Author Topic: NPPAngband 7.0.0 released  (Read 5026 times)


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NPPAngband 7.0.0 released
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:06:22 AM »
NPPAngband version 7.0.0 has been released.  The big change is the release of a Moria game mode, for which I will set up a separate post.  It contains only minor differences, some code cleanup and about a half-dozen bug fixes from NPP 6.1.2. The complete changelist below:

Add moria game mode, based on UMoria 5.5.2.
Added opportunity to do a shield bash on a monster as in Moria.
Reduced frequency of ghost challenges.
Multiple sidebar and ui improvements by 'kaypy'.
Code cleanup provided by dlevin.Reduced alertness for several Ainu uniques.
Bugfix: Fix inconcistency when describing damage from ammo.
Bugfix: Fix display of equipment flags on equipment screen.
Bugfix: Fix bug in calculating monster speed variances (found by kaypy).
Bugfix: Commands could sucessfully be repeated while confused.
Bugfix: Fix multiple missing 'break' statements (found by "runningaway").
Bugfix: When using the look command, the cursor did not display when animate flicker option was on.

The links are:

Souce Code:

NPPAngband Windows Binary:

(MAC disc images coming soon. Both games can be quickly compiled for the mac using XCode, and at a command line typing: "make -f makefile.osx")

Github respository: