindow when carrying nothing in
the inventory
- Swap the behavior for the "g" and "," commands: "," will now bypass
auto-squelch settings
- Remove "Appraise artifacts" from Dungeon Master command menu (obsolete)
- Remap the missing entries in graf-nmd.prf
- Rework the knowledge menu (port parts from Angband 3.x)
- Rework main-screen object/monster list to display object/monster symbols

Bugs fixed

Angband 3.3.0:
- Fixed ID of "bad" pvals
- Fix origin crash for no-longer-valid monster entries
- Make ego_apply_minima work properly for 0 and allow a NO_MINIMUM value
- Patch by agoodman to support 64-bit windows
- Fix ammo breakage and make breakage message more timely
- Fix noticing of brands on wield
- Level dimensions are not loaded or saved
- Fix randarts init crash
- Fix flagless pvals on creation of food, potions and flasks
- Fix monster.txt typos/inconsistencies
- Redraw stats in main screen after draining and level up

Angband 3.3.1:
- Fix saving and loading so that savefile.{old|new} are ignored
- Fix loading of graphics pref files in non-graphics mode
- Ensure that devices ID'd by use on unseen monsters provide feedback
- Prevent excessive durations of monster timed effects
- Increase MAX_ITEMLIST to cope with new ignore/squelch approach
- Save progress towards level feelings

Angband 3.3.2:
- Add lines to use ctrl and alt with main keyboard number keys

- Fix bug in base randart power calculation
- Fix bug in randart generation which was always leading to crappy randart
light sources
- Fix bug in object power calculation for missile launchers
- Fix artifact.txt entries for The Great Hammer of Aulë and The Wicker Shield
- Fix failed assertion when applying rating bonus for newly generated Dragon
Scale Mails
- Altering a grid containing a trap while confused should trigger "disarming"
- Fix potential crashes (monster name access) when monster.txt has "empty"
- Fix Dungeon Master item generation menu: wands, staves and chests
- Fix duplicated "You have slain..." messages and display these messages in the
correct color
- Fix missing spell header in spell browsing menu
- Fix endless loop in setup_contact_socket() if socket address is already in
- Fix potential endless loop in sched() if for any reason the timer handler is
set to NULL while the game is still running
- Fix nasty memory overwrite error by moving num_clones into cave structure, so
it gets defined for negative depths
- Fix potential client crash when selecting an item on the floor
- Fix bug in slay cache... preventing slay combinations to be cached
- Fix neuter gender ("it" instead of "she", ...)
- Fix minimap bug (incorrect priorities)
- Fix bug that treated lost random artifacts as if preserve mode was off in all
- Fix crash when a pval-based ego item was generated with zero pval (Witan
Boots of Stealth for example)
- Fix crash when trying to generate a Dungeon Master of the Shapechanger class
- Fix polymorphing into a form with one page of mimic spells from a form with
two pages of mimic spells leaving bogus entries on the second page when
browsing/casting mimic spells
- Fix bug that allowed friendly monsters to kill uniques in melee
- Fix truncated spell descriptions
- Fix artifacts appearing on the artifact knowledge screen when generated
instead of found
- Fix incoherent server socket buffer sizes
- Fix "Net output write error" messages by increasing SERVER_SEND_SIZE to 128Kb
- Fix incorrect string format in get_connp()
- Win client: fix incorrect display when using 32x32 tiles in a large window by
limiting term_data.cols and term_data.rows to 255 since they're stored in a
- Dragon players should start at full health
- Fix crash when trying to inspect missiles branded with flames/frost
- Fix random crash when displaying inventory
- Fix "bell" messages being incorrectly repeated after receiving a repeated
message from the server

Coding changes

Angband 3.3.0:
- Removed cptr
- Object flags now held by the object
- Windows port now uses libpng
- Unified message code
- Consolidated monster entries (and added new FRIEND flag)
- Refactored monster spells and GF_ types into tables
- Make monster haste/slow temporary status effects (MON_TMD_*)
- Boost monster saves against timed effects, and reduce duration and effect of
slow monster
- Create drops at monster creation, and add more ORIGIN_* values (for
PWMAngband, drops are created continuously while the player is wandering
through the dungeon; drops will be systematically created when object feeling
is triggered or when a monster dies)
- Implemented m_ptr->known_pflags; removed SM_* and DRS_*
- Major object edit file and description refactoring
- Introduction of object/slays.[ch] to encapsulate slay_table[]
- Refactoring of object flags and introduction of obj-flag.[ch]
- Improved handling of player state (timed effects, resists etc.)
- Check for resistance to timed effects inside inc_timed
- Support for monster and object templates (monster_base and object_base)
- Refactoring of shooting/throwing code in attack.c
- Clean-up of code commented as "hack" or "mega-hack" etc.
- Refactoring of pickup and autopickup code
- Refactor obj-make.c
- Move from o_ptr->name/name2 to o_ptr->artifact and o_ptr->ego
- Improved handling of null objects
- Remove some variably-sized arrays
- Refactor info structures
- Add support for specific monster drops (for PWMAngband, get rid of RF_NAZGUL
and make Rings of Power specific monster drops)
- Add more accessor functions to reduce dependence on #defines
- Numerous memory leaks fixed
- Nullfame's improvements to monster power evaluation
- New grid_light_level enum based on FEAT_LIGHTING_*
- New menu API that allows dynamic building of menus easily
- Tidy up defines.h and remove EGO_ indices
- Remove many of the hardcoded spell limits
- Refactor bolt/ball spell graphics
- Make recharge() function more readable
- Added circular queue implementation
- Move monster pits/nests to an edit file
- Remove old monster power hack from .raw file days
- Fix compiler signed/unsigned comparison warnings
- Remove hexchars[]
- Add documentation to option.h
- Rewrite history generation using history charts explicitely
- Remove an unnecessary quit() for when we can't find a flavour specified in a
pref file
- Get rid of the horrible PICT() macro
- Ensure that branded jewelry displays active_verb on wield
- Remove pointless pref files, combine others
- Refactor birth items
- Add buildid.c, containing access functions for version strings, so that all
parts of the game always use the same version data, and move all VERSION_*
constants to buildid.h
- Move constants where they belong
- Remove references to o_ptr->k_idx, use o_ptr->kind instead
- Make options case-sensitive in main() routine
- Refactor monster list (for PWMAngband, remove the "fast" array and process
monsters on each "allocated" dungeon level instead of globally)
- Move pval stuff into pval.c
- Adjust origin combining to cope with multiple drop types
- Refactor ego generation and id to use OFTs for extra ego powers
- Message, effect, status, and sound support for the new TMD_BOLD flag
- Use the priority field of the terrain feature rather than a hardcoded array
- Split init.c, moving the monster initialisation to monster/init.c
- Get rid of temp_[xyn], replacing them with a dynamically allocated structure
- Move more logic from cmd0.c into game-cmd.c
- Refactor store code
- Remove now-unused BMP tiles
- Rationalise screen saving around menus
- Tidy up event handlers before exit
- Make menus either 'popup' or not, to allow choice of whether screen is saved
- First part of moving ego types to the alloc_prob system
- Small change to allow female player character images
- Refactor monster code

Angband 3.3.1:
- Replace S_IREAD and S_IWRITE by more standard defines

Angband 3.4 (experimental):
- CunningGabe's cleanup of monster code
- Change pit/nest logic regarding items

- Increase PLAY_TIMEOUT to 30 seconds
- Replace all server-side occurences of the "assert" macro by new "my_assert"
macro to ensure that, when an assertion fails, the panic save handler is called
before aborting the program
- Always scan through the slots backwards when calling inven_item_optimize() in
a loop
- Dungeon Master menu: prevent changing "ghost" status if the character is a
- Update PWMAngband monsters in monster.txt to attach them more closely to
monster templates
- Only display "You are too afraid to attack..." messages once per player turn
to avoid spamming
- Automatically compute art rarities for PWMAngband's artifacts
- New monster flags: HUMANOID (for corpses), HAS_LEGS (for special slowing
- Refactor polymorphing (dragon races): remove RACE_XXX constants and add
functions to get dragon races from name templates
- Add PNG support for SDL (port from Angband 3.x)
- Ensure that confusion is always applied server-side, not client-side
- Refactor function calls: replace most "Ind" parameters by "struct player *p"
- Remove SHOW_MODS: show to-hit/to-dam systematically for weapons and any item
with non-null values
- Refactor PvP code in project_p()

Documentation changes

Angband 3.3.0:
- Update copyright info

- New setup.bat file to help generate and deploy PWMAngband more easily
- Updated help files to reflect all changes
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 02:29:58 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: PWMAngband 1.1.9 released
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 09:50:59 PM »

Ten months since last release... this has been a while! And finally...

New PWMAngband 1.1.9 (aka build 1) released!

The 1.1.9 version is a milestone version... It ports all remaining features from Angband 3.4, including a brand new 64x64 tileset, new item detection, no more light curses, weaker torches... and a whole bunch of tweaks and bugfixes. See readme.txt for the full story, or below for the full list of changes.

Files updated: client, server, source code.
Files are available for download at the usual location:
Don't forget to update both clients and servers...

Note: some basic entities have changed, so savefiles are incompatible again; please start a clean server instance with the new version

Important note: all older files have been deleted from the usual download location; please upgrade to 1.1.9 if you're still running old servers.

List of changes below (HUGE):

Gameplay changes

Angband 3.4:

- Allow PASS_WALL monsters to revert to normal pathing near permarock
- Make object feelings react more to single great objects
- Make artifacts give a minimum feeling of "worthwhile"
- Reduce good/great chances for item generation
- Destruction effects no longer destroy stairs
- Nick's small_device option for reduce range and sight
- Remove all remove curse items and spells
- Make stat potions rarer and stat-swap potions deeper & rarer
- Change archery to be limited in range by MAX_RANGE
- Prevent labyrinths and caverns on quest levels
- Make Quylthulgs no longer animals
- Fizzix's fuzzy detection improvements: reinstate rods of (fuzzy) treasure
detection; make clairvoyance (spell/activation) fuzzy; change detect treasure
to detect object; change detect enchantment to (fuzzy) detect treasure;
remove unseen gold from item list; change unseen treasure to orange stars;
don't display quantity for unseen items
- Fizzix's item allocation changes: change monster allocation in caverns to
ignore the minimum level requirement and be more dependent on cavern size;
let caverns be more "dense"; make item allocation in caverns depend on cavern
size (and more generous); revert item allocation amounts to 3.0.6 levels in
normal dungeons; make labyrinths *slightly* more common
- Make deep descent based off of max_depth instead of current depth
- Make *enlightenment* potion reveal all monsters on the level

Angband v4 (experimental):

- Adjust life drain effects from nether/chaos attacks to do less absolute drain
and more proportionate drain (PWMAngband: this should ensure that low level
players don't get instantly killed by baby chaos/balance/ethereal drakes)


- Notice fountains and ignore logs when running
- Add a limited lifespan to controlled monsters
- Add a limit to the number of controlled monsters for each player depending on
- Give Shapechangers and Rogues a slight chance of getting neutral or friendly
monsters when casting their summoning spells depending on charisma
- Rename the Summon Foes spell (rogues) to Summon Monsters and change the type
of summons from "summon any" to "summon (non-unique) monsters"
- New class: Summoner (base color: teal; cast summoning spells)
- Give Summoners a high chance of getting neutral or friendly monsters from
scrolls/staves of summoning and when casting their summoning spells depending
on charisma
- Award some experience to the master when controlled monsters kill other
monsters (formula is the same as the one used for parties)
- Rework pits/nests: allow BLINK/TPORT/PASS_WALL/KILL_WALL monsters again; make
floor icky to avoid players being teleported inside pits/nests; make inner
walls permanent to prevent PASS_WALL/KILL_WALL monsters from escaping; add a
new CAVE_NOTELE flag and assign this flag to each floor tile inside
pits/nests to prevent BLINK/TPORT monsters (and players) from escaping
- Allow wide corridors in labyrinths
- Two new amulet artifacts: The Blue Stone 'Toris Mejistos' and The Lost
Silmaril of Maglor
- New ring: Ring of Polymorphing (can be activated to polymorph into a monster
if player level is at least half of the monster level; one-time use: the ring
gets destroyed once activated)
- Non-Shapechangers suffer a permanent drain to all stats when activating a
Ring of Polymorphing, no matter whether they manage to polymorph or not
(chance of failure is equal to the monster level)
- Make Detect Treasure for Sorcerors fuzzy
- Add a "disturb_icky" option for getting out of icky screens when disturbed
(this was always on -- it is now off by default)
- Revert Black Market items to "normal" items (they are not forced to be "good"
anymore) to match Angband
- Apply regular Black Market restrictions to the Expensive Black Market (but
keep its high object level range to allow high quality items to be generated)
- Remove expensive items from the General Store
- New order/reservation system available for the Expensive Black Market: allow
players to "order" items that are not in stock; allow players to "reserve"
items that are in stock; ordered/reserved items will stay in stock until some
player buys them
- Add a message when missing the target with missiles
- Revert "wanderer" behavior for townies: make townies respawn asleep; make old
"wanderers" ignore level 1 players unless hurt or aggravated
- Force houses to be at least 2x2 in size
- Make empty bottles worth 1 gold to prevent them from being squelched by
- Refactor the squelch system to allow five different squelch levels for
jewelry, Dragon Scale Mails, wearable items, books and consumable items
- Always use the flavor attr/char for aware special artifact rings/amulets
- New powerful ego types for torches: now their 5000 turns of fuel will become
really precious!
- Make controlled monsters always visible (like party members)
- Acknowledge for victory in character "winner" dumps
- Always record and display the original (pre-ghost) cause of death in dumps
and in the "Hall of Fame" with the corresponding info (xp, level, depth...)

User interface

Angband 3.4:

- Save squelch status of items
- Many more fixes and enhancements from Blubaron
- Add Shockbolt's 64x64 tileset
- Fix GCU port to recognise backspace and del as distinct keys
- Blubaron's default layout for Windows
- Blubaron's store UI improvement (allow ESC to cancel new store prompt)
- Change text for drain life spells and items and include description of
curse-breaking chances to enchant items and spells
- Change descriptions of missiles, boulders and spells that cause the player to
move for unseen monsters
- Nick's sound fixes and mp3 support for sdl and windows
- Fix item list so all unaware items come at the end
- Blubaron's tileset updates and other fixes: use Buzzkill's Universal 32x32
Tileset; increase possible tile multipliers in SDL; change Help of Windows
menu bar to start the in game help; hardcode size when switching to text mode
- Enable solid walls for GCU
- Blubaron's efficiency improvements: convert purchasing or examining an item
in a store back to a semblance of action-item
- Make unseen squelched items appear in item list


- Add a transparency effect for terrain tiles when using the pseudo-3D tileset
- Better pseudo-3D tiles for doors/shop entrances
- New terrain feature: streets (same as floor, with a different tile)
- Improve the 32x32 tileset: add new tiles for zombified/mummified and a few
other creatures (now every monster in the game should have its own tile);
redraw tiles for "floor" features (glyphs, traps, stairs...) with lighting
effect; remap tiles using UT32's extra tiles
- Remap the pseudo-3D tileset using the same preference files as for the 32x32
- Change "PL" to "Lit" on the character sheet since now the OF_LIGHT flag is
also present on non-permanent lights
- Change "Toggle ignoring of items" from CTRL-W to CTRL-E (Roguelike keyset)
- Add new command (CTRL-W) to display wilderness metamap (using 'M' now also
displays a "small-scale" map of the level while in the wilderness)
- Rework minimap display: adjust terrain priorities; remove the box around the
edge of the map (to gain 2 horizontal and vertical lines); only display
terrain features, ignore "mimic" features
- Add a nice visual effect for "missile" spells (arrow, bolt, shot, missile,
- Add a nice visual effect when firing bolts and arrows
- Disable pseudo-3D tiles when using the Win32 client
- Change some color mappings for the GCU client
- Move the "Fire at nearest target" command to [TAB] to match Angband, map the
"Center map" command to '|' (Roguelike keyset)
- Use the 32x32 tileset instead of pointless pseudo-3D tiles when displaying
the minimap in pseudo-3D mode
- Add a "Manage XBM orders" command to the Dungeon Master menu
- Display equipped items as ASCII characters in the sidebar when using
"distorted" tile mode
- Turn off the NUMLOCK key by default when starting the client (to disable this
behavior, set DisableNumlock=0 in the corresponding mangclient_xxx.ini file)
- Draw a double-height cursor when there is nothing targetable under the top
part of the double-height tile (overdraw mode)
- Better compatibility with the Necklace of the Eye frontend when using the GCU
client (see noteye.txt in the \noteye subdirectory): force icky screens to be
fully icky; display '@' as a "white smiling face" on icky screens; display
wounded characters and polymorphed characters as a '@' except when looking or
targeting (launch noteye.bat to play PWMAngband with the Necklace of the Eye
- Allow vault generation (Dungeon Master menu) from an exact name by adding '#'
in front of the vault name
- Generate vaults (Dungeon Master menu) with the Dungeon Master at the top left
corner of the vault
- New tombstone screen displayed when the character dies permanently (similar
to the one from Angband 3.4) with info from the original cause of death
- New final screen displayed when a winner retires (similar to the one from
Angband 3.4)
- Rework the "Hall of Fame": display 25 entries instead of 20; if the current
player doesn't appear in the top 20, display the top 15, the two entries
before the player and the seven entries after the player
- Allow dropping money using 'k' (thousands) and 'm' (millions)

Bugs fixed

Angband 3.4:

- Fix opening chests in stacks
- Partial fix to allow pick-up in darkness
- Refresh screen after opening chests
- Fix summon_specific so it fails properly
- Fixed askfor_aux to delete to the right when delete key is pressed
- Fix movement delay
- Fix autopickup keymap for the roguelike keyset
- Fix roguelike running/standing still
- Prevent {squelch} being shown for unknown items being purchased
- Make EF_STAFF_HOLY clear all temporary negative effects, and tidy up text

MAngband 1.2:

- User-sent "direction" can get out of ddx/ddy bounds
- Broken pipe signal causes dirty shutdown in curses client
- Fix password display bug


- Reorder the list of monster spell flags so that BR_WATE appears with all
other BR_XXX flags and therefore is considered as an innate spell
- Fix the order of messages displayed when hitting/killing a monster with
- Fix purple background with Nomad's tileset (Win32 client)
- Fix controlled monsters with the MSTATUS_FOLLOW flag not following their
- Fix memory leak and possible crash due to an uninitialized player index in
player birth routine
- Fix server crash when shutting down with many players connected
- Win32 client: fix alphablend/overdraw not working
- Fix big cursor not properly erased when the mapping for a tile doesn't exist
in a particular tileset (tile displayed as an ASCII symbol)
- Fix two typos: "The Bastard Sword of Éowyn" and "Aluminum"
- Aware flavored objects should use flavor attr/char as default
- Skip templates for special artifacts when choosing an object kind for random
- Fix base delay factor not working if greater than 127ms
- Fix integer overflow in monster power calculation giving negative values for
the two Nether Realm uniques
- Fix server crash when the last connected player disconnects and reconnects
- Add a server-side check to prevent non-Shapechangers from using the
"polymorph" command
- Fix compilation problems with the GCU client (makefile.gcu)
- Make permanent walls outside labyrinths FEAT_PERM_BASIC instead of
FEAT_PERM_SOLID to allow player ghosts to cross them (for rescues)
- Update double-height tiles properly (overdraw mode)
- Reintroduce hook_plog() for SDL and GCU clients to avoid printing to stderr
which doesn't seem to work
- Fix bogus terrain tile displayed under players/monsters/objects when the
mapping for the terrain tile doesn't exist in a particular tileset (tile
displayed as an ASCII symbol)
- Fix arrow keys not working when targeting
- GCU client: fix cursor always at 0,0
- GCU client: fix many keypresses not working
- Add missing mapping for Water Dragon Scale Mails
- Fix running not working with '.' when NUMLOCK is off
- GCU client: make shift-dir keys (keypad) working when NUMLOCK is off
- SDL client: fix dir keys (SDLK_0-9) not working
- Add a control handler function for SDL and GCU clients to perform some
cleanup when clicking on the "close" button of the Windows console
- Fix remembered map not being reset correctly on login/logout
- Win32 client: fix bug in Term_wipe_win() making the full map (Options/Map
from the menu) not properly displayed on large windows
- Fix controlled monsters hurting their master with spells
- Fix controlled monsters not attacking stronger monsters
- Fix controlled monsters disturbing their master when moving
- Don't let mimics reveal themselves when running towards them
- Don't let mimics reveal themselves when disturb_move or disturb_near is on
- Fix incorrect player sex displayed when describing a player via monster
- Fix various crashes due to random values being evaluated inside macros such
as MIN() or MAX()
- Fix server crash when trying to generate a vault (Dungeon Master menu)
- Prevent generating vaults (Dungeon Master menu) outside of the dungeon to
preserve wilderness/town layouts
- Allow the generation of vault #0 (Dungeon Master menu)
- Fix a bug preventing some monster races from being summoned by the Dungeon
- Properly use up an item/a charge from unaware squelchable consumable items
used from the ground before hiding them from the player's view
- Add a check when displaying the visible object list to ensure that objects
held by monsters are never displayed
- Fix server crash when dropping an identified wand or staff that has been
picked up using 'g' (active squelch settings)
- Fix typo when discovering an out of LOS mimic: "The (an) unknown item was
really a monster!"
- Fix mimics not being discovered when attacked by a controlled monster
- Fix server crash when hitting a monster with Grond
- Properly display in green the highscore entry for the current player
- Add a sanity check when generating monsters in the wilderness to avoid
triggering an assertion on the monster race

