But there doesn't seem to be a win 32 binary 
Any chance to get a 32-bit version that will run on win xp for your biggest fan???
Sure I can.
Just a question though, did you try playing the "64 bit" Windows version?
I'm suspecting that it was actually built with a 32bit compiler, and is in fact a 32bit binary.
Could you try running it please?
Edit: Tried it myself on a 32bit Windows installation - it did not start.
Edit: Someone reported that they could in fact play the "64bit version" on their 32bit Windows XP machine. I'm really confused now.
Edit: OK the reason it won't start on my 32bit Windows XP is probably that it's running Service Pack 2. I'm now 99% certain that the "64bit" IA release is actually entirely a 32bit release. If this is the case, I just need to rename it and upload it again. Please try running the current version Legend!

... also, are you running SP3?