Hah, bet some of you clicked that and thought I was announcing that I'm working on one! But sadly, I'm not a developer.

I was just wondering if anyone currently is working on a RL for Android?
I know there are some available. These are the only ones I think is worth mentioning though:
Dweller - Well made for players inexperienced with RLs, but very very easy.
Angband - The port for Android is one of the most well-made ports I've ever seen. The screen-scaling option with volupe +/- is also quite brilliant. Sadly my phone's screen is just too small no matter what to enjoy a hardcore, ASCII-based RL like that.
TraqueHack - This is actually my favorite RL for Android. It's simplistic, but it's well made and quite challenging. And the online score-board makes it fun, over and over and over again! It's kind of like
Rogue's older brother. Or perhaps, cousin.

Anyway, I remember the iPhone got a graphical version of "Rogue" ported pretty quickly. I'm praying for the same thing to turn up for Android.
Just curious if any devs is working on anything for Android!