Coding changes

Angband 3.4:

- David3x3x3's input fixes for various front-ends
- Move roguelike keys into game code, simplifying a load of things and allowing
the Enter key menu to look right
- Blubaron's efficiency improvements: ignore empty chests after they are opened
rather than in squelch_item_ok(); move trap detected border finding to
- Refactor chests into a separate file, for better encapsulation


- Remove temporary hacks from savefiles
- Replace more player index parameters in function calls with pointers to
player structure
- Remove the hardcoded limit for special artifacts, add new flag SPECIAL_ART
and use it instead
- 32x32 tileset: add two new rows and put all PWMAngband extra tiles at the end
of the file
- Remove pointless call to process_monsters() for monsters having more energy
than players
- Split GF_ARROW spell type into each of the "missile" spells to allow effect
types for each of them
- Code optimization in Term_pict_win() to speed up displaying tiles in minimap
- Remove pointless double redraws when displaying the full map (Win32 client),
the minimap (all) and the knowledge menu (all)
- Update ZLIB to 1.2.7 and LIBPNG to 1.5.12
- Update SDL packages: update SDL to 1.2.15; update FreeType to 2.4.10; update
SDL_ttf to 2.0.11; update SDL_image to 1.2.12; update SDL_mixer to 1.2.12;
update makefiles accordingly
- Add source code for MAD 0.15.1b (libmad library) to support MP3 files for the
SDL client and update SDL_mixer.mak accordingly
- Remove mikmod.dll from the PWMAngband package (MOD files are not supported)
- Remove libpng12.dll and zlib1.dll from the PWMAngband package (they are now
linked statically)
- New mp3 sound files in \lib\xtra\sound in place of the old wav files
- Compatibility with Necklace of the Eye v5.9
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.10)
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 08:10:08 PM »

Now I'm back to business, and after a year and a half...

New PWMAngband 1.1.10 (aka build 1) released!

The 1.1.10 version is a milestone version... It ports almost all features from Angband 3.5, including new monster groups, rebalanced object generation, rebalanced stats (charisma is gone), new birth options (no selling is the default now), new shop system (new General Store), as well as adding a whole bunch of tweaks and bugfixes. See below for the full list of changes.

Files updated: client, server, source code.
Files are available for download at the usual location:
Don't forget to update both clients and servers...

Note: some basic entities have changed, so savefiles are incompatible again; please start a clean server instance with the new version

Important note: all older files have been deleted from the usual download location; please upgrade to 1.1.10 if you're still running old servers.

List of changes below (HUGE):

Gameplay changes

Angband 3.5:

- Monster groups completely overhauled: now different monsters tend to appear
with different companions, and some uniques appear together too; this results
in e.g. groups of novice adventurers of different kinds appearing together
- Rebalance object generation: flatten out chances of getting good and great
items (means more good and great items early on, proportionally fewer later)
- Rewrite ego allocation and rarities so that egos are more level-appropriate
- Turn off selling to stores by default: tweak the store interface so that it
no longer talks about selling for 0 gold, instead you give items to the store
in return for identification or recharging
- Monsters spawn a lot less frequently after level is created (chance per turn
has gone from 1/160 to 1/500)
- Reduce the size of monster escorts and groups
- Make uniques more likely to drop out-of-depth items, and reduce the number
of chances DROP_GREAT drops get at being great to compensate
- Elvenkind now has level-dependent speed bonuses
- Give thematic spell-book drops to monsters
- Make town spellbooks available earlier in the dungeon (at dlev1 instead of
- Change monster elemental attacks so that they do some part of their damage
using elemental damage and some of it using physical damage: this means that
the damage a monster attack gets calculated twice, once for if it was pure
damage, one if it was elemental damage, whichever of the two is higher is the
amount of damage dealt; this meant that immunity won't reduce damage
ridiculously low
- Give the player a bonus to damage absorption for physical elemental attacks
- Some monster attacks no longer do physical damage (e.g. touch, spit, etc.),
they only do elemental damage
- Remove ai_smart (broken), replace with birth_force_descend, which is like
'ironman lite': you can only take down stairs (you can still recall but down
stairs from the town take you to your deepest level + 1)
- Make the damage monsters deal with each attack and their AC visible to the
player after one attack/one hit
- Remove Charisma and tone down gold drops to compensate
- Remove Iron Spikes, jammed doors, and player door bashing
- Replace rings of rFire & rCold with one ring, rFire&Cold
- Move =Flames/Ice/Lightning/Acid higher in the dungeon
- Radically improve Slow Digestion (you nearly never need to eat with it)
- Tweak mushrooms: Fast Recovery heals some HP, Clear Mind heals 10SP;
substantially increase duration of telepathy from Second Sight and rConf from
Clear Mind; Terror now gives you +10 speed; 2x change of finding Vigor, will
be found later; mushrooms appear generally later in the dungeon and are
spread out more
- Stop scrolls of Curse Armour/Weapon being generated, since they are
gamebreaking when there are no sources of Remove Curse
- All classes now start with a dagger (except priests) and less food/fewer
- Split out start_kit option from no_selling
- More option removals: ai_smell, ai_packs and easy_open are now permanently
on; ai_cheat is permanently off; most disturb options have been removed,
leaving only the one that people seem to actually change
- Add solid and hybrid wall options, a la Sil (this removes platform-specific
solid wall setups)
- Tone down the drop frequencies of spellbooks
- The Phial is radius 3 again
- Instead of the general store having only 'always stocked' items, most shops
now have some 'always stocked' items; these items are in an infinite stack,
so you can buy as many as you like and there will always be another 40 in
the store
- There are more food types for sale at the General Store, and it sometimes
stocks some mushrooms now as well
- The Temple sells healing potions again now, and the alchemist will sometimes
stock other potions it couldn't previously
- Polymorph monster is more likely to work and has a wider range of possible
monsters to switch between
- Boots of Speed and Boots of Elvenkind are now at least +2 and +4,
- Make the priest/paladin spell recharging rise with level as the description
says (it'll be as good at the scroll at clev30)
- Remove Gorged status if you eat too much food
- Teleport object power now triggers 2x as often
- No rings are now native <DL10
- All DSM breath weapons do at least 150 damage
- Move hellhounds to level 42
- Prevent regeneration during the first few turns of resting
- Special flavoured artifacts have fixed item flavours now
- Add Nomad's new rooms, which make dungeons feel a lot more interesting
- Add pac-man vault
- Rebalance frequencies and levels for different room types
- Increase floor drops in caverns and labyrinths
- Allow two nests or pits each level
- Reduce pit size and make nest size variable
- Nerf GCV
- Turn on hp_changes_color by default


- New level 10 monster: Dark elven necromancer
- Tweak some monster flags for PWMANG_BASE and PWMANG_EXTRA monsters
- Add 6-headed, 8-headed, 10-headed, 12-headed, 13-headed and 14-headed hydras
- Add monster race affinity for Shapechangers: less kills are required to learn
a form when many monsters with the same symbol have already been killed
- Add a force-down mode to the LIMIT_STAIRS server option similar to the
birth_force_descend option
- In force-down mode, cancel Word of Recall when changing level if active
- In force-down mode, prevent players from leaving "quest" levels while the
quest is active (this means ghosts too so beware)
- Move mage books back to the Magic User shop (for consistency)
- Align the power of the Recharging spell for Sorcerors and Rogues to the value
used for Priests/Paladins and increase the power for Necromancers to half
that value
- Since charisma is gone, adjust the number of slaves a character may control
and the chance of getting a friendly summon depending on wisdom
- Rework the standard roller to take into account that charisma is gone
- Change starting equipment for Monks and ironman Rogues/Rangers/Archers
- Add four extra quality-squelching categories (Melee Weapons, Missile Weapons
and Ammo, Rocks and Boomerangs, Junk)
- Players don't get knowledge of inventory and home items as well as missed
artifacts from the character history in regular death character dumps anymore
- Players now gain knowledge of inventory and home items as well as missed
artifacts from the character history upon victory or permanent death
- Slightly increase the chance of getting a good Ring of Polymorphing deeper in
the dungeon
- Add a +1 bonus to stealth when a player is idle
- Remove MULTIPLY flag from living walls
- Cure Light Wounds heals 20 points worth of confusion, as per Angband 3.x
- Change back spells from Purifications and Healing to what they were in
Angband (Cure Serious Wounds + Cure Mortal Wounds + Healing)
- Lower level and mana cost of Cure Serious Wounds and Cure Mortal Wounds in
Purifications and Healing
- Make all high level curing spells cure all status ailments for consistency
- Adjust breath damage (divisor + cap) for polymorphed players to match monster
breath damage and boost it a bit
- New high level psionic power: Brain Smash (Telepaths didn't have any high
level non-resistable power to deal with aether-based monsters/power dragons)
- Fix Adrenaline Channeling: limit duration to 100 turns (20 turns at 5th
stage); lower damage when overused; adjust effects duration to the duration
of the spell; give a message for each stage
- Fix Elemental Harmony: make shield, resistance and haste effects available
(they were not due to a copy/paste error in the code); limit duration to 100
turns (20 turns at 5th stage); adjust effects duration to the duration of the
spell; give a message for each stage
- Simplify martial arts: use base damage dice based on character level, add
chance of special effects if not stunned/confused/encumbered
- Decrease the maximum number of extra blows per round monks get from 7 to 5
(to compensate the large increase in base damage dice)
- Refactor barehanded attacks for monks and dragons to use the same system
- Point-based roller: allow choosing one base stat of 18 with a cost of 12
- Point-based roller: initial choice restrained between 10 and 18 (no more
"negative" costs on secondary stats to boost primary stats)
- Point-based roller: add a server check to prevent hacking stats that could
bypass the maximum birth points allowed
- Remove most of the starting equipment from no_recall characters (they get
double gold instead)
- Reduce game speed below 4250ft so that +20 speed at 4950ft and deeper feels
the same as 0 speed in town
- Greatly reduce game speed on quest levels (depths 100/126/127) so that +30
speed feels the same as 0 speed in town
- Add option (turned on by default) to disturb the player when a monster bashes
down a door
- Let the General Store sell House Foundation Stones and scrolls of House
- Deallocate custom houses when deallocating unused wilderness levels
- Only allow rectangular houses with automatic (random) door placement when
creating a house
- Placing a foundation near an existing owned house extends that house
- Set (or adjust) price according to house dimensions
- Make the player pay as "local tax" the difference between the new price and
the amount already paid when creating/extending a house
- Remove DRAIN_EXP from The Lost Silmaril of Maglor
- Remove DRAIN_EXP from randart Rings of Power (Nazgul drops), and slightly
decrease their power to compensate

User interface

Angband 3.5:

- Make the default macro for 'swap weapon' be assigned to 'x' instead of 'X'
(original keyset only)
- Roguelike keyset: remove the 'X' swap equipment default keymap
- Make inventory listings terser in the term window if there's not much room
- Make it so skills, hitdie and exp modifier when selecting a class on the
birth screen are shown with racial adjustments
- Redesign character sheet, changing the fighting and shooting skills scores
into numbers comparable to to-hit scores, and rearranging all combat info to
be together in the centre of the screen; also improve spacing; fix
height/weight display to be in sensible units
- Rename =Delving to =Digging for thematic consistency
- Add option to show damage player does to monster in melee
- Add a prompt if you try to deactivate WoR, just in case
- Remove player social class
- Include Dubtrain's sound set instead of the one Angband previously had
(encoded as high-quality VBR MP3)
- Add platform-native save dialogue boxes for character dumps and other things
which prompt for a file
- Add keyboard shortcut to the Windows port for "Exit game"
- Allow specification of number of terminals in the curses port
- Combine first two pages of options together, rearrange vaguely thematically
(PWMAngband: put all MAngband options on a separate page)
- Add a new splashscreen
- Allow object recall during look
- Add separate squelch category for Blades of Chaos, Scythes of Slicing, Maces
of Disruption
- Call the plasma effect plasma everywhere, not sometimes hellfire and
sometimes plasma
- Add command to toggle spell description
- Rewrite monster list and object list code, making both less buggy and swisher
- Fix lighting settings in graphics modes
- Change vein colors for better visibility
- Use flavored object kind for untouched artifacts
- Update browse prompt with ? toggle
- Update context menus to use correct keys and to check inscriptions, as well
as making them gray out properly
- Display a message when both equipment and inventory are empty and the player
presses 'e'
- Add a note when you hit 'i' with no inventory, instead of doing nothing
- Don't write blank quiver entries to file
- Add coordinates for monsters in monster list


- Rearrange options screen and reduce it to 3 pages (ported from Angband 3.x)
- UT32 tileset updated with new tiles for Thuringwethil and Master mystics
- In-game character dumps (ported from Angband 3.x): press 'C' to bring up the
character sheet, then 'f' to generate a character dump in the /lib/user
- Allow the "Use polymorphing ability" command to display a list of monster
kills/form availability when passing a (partial) race name or race symbol
- Make the wilderness circular instead of "flat"
- Implement the "Show previous message" (Ctrl-o) command from Angband 3.x
- Roguelike keyset: remap "Use dragon breath attack" to 'f' and "Describe
object" to 'BACKSPACE'
- Allow smaller subwindows (up to a minimum size of 40x12)
- Display a "meaner" color when lacking protection from stunning against ice
and gravity attacks (lore screen)
- Update object context menu (ported from Angband 3.x)
- Allow new incarnation for any character "Charname" as "Charname II"
- List only identifiable objects (objects that are not fully known to the
player) when identifying something (ported from Angband 3.x)
- Add slot info when describing an item in the inventory (ported from Angband
- Remove now obsolete "magical aura" messages when using item hooks (their
effect should be obvious now)
- Server selection: manual selection command set to Ctrl-m
- Character generation: default "quit" command set to Ctrl-x
- Allow modifying birth options by pressing "=" during character generation
(ported from Angband 3.x)
- Completely prevent changing birth options after birth (as Angband 3.x)
- Shimmer objects when displaying the object list in subwindows
- Display the player as a number if hp/mana is 70% or less (instead of 60%)
- Make the splash screen fully icky (NotEYE support)

Bugs fixed

Angband 3.5:

- Inscriptions now take use the roguelike keyset if that's what you're using
- Fix autopickup not always working (and remap it to Ctrl-a for PWMAngband)
- Reformatted Greater Maia description
- Clean up msg_repository[]
- Fix up article handling in messages reported in forum posts
- Make sure that both Enter and 't' can toggle options in all option submenus
- Allow pStun to be generated on non-body armour randarts
- Fix up the logic of teleport level so it's always correct
- Show quiver slots in inventory again
- A load of grammar fixes
- Clean up duplicate and conflicting monster flags
- Change description for deep descent from two levels down to five levels down
- Fix cavern redraw bug, update a lot of code to use cave->(width|height)
instead of DUNGEON_(HGT|WID)
- Make the game handle neuter gender better
- Move universal use in the roguelike keyset to 'X' to avoid conflict with
running north east
- Universal use command defaults now to inventory instead of equipment
- Make the subwindow inventory display responsive to its term size, hiding the
weights and abbreviating item descriptions in small windows
- Fix old bug there if a monster is targeted using 'free targeting' mode,
use_old_target would never clear after it was dead
- Ensure monster death messages to go last, so you don't get "it dies. it moans
in pain." type messages
- Various grammar fixes (full stops, singular/plural agreement)
- In character dumps, don't include origin information for non-wearables and
don't include obvious and basic flags
- Fix typo that limited boulder damage
- Light description and character dump fixes
- Get rid of extra linebreaks in character dumps
- Adjust 'when drunk' to 'when quaffed' for pedants
- Add back in sounds on monster deaths from spells
- Only show fail rates on items when requested if those items have fail rates
- Display a blank for a message count of zero
- Allow chests underfoot to be disarmed
- Fix gcu window sizing bug when there are any number of rows or columns
besides 1 or 3
- Attempt to fix the Windows font handling bug, hopefully making Windows fonts
not disappear after an upgrade / folder move
- Force drop knowledge on first kill and use race flags to determine drop text
- Gray out and disable some context menu items
- Check user directory for pref files
- Fix sounds, make message pref files use textual message types instead of
- Fix various monster death messages and sounds
- Strip roman numeral suffixes when looking for pref files to load
- Reorder inventory before displaying identification messages
- Create full stacks when combining pack
- Fix chaos damage message
- Fix pickup behaviour in the dark
- Save "unignore" status in savefiles
- Fix some monster plurals
- Fix mimic damage monsters when they're still mimicking
- Mask OF_LIGHT from aware jewelry with non-variable pval
- Pushing or trampling mimics now reveals them
- (Hopefully) fix the segfault bug when placing feeling tiles in the town
- Fix occasional infinite loop in store restocking algorithm and various other
store bugs
- Fix up the weird mimic crash by not deleting the monster along with the
object it is mimicking -- instead just make the mimic visible
- Fix quark freeing bug
- Fix monster/mon-init.c memory free bug
- Fix 'your feel your head clear' typo
- Use correct keymap for tagged objects
- Minor vault template fix
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.10)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 08:10:52 PM »

MAngband 1.2:

- Retired characters might leave corrupt grid


- Fix a couple typos in rogue spell descriptions
- Remove some redundant monster flags
- Fix Mandragora having both IM_FIRE and HURT_FIRE (removed the latter)
- Server crash when trying to activate a Power Dragon Scale Mail
- Fix an obscure bug concerning PvP melee attacks with "time" effects
- Server crash when trying to display delayed messages (fear, poison...) for
dead monsters
- Don't try to shimmer non-polymorphed players
- Fix incorrect display of monster recall in subwindows when tracking a player
- Map "Steal an item" to the 'S' key when using the roguelike keyset instead of
'X' which is already used for "Swap equipment"
- Fix holder for trap detected border overlay tile not considered as a "wall"
- Display the proper message when anti-magic prevents a monster from casting
a spell instead of "Your anti-magic field disrupts your attempt."
- Fix a nasty bug leading to all monsters being able to act once when a player
logs back due to missing checks against update/redraw flags (especially
monster flow)
- Un-break ironman servers by fixing a parse error in p_class.txt and adding
missing bytes in dungeon town files
- Fix capitalization of message when an equipped item is identified
- Do not register character dump when a player's ghost suicides
- Do not register character dump for retiring winners (the dump is already
generated when the player kills Morgoth)
- Fix history entry for player death when the player suicides
- Only place objects and monsters on levels that are allocated and ready when
reading from the server savefile
- Save town and suburb in the server savefile (layout + objects + monsters)
- Save monsters from allocated levels in the server savefile; for wilderness
levels, only save permanent residents (home owners + invaders)
- Fix a possible endless loop when updating the Expensive Black Market with new
- Adjust wilderness size: a radius-32 wilderness consists of 2112 levels, not
- Prevent monsters from being generated in arenas
- Fix recalling from town using an item inscribed deeper than max depth locking
the character with infinite "A tension leaves the air around you" messages
- Ensure that gloves with +MANA don't hinder spellcasting
- Finally fix ironman servers completely by removing CAVE_VAULT and adding
CAVE_GLOW to the "info" byte in dungeon town files
- Remove monk stealth bonus hardcoded in calc_bonuses() because it's already
taken into account via p_class.txt
- Redraw the monster list when a friendly summon kills another monster
- Don't use monster flow for pathfinding if the player is wraithed in walls
- Fix a stupid bug that prevented special artifacts from being generated except
The Blue Stone 'Toris Mejistos' and The Lost Silmaril of Maglor
- Server crash when polymorphing turns a monster into a mimic and there is no
room near the monster location to put the corresponding object
- RES_TIME should not protect against DRAIN_LIFE and DRAIN_STAT side-effects,
only from DRAIN_ALL (the nastiest effect)
- Take into account the MANA flag on weapons for mana calculation (making Mage
Staves of Mana actually useful)
- Fix inscription for praying (should be 'm' now instead of 'p')
- Add missing history entry for generated artifacts when the dungeon is ready
- Fix artifacts identified on the floor and then wielded without being
picked up first being displayed as "Missed" on the character history
- Allow chests under player to be opened and traps under player to be disarmed
- Fix a couple menu glitches with distorted graphics
- Forbid non-DMs from accessing the "Manage XBM orders" command
- Add missing player tile redraw when player hit points change
(hp_changes_color option on)
- Fix dragon breath effect wiping a random item in the pack when drinking from
a fountain
- Don't flag an item in the Expensive Black Market as "ordered" if it was
already flagged
- Correctly wipe monsters when the DM enters manual design mode on small levels
- Correctly assign target_who when targeting self or another player manually
with 'p'
- Check for dead monsters when displaying the monster list to avoid referencing
a NULL pointer
- Wipe objects carried by residents when the wilderness level is deallocated
(last player leaves the level) and recreate them when the level is
reallocated (a player enters the level)
- Add missing flavored messages when being killed by projectable spells or by
the strain of polymorphing
- Fix dungeon loading code recreating the mimicked object/feature each time
a mimic is loaded from the server savefile
- Prevent the DM or birth_no_stores players from creating or expanding houses
- Forbid house creation/extension near other houses
- Scan the floor again after the player presses a key to select an item
from the floor to minimize the risk of getting "Illegal object choice"
messages if the floor has changed in the meantime
- Prevent artifacts from dropping on the floor (and vanishing) when trying to
equip an item from a full pack to a slot containing an artifact if the
ARTIFACT_DROP_SHALLOW option is set to false

Coding changes

Angband 3.5:

