do i just use a blank .txt document for typing all the code up, like in a web page design, or making a basic mod for some games?
and if i do what do i change the extention to after?
if not what do i use?
Yeah, just edit as a plain text file, and give the extention *.py. Afterwards, you can execute from a shell/console with "python".
FWIW, I started out more or less as you seem to, knowing next to nothing and choosing python. After getting started with some online tutorials, I enjoyed the book "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz and David Ascher. I'm also a fan of "Python Pocket Reference" by the same M. Lutz.
And remember, the official documentation ( is not to be missed! It basically contains all you will ever need to know.
After a few years of lazy development. I have a decent enough engine for a coffee break RL. But at some point, it became neccessary to refactor (rewrite code) to make up for some early mistakes, and the project is currently at a standstill. So take my advice with a grain of salt
As always,