This is extremely cool! I'll echo the "complaint" in the comments that the biomes are a bit too "horizontal," but it still looks great.
Just a general question since I haven't heard of this project before: How do you like developing with Python? Anything in particular you've run into that would make you want to switch to another language?
Thanks a ton! Yeah, I think I'm going to try and change that a little bit. Shouldn't take too long, actually.
I'm really enjoying using Python. Having never programmed before, it's hugely intuitive, and seems to have the facility for pretty much everything I need. Memory issues did come up, but I think I've sorted with them all now. There's no way I'd switch and learn another language now!

Looks gorgeous.
Random train of thought: model the sea floor? 
Would be cool as hell to have ancient underwater civilizations hidden far deep beneath the surface.
Maybe they can be visited by using a submarine vehicle.
Wow, cheers!
That IS an interesting idea. I'm not yet sure how I'm going to handle underwater, if at all. I love the idea of underwater civilizations, though. I might have water-breathing as an option, but it would be for lone adventuring. Ruins might be able to spawn on the coast soon, though, which I think could look quite nice.