- Stop the code indexing into the monster race array all the time, instead
preferring to pass around pointers to monster_race (this has allowed
significant simplifications throughout the code)
- Merge all store-related info in external files into a rewritten store.txt
- Fix loads of warnings
- Change alloc_prob and rarities to an int instead of a byte
- Refactor and simplify get_obj_num_by_kind()
- Refactor a load of duplicated code in mon-power.c
- Get close to removing z-type.c
- Factor out a lot of externs.h
- As ever, more little bits of cleanup and removal of old unused code
- Replace a lot of passing around indexes into r_info, k_info etc with passing
pointer to the appropriate entry instead
- Clean up options saving code
- Change the format of flavors.txt so each flavour is on its own line
- Refactor savefile loading framework into multiple shorter functions
- Remove op_ptr->base_name and process_player_name(); replace with
savefile_set_name() to set savefile filename and player_safe_name()
which returns a filesystem-safe player name
- Terrain feature flags now have the same bitflag system as the rest of the
game, and are used by cave_is* predicates where appropriate
- Convert most cave->feat access (and uses of FEAT_*) to function calls instead
(e.g. cave->feat == FEAT_FLOOR -> cave_isfloor(), add cave_isshop(), & more)
- Remove cave_bold* functions/macros because they were named ridiculously,
replace with better named functions
- Rewrite FOV code to remove a massive Ben-era hack (vinfo_hack, and also uses
of view_g/view_n/fast_cave_info); FOV is now more restrictive than before
- The various CAVE_* constants (for cave->info[][]) have been named more
sensibly, and in some places stopped being used
- Replace file_seek() with file_skip() as it was unused and skipping is more
- Try to move things out of defines.h into more appropriate places, and
likewise with util.c
- Update lore system
- Make monster_desc() and its callers cleaner
- Remove nether breath giving nether resistance for monsters
- Make object and monster flags expandable
- Exorcise x_file_putf()
- Update copyrights
- Remove types.h
- Move more externs into the right header files
- Finish off moving from cmd[n].c to cmd-[description].c
- Try to prevent polymorph crashes, and add an in-game message when we do so
- Remove the V: line from edit files
- Fix warnings and memory leaks


- Move all player-related code from indexing into the player array to using
pointers to struct player
- Move a lot of monster-related code from indexing into the monster array to
using pointers to struct monster
- Replace function parameters representing either a player or a monster by
index (negative for player, positive for monster) by pointers to new "actor"
- Use functions to access cave->info and player->cave->info arrays instead of
using the CAVE_XXX flags directly (this allows bounds checking and throwing
assertions if out of bounds)
- Add variable to allow multiple beta releases and display beta and stable
releases alike
- Rename _DEBUG define to DEBUG_MODE (defined in config.h) to allow running
clients and servers in debug mode without actually using the debug commands
- Refactor fire_breath() and cast_mimic_spell(): use info from the list of
monster spell flags instead of hardcoded values
- Nuke obsolete part from constants.h
- Include all other include files in c-angband.h, angband.h and s-angband.h
to remove the pain of include file management
- Refactor Receive_item() with more consistent item hooks
- Remove message coloring hack by adding new message types to messages.prf
- Refactor starting equipment lines in p_class.txt: remove lines for ironman
characters, add boolean value on normal lines to specify whether the item is
generated for no_recall characters or not
- Use a separate unit (house.c) for the house code
- Use a growable array for houses to ensure that the wilderness layout stays


Angband 3.5:

- Add the player's guide (basic strategy and tactics) from the old wiki (it's
by no means complete but it is something at least)
- Update inscription documentation
- Update the help files with info about protections and resistances
- Fix option documentation
- Change help text for no_selling so it doesn't confuse people


- Replace all `` with ' in the help files (ported from Angband 3.x)
- Update help files with latest changes


- PYTHON upgraded to version 2.7.6
- DOCUTILS upgraded to version 0.11
- RST2PDF upgraded to version 0.93
- ZLIB upgraded to version 1.2.8
- LIBPNG upgraded to version 1.6.7
- FREETYPE upgraded to version 2.5.3
- NOTEYE support upgraded to version 7.6
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.10)
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2014, 06:47:17 AM »
Seems like something worth checking out!

mushroom patch

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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.10)
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2014, 03:19:32 PM »
I'd like to hear what people think of this game if they try it out. It sounds like PowerWyrm has done a lot to improve on what was previously available in multiplayer angband variants. I would like to know whether he's taken any serious steps to tone down the instantaneous swings of angband to make things sensible for real time play, especially wrt summoning, random teleportation, bursts of damage, and movement between levels. (Unfortunately, I don't really have time to get into the game myself.)


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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.11)
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2016, 02:43:59 PM »

This release mainly consists of porting the features from Angband 4.0 and tweaking a few things: "one-time" wilderness generation, improved barehanded attacks, browse/study/cast from the floor, turn-based mode (option), limited telepathy (option), more balanced Summoner class, and much more. A big thanks to the Angband devteam for their awesome work!

To play on a PWMAngband server or start your own server, download the binaries and unzip the files (client and server are both in the same zip file now). And enjoy!

User interface

Angband 4.0.x:

- Add debug command to perform effects (Dungeon Master menu)
- Add timed flags display to character flag screen
- Add message if a summon fails
- Recolour permanent walls
- Separate quiver list
- Give the elven rings unique object names
- Add ego-item ignoring menu
- Remove cfg_small_range option
- Make player life history editable (accessible in PWMAngband from the 'C' menu)
- Make object selection use a real menu
- New effect descriptions
- New icon (Mr Att) for executable file
- New town layout (in PWMAngband, this is only used to generate the static
ironman town at 750ft -- base town at 0ft remains the same)
- Add quiver viewing command ('|' key)
- New splashscreen
- Update Nomad's graphics
- Add trap knowledge screen
- Add descriptions for terrain
- Add a sound for objects being dropped from or carried to the quiver
- Divide object list into seen and aware
- New monster spell messages from Elsairon
- Put subwindow options in a separate file so they work for all characters
- Order quiver ammo from worst to best
- Make resting and statusline display for deep descent work like for recall
- Shorten inventory prompt, put overweight info in 'C' screen
- Split launcher and DSM types for ignoring purposes


- Display minimap like Angband
- Remove font-xxx.prf, setting the same default color for inventory display
for all players (configurable server-side in object_base.txt)
- Make town building walls (stores + houses) regular permanent walls
- Move MAngband permanent walls (suburb houses + arenas) to their own terrain
feature, leave house walls brown, make arena walls red
- Display a red "-" instead of a green "+" for negative modifiers on the
character sheet
- Split fixed pval/modifier commands for item generation (Dungeon Master menu)
- Add new fixed flavor ("Black Ring") for randart Rings of Power
- Add a Summon Pet command to the Dungeon Master menu
- Add an entry for the "unknown item" and "unknown treasure" tiles for all
- Slightly alter town layout, reduce feature array size from 12x6 to 11x6
- Tell Shapechangers they cannot gain spells instead of browsing unexisting
- Make spell list subwindow display spells for Shapechangers and player ghosts
- Remove check against maximum window size during setup mode to eliminate
dependency with dungeon dimensions, use server-side check instead
- Display "You see (top item) on a pile." instead of actually listing all
objects when moving on a square that contains a pile of objects
- Remove the '%' command (Interact with keymaps): the menu can be accessed by
pressing '=' (Interact with options) and then 'k' (Edit keymaps)
- Remove vault generation by index (Dungeon Master menu)
- Roguelike keyset: move "Display connected players" command from '|' to CTRL-V
- Display trap description when looking at a trap and pressing 'r'
- Display terrain description when looking at a feature and pressing 'r'
- Replace "Save keymaps and options" by "Save options to pref file" and only
save options + window settings (keymaps can already be saved from the
"Interact with keymaps" submenu)
- Never show empty equipment/inventory/quiver/floor list
- Merge some new effect descriptions from Angband, update activation and spell
descriptions accordingly
- Display number of player/active turns elapsed in real game turns (without
dividing them by the FPS parameter)
- Display number of game/player/active turns immediately after entering the game
- Dungeon Master menu: add command to generate true artifacts for debug purposes
- While running, only update object/monster lists when panel changes
- Generate houses as lit rooms

Gameplay changes

Angband 4.0.x:

- Remove fired status
- Describe object plusses and modifiers regardless of the player, using
identification flags from the object exclusively
- Remove class choices, make them all available for each race
- Make dropping ignored items use energy
- Allow barehanded combat to get multiple blows (important note: this doesn't
affect monks in PWMAngband which still get 1 + character level / 10 blows
per round)
- Triple the number of room templates, add another 200 (for a total of 500)
- Add stair-skip constant, making stairs go up or down that number of levels
- Make Potions of Resist Poison also cure poison
- Disturb on first getting the object feeling
- Improve pickup of partial stacks


- Allow wands of polymorph to work on self
- Implement the BERSERKER activation like Angband
- Implement the healing spells like Angband (in PWMAngband, they will only cure
blindness and confusion if projectable)
- Change duration of slowing effect to 15+1d25 turns (Angband value)
- Allow General Store to buy food from crops
- Make digging time for all trees equal
- Make wilderness level generation a "one-time" process: generate objects and
monsters once (for the first player that enters the level), then only
generate the layout ("deserted" level)
- Tweak some of the PWMAngband artifacts and add more to ensure that every
object kind has a corresponding non-cursed non-aggravating artifact
- Make Shapechangers polymorphing into a monster susceptible to fire/cold
actually vulnerable to fire/cold
- Increment quiver size from five to eight slots
- Give the Dungeon Master (or all players in debug mode) all books at birth
instead of only deep books
- Give Wands of Stinking Cloud radius 3 like Angband
- Improve the Wonder effect in PvP mode
- Let KILL_WALL spells hurt players vulnerable to rock remover in PvP mode
- Let DISP_EVIL/DISP_UNDEAD spells hurt evil/undead players in PvP mode
- Allow pets/slaves to attack a player instead of a monster if that player is
the closest target
- Make DEATH spells work on players in PvP mode
- Don't crush objects when an artifact cannot be dropped, drop the artifact
elsewhere on the level instead
- Allow piles of objects (use default Angband value of 23 objects per dungeon
- Drop gold after all carried items when the character dies, remove the 32000
gold coin cap
- Preserve mana (for spells) and consumables in some cases where an effect
cannot be triggered on a specific level (usually on static levels)
- Deal with ignored stuff (dropping all ignored items) only on random levels
(to avoid littering town, wilderness and static levels)
- Don't halve extra blows given by equipped items when a monk is encumbered
- Halve the barehanded damage bonus from ghost melee attacks so that it doesn't
get too good compared to the barehanded damage monks/dragons get since now
ghosts also get multiple attacks per round
- Make all monsters find a safe place when fleeing (it was limited to smart
monsters before)
- Forbid summoning in arenas
- Apply off-weapon brands and slays (from items or monster form) to all
barehanded attacks (special monk/dragon attacks + basic barehanded attacks)
- Slightly alter energy system: give frame_energy to players and monsters every
frame (every 1/FPS second); allow them to act once move_energy has been
accumulated; use up move_energy when they act, leaving (energy - move_energy)
for the next turn; make monsters with more energy than their closest player
act first, so that slower monsters never get double moves against players
(change from the Angband 2.9 era that was never ported to MAngband)
- Apply elemental damage (which damages inventory) before physical damage when
dealing with monster elemental melee attacks
- Allow browse/study/cast from a book on the floor
- New server option: turn-based mode (makes the server turn-based if there is
only one player connected)
- Make "Stay still" command use energy (via ',' or '5')
- New server option: limited telepathy (makes telepathy limited to a radius of
"max_sight" like Angband)
- Stop restricting monster/player visibility (line of sight or telepathy) to the
current panel
- Limit to-dam on artifact missiles (to make ego missiles still valuable)
- Make Resilience a one-time effect setting monster lifespan to maximum value
- Check for monster respawn every 10 turns (Angband rate)
- Let fainting and starving effects occur in town areas
- Make anti-summon field "imperfect" (range 8-11 field with 65-95% chance of
disrupting any summon attempts)
- Don't record a real "death" when a player uses the Undead Form or Death spells
- Prevent ghosts from casting Undead Form or Death spells
- Give monsters a chance to retaliate if attacked by controlled monsters
- Don't make controlled monsters always visible
- Give controlled monsters a (small) chance to break free from their master's
control when out of awareness range
- Don't allow TELE_TO effect to teleport something outside a vault next to
something inside a vault (it will still work if both caster and target are
inside the same vault)

Bugs fixed

Angband 4.0.x:

- Fix message pain for meteor swarm hitting multiple similar monsters
- Fix shatter moving player (skip remaining blows)
- Make Study indicator active for spellbooks on the ground


- Properly tag all water tiles as "icky" when building moats
- Consider all features as "memorized" for DM_SEE_LEVEL characters
- Fix berserk strength description (increases to-hit by +24, not +12)
- Fix typo "You hit by something!" when projecting a spell
- Remove pointless direction choice for the Mass Sleep spell (arcane realm)
- Fix stun amount for monster ice projections
- Apply sleep effect after damage to avoid monster from waking up instantly
- Make logs undiggable
- Fix description not mentioning the fail rate when describing an activation
- Hopefully fix "net write error" disconnections when generating a cavern level
with a large screen
- Prevent dungeon generator from chopping the corners of rooms off when
generating wide corridors
- Fix dungeon generator not placing any intersection doors when generating wide
- Remove "LIGHT" from the list of abilities when generating an item that can
have a random ability (Dungeon Master menu)
- Fix typo "You hit by something strange!" when hit by chaos effects
- Fix crash when casting Cold Brand with a Necromancer
- Objects with "LIGHT" modifier: hide light radius and refueling info if not
known, show light radius when worn, show light radius and refueling info when
- Don't show pointless "worn" special inscription when looking at an unaware
identified ring or amulet
- Allow Sorcerors to cast Resistance on others
- Remove pointless direction choice for the Displace Other spell (psi realm)
- Fix Teleport Level for Shapechangers: add missing direction choice and stop
crashing when using the spell on monsters
- Update some spell descriptions for Shapechangers
- Fix an entertaining bug when casting Anime Dead/Raise Dead spells while
any player in line of sight (including the caster) was standing on a corpse
or a skeleton
- Fix mana balls/breaths power (value is 100, not 30)
- Don't let LIGHT_WEAK spells hurt players not vulnerable to light in PvP mode
- Don't let PSI_DRAIN/OLD_DRAIN/DRAIN spells hurt nonliving players in PvP mode
- Fix mass effect spells not working on players in PvP mode
- Fix crash when casting Alter Reality
- Make RAISE spells work much more often by using the same desired level for
raised monsters as for any summon
- Fix floor display (load/save screen and prompt for a key) when looking at a
pile of objects and pressing 'r' for details
- Fix crash when attacking someone with a "slay" weapon in PvP mode
- Don't allow players to steal artifacts from other players
- Properly describe stolen item if the thief is unaware of the stolen item's
- Display correct number of turns when describing food or activatable items
- Properly display store inventory when using pseudo-3D tiles
- Fix crash due to monster closest player index not properly updated when a
player leaves the game
- Make message_flush() really flush messages, so that last messages prior to
character death are recorded in the message subwindow
- Update subwindows when ignoring an item on the floor
- Make houses bought with a Deed of Property "free" (they sell for 0 gold) to
prevent cheezing by endlessly buying a house with a starter character then
immediately selling it and transferring the gold to another starter character
- Calculate torchlight radius when generating a new level so that players going
down from town during daylight don't find themselves in the dark for a turn
- Reveal the mimic instead of destroying the feature when using Trap/Door
Destruction or Stone to Mud on a Door mimic
- Remove pit floors properly after an earthquake or destruction effect
- Don't clear pit floors when deleting a feature mimic inside a pit
- Fix randart generation not taking into account slays/brands power
- Fix slay cache, allowing object power to be calculated properly
- Dungeon Master menu: fix summoning commands
- Prevent friendly monsters from picking up items on the floor
- Make true artifacts dropped in unauthorized places (house, wilderness...)
stay in inventory instead of vanishing forever
- Fix failing to use a magic device not taking a turn
- Properly set the timout on activatable items after item request (identify,
- Fix wrong message when a monster fails to summon due to a player using the
Suppress Summoning spell
- Fix monsters with more energy than the closest player regenerating twice
- Fix monsters regenerating way too often
- Break long messages (over 80 characters) into multiple pieces so that they are
not truncated in the message history log
- Fix Black Rings of Power having no weight

Coding changes

Angband 4.0.x:

- Complete code restructure: for a full list of changes, check changes.txt from
any of the Angband 4.0.x releases, or


- Refactor archer spells
- Refactor options, factorize duplicate code
- Renumber terrain features to match Angband more closely
- Move maximum number of objects per level to a hardcoded constant, limiting it
to 13068
- Move ghost abilities and mimic spells to class.txt
- Move "near" messages to class.txt
- Factorize MvP and MvM code
- Reorder packets by type, reorganize netclient and netserver files
- Don't save third-person player history in the savefile, generate it when
asking for player description instead
- Don't save object descriptions in the savefile (obsolete)
- Make quit() call exit_game_panic() to save players and server state in case
of a forced quit


Angband 4.0.x:

- Update help files
- Complete lib directory re-org
- Add modifying.txt help file


- Add lib/readme.txt from Angband
- Update some URLs in manual.txt


- PYTHON upgraded to 32-bit version 2.7.11
- Removed dependencies to DOCUTILS and SETUPTOOLS by installing rst2pdf
directly from Python (using pip)
- LIBPNG upgraded to version 1.6.20
- FREETYPE upgraded to version 2.6.2
- NOTEYE upgraded to version 8.3
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.11 build 2)
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2016, 01:31:49 PM »
build 2
Quick fix version. Changes:

- New corrected ironman town layout at 750ft
- Don't reset object visibility flag (MARK_SEEN) when clearing cave flags for a player if the object is inside a house owned by that player
- Stop generating lava tiles on the border of "new town" levels
- Display "You do not have enough room for this item" when trying to buy something with a full pack instead of "Buy how many? (max 0)"
- Fix plural of Knight Templar
- Don't notice ignored chests when searching or detecting traps
- Don't try to open or disarm ignored chests
- Fix a stupid bug which prevented items from dropping near a location which contained a trap or rune of protection
- Fix a critical bug which increased the stun counter by an absurd amount when something breathed sound, gravity or plasma on a character without protection from stunning
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.12!)
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2017, 02:33:13 PM »

This release mainly consists of porting the features from Angband 4.1 and adding a complete new wilderness with optional dungeons and postgame content. A big thanks to the Angband devteam for their awesome work!

To play on a PWMAngband server or start your own server, download the binaries and unzip the files (client and server are both in the same zip file now). And enjoy!

User interface

Angband 4.1.x:

- Add ?? inscription for unknown runes
- Improve player screen object property grid
- Add rune knowledge screen
- Give messages on learning jewelry and ego types
- Remove trap detect edge
- Add shimmer to shimmering monsters
- Add flicker to blink dogs, phase spiders
- Make known to-dam/to-hit values appear when only one rune is learnt
- Remove text screen dumps
- Change monster names to appropriate English case
- Adopt some of James Doyle's suggestions from the forum (flavors)
- Add show_damage support to monster melee attacks
- Switch out 'suicide' for 'kill character'
- Add sound for learning a rune
- Make separate locations for list monsters in and out of los
- Base targeting lines off player belief rather than truth
- Make lava glow
- Add option to display effective speed

MAngband 1.2:

- Add Walls of the World messages
- Add "-v" version output to server


- Remove a few obsolete hints
- Display real damage dice/base armor class if known, otherwise display
damage dice/base armor class from object kind
- Display header in red on the player screen object property grid for
- Add an extra panel for ESP flags on the player screen object property grid
(press 'm' to switch between skills/history, equipment flags and ESP flags)
- Add a debug command allowing creation of traps (Dungeon Master menu)
- Remove generation of item/ego by number (Dungeon Master menu)
- Generate true artifacts by kind + name (Dungeon Master menu)
- Select features by name instead of number (Dungeon Master menu)
- Add 'D' command in stores to describe an item
- Switch around tiles for log and drawbridge
- New ambient sounds for wilderness and deep dungeon levels
- Mention dungeon name when looking at a dungeon entrance
- Mention dungeon name instead of "Dungeon" when displaying the wilderness
metamap while inside a dungeon
- Move amb_senya/amb_xakaze ambient sounds to depths 125/126
- Add ambient sound (amb_melkor) for depth 127
- Remove 8x8, 16x16 and 8x16 tilesets
- Add new titles for conquering the Nether Realm and killing Melkor
- Automatically assign spellbooks tags 1-9 based on sval
- New command: '%' (display current time)
- Add an option ('m') to rest until morning
- Add antimagic field value to the description when inspecting dark swords
- Add list of visited dungeon/town locations to the knowledge screen
- Allow rerolling random artifacts (Dungeon Master menu)

Gameplay changes

Angband 4.1.x:

