Author Topic: Legerdemain v0.9.7 now available  (Read 8107 times)


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Legerdemain v0.9.7 now available
« on: June 05, 2008, 01:31:14 PM »
Hello everyone!

Legerdemain, everybody's favorite (and only) unfinished IF/RPG/Roguelike
hybrid, has been updated with more silly dialogue than ever before. For
those of you out there who've always wanted to argue with crotchety old
man-badgers, or journey throughout a world where you can become eviscerated
in new and better ways, your prayers have been answered.

For the rest of you, the world of Phenomedom now has a cast of nearly two
hundred characters to become acquainted with, as well as new enemies, new
spells, new events, and lots more polish. (as in the substance, not the
language). Download Legerdemain and give it a whirl, or drop by the forums
and let us know what you think.

I've also made some .zip and tar.gz distros available for convenience.

A big thanks to all those who've shown an interest in registering. I should
have something in place to handle this in the coming weeks.


Legerdemain - A Tale Fraught with Peril and Wonder