1. On video start, we get a glimpse of JADE at IntelliJ which gives us some insight on the structure of the program, it seems to be a flexible take on Actions and Brains, clearly seeking to fulfill his notes about similarities between player and monsters as well as a structured action model.
2. From what I can get on the video, JADE is currently looking like ADOM++ running on Java, with a bigger randomly generated overworld, and levels pretty similar to what Adom stablished as standard for ADOMLikes (some dead like Legend of Saladir and Avanor)
3. The world generator gives pretty impressive results, people tends to forget producing a generator like this is never easy.
4. The UI looks flexible and the display choices are interesting.
5. I love the world generator
6. I am wondering about memory consumption, as a Java programmer

7. We must have in mind this is just 0.0.7
8. The town is toooo big, I agree... but I recall him saying sometime it would be like a lot of dungeon levels put in one alone?
9. Some music would have been nice

10. I am happy the JADE engine has reached such maturity level, which puts him apart from the talkie talkie and genroguelikes category! what we have here is basically ADOM, but (I guess) better written and without the spiky bites of code that compose a roguelike through the years, which is a feat on itself. I hope he can start implementing the unique features to make it for an interesting gameplay experience