- Don't notice brands on wield (only notice when hitting a monster susceptible
to the brand)
- Transfer object knowledge on walkover
- Don't learn the flavor of jewelry with obvious properties until all of them
are learned
- Remove IDENTIFY activation
- Remove staves and rods of Identify, scrolls of Identify still exist but are
not sold in the Alchemy Shop anymore
- Remove IDENTIFY_PACK effect (from potions of *Enlightenment*)
- Remove pseudo-id (PWMAngband: remove PSEUDO_ID_IMPROV, make pseudo-id
automatic and immediate on walkover, keep feeling message but remove
feeling inscriptions, simplify quality ignoring)
- Temporarily swap all stats around when hit by nexus in addition to teleporting
- Make dice and ac (runes) known at birth
- Make IDENTIFY effect (scroll + spell) identify an unknown rune on an item
- ID flavored consumables on first use
- Make basic lights and diggers have innate not magical properties
- Make *Slay*s have a random power or base resist
- Learn sustains if their item also boosts the stat
- Identify obvious effects on abort (IDENTIFY, RECHARGE...)
- Make devices that affect monsters require a target to ID
- Make standard body armor to-hit penalties not part of the to-hit rune
- Remove search command and searching status (PWMAngband: 'Toggle search mode'
becomes 'Toggle stealth mode' for Rogues)
- Remove search frequency skill
- Introduce trapsafe status and trap disabling, change trap destruction spells
- Secret doors only inside rooms
- Only set traps in corridors, replace some tunnel junction doors with traps
- Make door detection miss secret doors, generate many fewer secret doors
- Nomad's new template rooms with placed traps
- Split disarm skill to physical and magical
- Add new traps, improving effects where necessary
- Add rubble fall effect
- Allow summon effect to have an added out of depth element
- Change pit behaviour
- Make chests rarer and more valuable
- Add DRAIN_LIGHT effect
- New curses: defined by power (1 = easily breakable, 100 = permanent),
to_a/to_h/to_d values, object flags/modifiers/elements, effect, tval
- New curse system: implement curses as runes, update object info and
description, restore curse removal, allow branding of cursed items, know
curses on wield (instead of pickup), turn cursed egos into curses, replace
OF_TELEPORT with OF_NO_TELEPORT, redo teleportation jewelry as cursed
- Enable fizzix's probability tweaks from 2012
- Allow passable rubble in the dungeon
- Activate new dungeon profiles (modified, moria)
- Activate new room types (moria room, Interesting room, huge room, room of
- Activate new vault types
- Make lava passable and hurt the player
- Allow hot and cold projections to create or destroy lava
- Allow lava to appear in vaults
- Stop monsters from moving into lava, hurt them if they're pushed
- Weight slays and brands by fixed weights, adjust monster feelings
- Make player know all combat runes at birth
- Tone down greater vaults for non-classic profiles
- Adjust slays, brands and modifiers on randarts
- Some improvements to curses on randarts
- Distinguish between ratings for template rooms
- Remove "Find Traps, Doors & Stairs" spell (priest, paladin, summoner)
- Replace "Find Traps, Doors & Stairs" spell by "Detect Stairs" (rogue, ranger)
- Remove trap/door/stair detection from "Detection" spell (paladin)
- Remove trap/door/stair detection from CLAIRVOYANCE and DETECT_ALL activations
- Remove DETECT_TRAP and DETECT_DOORSTAIR activations
- Remove scrolls of Trap Detection and Door/Stair Location
- Remove trap/door/stair detection from potions of *Enlightenment*
- Move objects when lava is created
- Make stone to mud destroy passable rubble
- Reduce the supply of gold, in line with its value in older versions
- Make a hard cap of 6 on non-speed randart mods
- Curse a few randarts
- Adjust class and race searching skills
- Implement basic trap searching
- Add visibility ratings for traps
- Change create traps to radius 3, make created traps and vault traps only
appear one in four times
- Implement 'hold monster' effect (PWMAngband: adapt the existing effect)
- Implement new stunning effect (PWMAngband: adapt the existing effect)
- Implement new 'slow monster' effect
- Implement new 'confuse monster' effect
- Add heal-other monster spell and low-level healer monster
- Increase bonus on rings of Searching
- Adjust mushroom effect times
- New randart set generation algorithm (PWMAngband: keep the item kind)
- Make !g on an object turn off pickup_inven for that object
- Allow monster pathing through passable rubble
- Stop HOLY_ORB destroying cursed items
- Massive buff to probing
- Make donation rules the same as selling rules
- Learn runes of innate properties at birth
- Make vortices resist poison, silver jellies not hurt by light
- Forget destructed and earthquaked terrain
- Make monsters in lava take damage (PWMAngband: extend to all damaging terrain)
- Make group monsters only try to surround the player when in los
- New monster pathfinding
- Change waybread to a flat 20 heal
- Give all traps a 1 in 3 chance of being destroyed when the player hits them
- Tweak modified profile unusual room parameter
- Always give the player some experience for disarming a trap
- Place stairs in safer places (PWMAngband: forbid stairs in vaults, starburst
rooms and rooms of chambers)
- Randomise teleport distances a bit
- Place player more safely
- Make all random breath activations have the same damage
- Make effects and curses unnecessary for IDing jewellery
- Make not obviously aimed flavored items use a random direction if unknown
(except rods)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: PWMAngband (now at v1.1.12!)
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2017, 02:33:32 PM »

- Port and adapt object knowledge from Angband: transfer player knowledge
(automatically notice damage dice and base armor class), set ego type if
known, notice artifacts, apply auto-id, "assess" objects, ignore items
eligible for ignoring
- Remove Greater Identify and Knowledge Explosion spells
- Sorcerors learn the Telepathy spell at level 34 (instead of 36)
- Remove scrolls of *Identify*
- Prevent probability travel on grids with items
- Prevent earthquakes placing players and monsters on grids with items
- Rename Identify spell back to Perception for Priests and Paladins
- Give Dungeon Master full knowledge of runes
- Scale physical and magical disarm skill with racial DEX/INT
- Increase digging repeat count from 10 to 20
- Assess jewelry on walkover
- Make unbelievers *suck* at magic devices
- Replace Sense Traps, Doors & Stairs with Spiritual Hammer (Telepath class)
- Allow the Dungeon Master to summon uniques
- Give archers extra shots at level 20 and 40 (instead of 15/30/45)
- Limit extra shots to +1 on Slings of Buckland
- Limit damage power on artifact ammo to +10
- Allow only one of KILL_XXX or SLAY_EVIL on artifact ammo
- Reduce monster saving throw against status effects
- Tweak some artifacts, delete a few, add new ones from TomeNet
- Align blinding effect with new hold/confuse effects
- Use target monster 'sleepiness' value for 'sleep monster' duration
- Make wilderness square-shaped (with radius 43) instead of diamond-shaped
- Make wilderness bordered (by the Walls of the World) instead of circular
- Add new wilderness types (river, deep water, desert, glacier, hill)
- Add new wilderness terrain types (sand, sandwall, ice, ice wall)
- Make wilderness metamap fixed instead of randomly generated, using a
pseudo Middle-Earth map as layout
- Use (modified) Angband-style town layout as base town layout
- Remove the static pre-designed dungeon towns used on no_recall/more_towns
servers every 750ft (while keeping the framework for designing static dungeon
- Generate Angband-style dungeon towns automatically every 1000ft on no_recall
servers (if there is no static pre-designed dungeon town loaded at that depth)
- Generate arenas on WILD_DESERT terrain
- Don't respawn monsters in town suburbs
- Allow special manually-designed levels/towns in the wilderness
- Split starting town (starting point for non-ironman level 1 characters) and
base town (containing the main Angband dungeon) into two separate towns,
rename them Hobbiton and Carn D&ucirc;m and place them at their real location
on the pseudo Middle-Earth map
- Remove WILD_GRASS restriction for town suburbs, allow houses on waste and
glacier terrains
- Set monster/object level depending on wilderness level and distance from towns
- Prohibit stone to mud effect in towns
- Add towns of Bree, Lothlorien, Minas Anor, Umbar and Gondolin
- Close shop doors if someone is already in the shop in another town
- Make Farmer Maggot only appear in Hobbiton
- Add "The Orc Cave" (depth 500' to 1150') with Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Old Forest" (depth 650' to 1250') with Old Man Willow as dungeon boss
- Add "The Sandworm Lair" (depth 1100' to 1500') with The Sandworm Queen as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Land Of Rh&ucirc;n" (depth 1000' to 1700') with Ulfang the Black as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Barrow-downs" (depth 50' to 1750') with The Wight-King of the
Barrow-downs as dungeon boss
- Add "The Maze" (depth 1250' to 2000') with The Minotaur of the Labyrinth as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Heart of the Earth" (depth 1250' to 2250') with Golgarach, the
Living Rock as dungeon boss
- Add "The Small Water Cave" (depth 1600' to 2250') with The Watcher in the
Water as dungeon boss
- Add "The Helcaraxe" (depth 1000' to 2500') with The White Balrog as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Mines of Moria" (depth 1500' to 2500') with The Balrog of Moria as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Illusory Castle" (depth 1750' to 2600') with The Glass Golem as
dungeon boss
- Add "Cirith Ungol" (depth 1250' to 2750') with Shelob, Spider of Darkness as
dungeon boss
- Add "Númenor" (depth 1750' to 2750') with Ar-Pharazôn the Golden as
dungeon boss
- Add "Mirkwood" (depth 550' to 3200') with Radagast the Brown as dungeon boss
- Add "Mordor" (depth 1700' to 3250') with The Mouth of Sauron as dungeon boss
- Add "Erebor" (depth 2900' to 3500') with Glaurung, Father of the Dragons as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Sacred Land Of Mountains" (depth 2250' to 3600') with Trone, the
Rebel Thunderlord as dungeon boss
- Add "Dol Guldur" (depth 2850' to 3750') with The Necromancer of Dol Guldur as
dungeon boss
- Add "The Paths of the Dead" (depth 2000' to 3850') with Feagwath, the
Undead Sorcerer as dungeon boss
- Add "Mount Doom" (depth 4200' to 4900') with The Balrog of the Sammath Naur as
dungeon boss
- Move Tik'srvzllat to level 124 of Angband
- Add "The Nether Realm" (depth 5050' to 6300') with Xakaze, Father of
Abominations as dungeon boss
- Move Senyakaze, Sorceress of the Nether Realm to level 125 of The Nether Realm
- Remove Senyakaze/Xakaze from the list of questors, making them optional kills
- Add "Utumno, Portal to the Void" (depth 5100' to 6350') with Melkor, Lord of
Darkness as dungeon boss
- Make last four uniques fixed encounters always appearing on their base depth
- Allow force-location monsters to appear in the main Angband dungeon on
no-recall/no wilderness servers
- Restrict The Nether Realm and Utumno, Portal to the Void to winners
- Merge NO_RECALL and TOWN_WALL server options into DIVING_MODE (0 = normal
mode, 1 = no wilderness, 2 = no recall)
- Implement the Home (in Carn D&ucirc;m) for every player on no-wilderness servers
- New special level "The Brandywine Bridge" with Otho and Lobelia
Sackville-Baggins as fixed encounters
- Add BASEANGBAND monsters from ToME/TomeNET, remove some non-BASEANGBAND ones
- Make Melkor the final battle (auto retire)
- Make Senyakaze, Sorceress of the Nether Realm an Ainu
- Add "The Training Cave" (depth 50' to 100') in Hobbiton
- Add monster themes to dungeons
- Add dungeon flags to generate themed dungeon levels
- Add feature themes to dungeons
- New terrain: ash (floor tile), nether mist (floor tile, damaging),
dark wall (wall), web (passable, diggable), void (floor tile),
glass wall (permanent wall), illusion wall (fake wall)
- Add scroll of Wilderness Mapping which reveals the location of a random
wilderness area
- Allow players in undead form to inscribe/uninscribe carried items
- Cap anti-magic and anti-summoning at 90%
- Minor changes to randarts (AC, to-hit and to-dam)
- Forbid enchantments (to-hit, to-dam, to-ac) on dark swords
- Allow Raise Dead to raise ice skeletons from elven bones and give a chance
to get skull drujs from skulls
- Allow cursed objects with positive value to be sold in shops
- Remove HOLD_LIFE from Morgul weapons and from Mormegil
- Remove slay undead from Morgul weapons
- Change Feather Falling to Levitation (makes falls painless + prevents
- Add LEVITATE flag to allow (mainly flying) monsters to cross water
- Make antimagic a modifier instead of a flag, cap its value at +4 (40% field)
- Give all randart weapons a chance to get an antimagic field
- Add mana resistance to randart Crystal DSMs
- Give a chance to get dracoliches when using Raise Dead on dragon corpses
- Make controlled monsters more likely to react to new orders
- Make ancient wyrms rarer
- Add ABOMINATION flag (crawling masses of primal chaos)
- Add S_ABOMINATION spell (Xakaze)
- Add S_SPIRIT spell (Melkor)
- Allow ESP undead to detect ghost players
- Reduce stat boosts on the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth to +50
- Tweak base depth of some postgame monsters
- Restrict nether vortices and crawling masses of primal chaos to the Nether
- Add new abominations: chaos mutant, vlodblad and blood lurcher
- Don't give the Dungeon Master full flavor knowledge at birth to allow
generation of unaware items
- Allow '*' to specify a rod when generating an item with the Dungeon Master

