well im about to start dungeon generation, but i want two "levels" with the same dungeon once ive worked though the tutorial(im hoping to do two "planes" one physical, the other spectral, think kinda like soul reaver on ps1/pc)
could anyone post the "logic code" on how to do that, by that i dont mean pythons code but the logic steps in said processes, e.g for movement the "logic code" would be: display "@" on screen, when movement key is pressed create second instance left, right, above or below first instance, delete first instance
I think what you mean by 'logic' is known as pseudo-code. Try to use that for clarity's sake.
For the 'mirror world' type of thing, think of something like this:
Make dungeon; //Make the dungeon
RealWorld = true; //If the value is true, you're in the real world, if its false, you're in the spirit world
if steponspiritportal, RealWorld = false; //If you step on the portal, it changes the RealWorld value to false, thus putting you in the SpiritWorld
if RealWorld = false, run SpiritWorldShift; //When you change to the SpiritWorld run a function that changes the world (grass dies, water turns to lava, etc)
Then compose a changing back to regular world function
RealWorld = false; //You are now in the spirit world
if steponrealportal, RealWorld = true; //If you step on a portal in the spirit world, you shift to the real world
if RealWorld = true, run RealWorldShift; //When you shift from spirit to real world, turn dead grass back to living, lava back to water, etc
Now, being pseudo-code, it's obviously not going to look exactly like that, but that could be a general outline.