Wait, you are saying an advocate would say "I don't like expensive AAA games, so I'll download them illegally to play for free instead"? That's...okay...what? Does the contradiction not leap out to anybody else?
I don't see where Z said that.
"An advocate of piracy could now say that if I downloaded the game, played it, then maybe I would like it and change my opinion on AAA games and buy the sequel, recommend it to my friends, just send my thanks to the authors, or whatever."
Nowhere did was it even mention buying the game downloaded if it was enjoyed. Maybe that's an oversight on Z's part?
The "if I like it I'll buy it" argument is a better one morally, except bet your bones that market only makes up like 0.1% of pirates
You just made up that statistic.
Yes. Yes I did. I figured that was obvious and it was just to get across the point that those people are most likely not in the majority.
As for the AAA industry as a whole. Well, people are still buying enough AAA games to keep that ball rolling along. Otherwise they'd all fail and well, end of that entire industries economy fails I guess?
What was the point of this remark? Yes. The industry must be doing well enough if it isn't gone. I think we all realized that. This doesn't respond in any way to Z's point that your reasoning means that anyone who doesn't buy games at all is evil, whether they pirate them or not.
I never made that point. I called them selfish, and trying to get something for nothing, but isn't everbody? I call myself selfish and trying to get something for nothing and damnit I'm dragging you all down with me!

Heck, if you look I even "offended" people who give to charity.
Unless you are of the opinion anything "morally wrong" is evil? Is it? I always thought evil required something extra...
Unfortunately I don't understand talks of morality very well so I just go by what I think seems to be other people's concept of it. Since stealing seems to fall under morally wrong, and I addressed that in the the whole "stealing a design by using it without permission" part of an earlier post, I just assumed most people have that concept of morality and find it "wrong" even if willing to do it. The people who don't tend to be zealots, and any honest zealot in my world view is obsessed about...well, to reuse the phrase "stroking their ego" regardless of what they claim. That or they are so afraid of the hypothetical worst-case alternative they have withdrawn completely into the protective shell of their zealously regardless of the world around them.
Now, I'm often the first to just assume people are stupid, and that's what I'm going to assume to explain why games like Call of Duty: Black Ops sell in such numbers despite a near identical game that most of them already own called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 being available...
Maybe people like Black Ops better. You don't know.
I address my "people are stupid" concept a bit further down.
Still, indie games tend to have more niche appeal, and more unique gameplay and graphics.
Do you see the irony in the fact that we're in a forum dedicated to mimicking the gameplay and presentation of Rogue? "More unique" indeed. "Unique" doesn't necessarily mean that a game is more fun anyway.
Indeed I do ^^ But games here still have that niche appeal so hey, that's 1/3? Also the big roguelikes all have something quite unique about them and small ones are generally developed by hobbyists. And we aren't expected to pay money for most of these, they'd just hobbyist projects. It's a lot more forgiveable when you're not trying to sell the result.
I may call that a good thing but since, as established, people are stupid it seems to have it's downsides. Also most indie games people play are good because only the good ones or interesting ones tend to make it onto services like Steam or attract enough attention to be noticed.
What is "good" or "interesting" is merely your opinion. You can't call someone stupid for having a different opinion, and mainstream games get more advertising anyway, so people might like independently-developed games if they only knew about them.
True, and yes I can because I am god *que rock music*. But yeah, my god complex aside I was using the word stupid in the "slow to learn and disliking of change" sense. Since unique gameplay often means some major changes, it's a risk publishers don't like and yes, could cost sales even if it works. Maybe I'm wrong, people aren't slow to learn and disliking of change, but that's a moot point since the publishers seem to assume this anyway ergo the
Viewers Are Morons trope.
I do smack down indie games as well. A good percentage of them aren't good at all, but we don't tend to see them because...well, they don't get much attention. It's all about the advertising, like you said.