Bugs fixed

Angband 4.1.x:

- Make dwarf gold detection more update-efficient
- Fix 'dependant' typo
- Fix randart weapons having both supercharged AC and normal AC
- Register monster resistance to known brands and slays
- Stop infinite loops in scatter()
- Fix hit chance in monster lore
- Amend interesting room Hourglass
- Fix laxity in scatter(), find_nearby_grid(), and vault_monsters()
- Bounds checking and other fixes in dungeon generation
- Stop ID info leaking when inspecting
- Forget los-blocking grids between player and monster they can see
- Allow chests to be specifically generated in vaults
- Don't count timed effects as damage in nonhp_dam()
- Fix quiver header
- Fix a buffer overflow
- Fix some memory leaks
- Stopped reporting "Radius 1 light" for non-lights
- Stop monster status info when blind
- Update view correctly after darkening a room
- Prevent conflict between object flags and curses
- Fix ART_TAG stuff for plurals


- Learn the ego when branding an item, not the brand itself
- Display temporary effect (resistance, ESP) with a light green '!' on the
player screen object property grid instead of using the green header which is
reserved for immunity
- Fix typo that prevented displaying temporary resistance to cold on the player
screen object property grid (temporary resistance to fire was displayed twice)
- Make sure the object still exists when ignoring an object from the ignore menu
to avoid crashing the client (corpses may have decomposed, ...)
- Display "It can be aimed" for all unaware rods
- Update quiver count when dropping a partial stack of missiles
- Don't draw breath effect over the breather
- Fix "resist acid" element/rune learned when hit by a Darkness spell
- Take a turn if device/spell failed due to antimagic field
- Fix incorrect frequency for immunities leading to them appearing too often on
- Fix some memset declarations
- Fix crash when trying to generate creeping coins in the wilderness
- Display wilderness coordinates properly at the bottom right of the wilderness
minimap, fixing a crash in the process if the size of the minimap was too big
- Add missing town wall tile mappings
- Re-introduce tunneling ability for randart weapons
- Fix monster summoning (Dungeon Master menu)
- Fix mowing down trees in town not decreasing the trees_in_town counter
- Fix color of light slate monsters
- Fix weight of unbelievers, remove weight for Emperor Mimic
- Don't add stealth to players polymorphed into a race with no base weight
- Fix some TOWN_WALL (no wilderness) issues
- Don't count held monsters for players' time bubble
- Fix paralyzing melee attacks not holding players/monsters
- Fix sound effects not activated in the Win and SDL clients
- Fix some string_append() copy/paste errors
- Fix crash in manual vault creation
- Fix ethereal hounds never trying to swarm the player
- Fix display of store entries
- Save all SQUARE_ dungeon flags in savefiles, fixing level feelings
- Use singular when displaying the activation message for a stack of rods
- Fix "It (offscreen) disappears" message when teleporting a monster away
- Don't make teleport other sound twice when teleporting a monster away
- Remove old code displaying garbled entries at the beginning of the character
- Don't report "Cannot be refueled" for unknown lamps
- Allow selling cursed artifacts
- Fix Raise Dead spell
- Remove reference to obsolete monster index in monster.txt
- Fix experience earned by killing Atlas, the Titan
- Fix crash when monster tries to create traps in MvM mode
- Ensure that Raise Dead generates an undead monster consistent with the corpse
- Fix typo in description of potions of life
- Fix description of objects with random effects
- Fix placement of rubble and traps in turn-based mode
- Make Mirrored script "B"s vault centered
- Don't allow antimagic field from monsters to disrupt other monsters' spells
- Fix client hanging when the metaserver is reachable but not responding

Coding changes

Angband 4.1.x:

- Rename obj-identify module to obj-knowledge
- Add rune module
- Handle non-magical object properties with flags
- Warning cleanup
- Remove special trap effects, make traps use other effects
- Add DUNGEON_LEVEL to effect expressions
- Split aggravate effect into wake and haste
- Rewrite drop_near()
- Nuke forget_view and PU_FORGET_VIEW
- Remove unnecessary screen updates in detection effects
- Various refactorings
- Fix memory leaks
- Add list-randart-properties.h
- Refactor obj-randart
- Move monster blow methods to a data file
- Move much of list-player-timed.h to player_timed.txt
- Move monster blow effects to blow_effects.txt
- Make monster lookup case-insensitive
- Excise mon-power
- Split object data file reading into obj-init.c
- Replace linked lists of curses with arrays
- Parse slays from slay.txt
- Remove the slay cache
- Replace linked lists of slays with arrays
- Parse brands from brand.txt
- Replace linked lists of brands with arrays
- Remove monster power and scaled_power
- Move magic realms to realm.txt
- Tidy up some parser errors
- Include spell power, use it instead of monster level
- Replace origin_xtra with origin_race (struct monster_race)
- Remove indices from (many) text files
- Replace indices with strings in savefiles (PWMAngband: keep indices
by default, use a #define to switch to strings)
- Put monster spell lore colours into monster_spell.txt
- Put monster blow lore colours into blow_effects.txt
- Implement monster flag types
- Use monster flag types to write lore abilities
- Use monster spell types to write lore spell descriptions
- Use monster flag types in monster type descriptions
- Put element/projection info into projection.txt
- Parse object power calculations from object_power.txt
- Parse object properties from object_property.txt
- Use new object power calculations
- Move higher level parsing functions to datafile.c
- Move artifact light activations to the object kind
- Stop handling special artifacts separately for randarts
- Re-order artifact.txt and ego_item.txt to match the ordering in object.txt
- Thorough refactor of mon-timed.c
- Add NO_SLEEP/STUN/etc flags to monsters that previously had them inferred from
spell flags
- Refactor of project-mon.c
- Add new NO_HOLD flag for monsters immune to holding
- Implement variable slot sizes by item base
- Enable two levels of monster spell message
- Expand info and power lines in monster.txt
- Rename aaf/vision to hearing, alertness to sleepiness
- Move distance/direction arrays to cave.c
- Reorganise mon-move.c
- Add mon-predicate
- Move rd_artifacts() to after rd_misc()
- Remove drop-artifact from monsters and drop the Morgoth artifacts directly
- Write error diagnosis file on object pile error
- Generalise lava damage to damaging terrain
- Improve ranged_helper()
- Make a list of grids to pick a teleport location from
- Remove (unused) monster spell power
- Clarify door opening and bashing logic
- Re-create missing mimicked objects on savefile load
- Add struct connector for joining levels (adapted for PWMAngband)
- Enforce minimum level sizes for persistent levels (adapted for PWMAngband)
- Change to main-gcu.c

MAngband 1.2:

- Improve console command handling


- Remove OF_ESP_POWER (use ESP flags directly)
- Refactor project_m_is_threat using projection.txt
- Make "returning" an object flag, replacing the corresponding object kind flag
- Add some sanity checks on server options (mangband.cfg)
- Reorganize player store feature order to match regular store features
- Use a long integer for monster HPs instead of a short integer
- Refactor flavored death message code
- Parse wilderness terrain information from wild_feat.txt
- Parse wilderness metamap from wild_info.txt
- Make wilderness level info array bidimensional
- Reorganize wilderness.c
- Replace "depth" with "struct worldpos" containing both depth and wilderness
coordinates ("player", "player_death_info, "monster", "object", "chunk",
"arena_type", "house_type" and "wild_type" structures)
- Set depth to 0 when on the wilderness surface
- Move "chunk_list" and "players_on_depth" arrays to "struct wild_type"
- Replace "recall_depth" with "struct worldpos", parsing "@Rx,y" inscription to
recall to a specific wilderness level
- Add two "struct town" for starting town and base town
- Use an array of "struct town" for towns
- Parse town features from town_feat.txt
- Parse town names and coordinates from town.txt
- Parse layout of Bree from town_bree.txt
- Parse layout of Lothlorien from town_lothlorien.txt
- Parse layout of Minas Anor from town_minas_anor.txt
- Add a system to restrict monster creation to certain locations
- Parse dungeon names and coordinates from dungeon.txt
- Don't keep towns allocated if they don't have players or owned houses
- Remap 32x32 and 48x64 tilesets to match the 64x64 tileset
- Add min depth to dungeons, only allocate max_depth - min_depth cave chunks per
- Simplify the time bubble code and add time scaling in town
- Reorder monster.txt for the last three dungeons
- Don't send extra info in the reply when the server refuses a client connection
- Check status error immediately when the client tries to contact a server and
return "not a PWMAngband server" for unknown errors
- Refactor object_xtra structure, splitting activation and aiming flags


Angband 4.1.x:

- Fixed spelling errors in help
- Document trap.txt
- Add documentation of new status effects
- Fix some typos in user manual
- Update help files


- Reorganize setup.bat a bit
- Move angband.css to the manual generation directory, generate PDF and HTML
manuals in the root directory
- Simplify the readme.7z archive


- ZLIB upgraded to version 1.2.11
- LIBPNG upgraded to version 1.6.32
- FREETYPE upgraded to version 2.8.1
- PYTHON upgraded to 32-bit version 2.7.14
- NOTEYE upgraded to version 8.4
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training