another article to get us all hyped up
"We made sure that there was an element of unpredictability in the AI which often made it seem more intelligent than it actually was."
And boy, did they manage it! The AI would pull weird stunts... who hasn't been combing the entire map for that one last ethereal that is making your troops go batshit crazy, only to find it's on a ridiculous spot in a roof behind your plane, or in the most freaking remote and obscure map border alley?
Or chasing sectoids in farms, almost a la benny hill?
Those devious aliens really deserved the demolition approach.
One blaster bomb to pierce the hull of an ufo. A second blaster bomb to go through the hole, reach the navigation room, and make that nice 2x2 navigation table blow up and take out the crew with them *for sure*
It's a shame that the fluff in Terror from the Deep was much less solid (is it even made by the same guys?) because the enemies were really fucked up, and the land/sea environments really played to their advantage. TftD *really* gave me the creeps compared to it's predecessor.
And then there is apocalypse which is an outright weird game with abortive graphics, and fluff that makes
even less sense, but I still played it... being able to recruit RAWBOATS and bashing your enemies up the head with a frickin' PLASMA SWORD were probably my favourite features.
I have even played Enforcer!

which x-com games am I missing? some space-based PEW PEW PEW WE NEED MOAR DAKKA ones right?