Author Topic: Descension Alpha  (Read 17323 times)


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2011, 05:33:06 AM »
v 0.0.8 - Released 1/28/2011

* character creator - cleaned up and added the following info - level-up bonuses, body parts, xp and hunger mods
* 5 new races - wargen, hobgoblin, mummy, skeleton and liche
* implemented very basic summoned creatures, you can only have a single creature summoned, they will attack the first monster int the monster list
* implemented armor and shield skills
* implemented a very basic town - i will continue to flesh out towns at a leter date, it currently consists of a bunch of empty buildings and a single shop. Pickup an item to buy it and drop an item while standing next to the shopkeeper to sell it
* fleshed out critical hits and fumbles - there are now 4 possible results for each. Critical hit - stun, bleed, max damage and double damage. Fumble - drop weapon, hit self, lose a turn and a temporary -attack buff
* added hit location system - each hit location has its own defense and damage reduction stat and a random location will be hit during combat. Defense and damage reduction bonuses from weapon, shield, and jewelry items will add the bonus to all locations
* added list of controls to the pause/help screen
* added ranged monster attacks
* added scrolls and the ability to scribe them if you have the appropriate skill
* fixed various bugs


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2011, 11:33:50 PM »
v 0.0.9 - Released 2/10/2011

* fleshed out townville - added a armorer, weaponsmith and sage
* added overworld monster respawning - every 50 turns a new monster spawner is added to the map
* added monster drops - monsters now drop a single random item when killed
* rewrote drag and drop functionality - drag from ground to equip, drag from equip to ground, drag spells, drag action buttons and drag to unequip item
* made first balance pass on level 1 spells and added scrolls for all first level spells
* improved logging system - load info now added to message_log.txt
* implemented player death and graveyard file
* implemented saving and loading - game can be saved at any time but there is only a single save file
* added scrolling battle text - white indicates melee or ranged damage done to monsters, red indicates damage taken by player, green/blue indicated hp/energy healing, yellow indicates damage caused by minions


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 02:23:38 AM »
v 0.1.0 - Released 2/20/2011

* began to implement particle effects - i got the basic particle system in place, its going to require a bunch more work on my part to get everything working, there are no actual effects in game yet
* implemented projectiles for ranged weapons, including wands, havent yet added projectiles for spells
* made first major balance pass - adjusted item data, spell data and enchant data, will continue to tweak stats over the next several versions
* added monsters up to level 10 and made first attempt to balance them, you can continue past character level 10, but only up to level 10 monsters will spawn
* began to implement abilities - added a ability for each weapon type which is automatically obtained when you reach skill level 4, also added 3 test abilities which are obtained based on the players race (undead, demonic and wings). Non-passive abilities can be added to the action bar and used just like spells
* implemented the ability to add items to action bar - you can drag any item to either ability bar and "use" just like spells/abilities. Note: the way its currently implemented makes it only really useful for potions and food, although you can use/equip weapons/armor, the action bar doesnt yet "remember" the item and so will become empty after use.
* changed - right click on a action button to use it instead of left click as this was interfering with the drag and drop mechanic, this is just a temporary measure until i figure out how to fix the issue
* added a use last character button to character creator
* added multiple moves for player/monsters - player moves = speed / 50 + 1, monsters have preset number of moves
* fixed map border issue


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2011, 02:13:10 AM »
v 0.1.2 Released - 3/05/2011

* added multiple towns in each region, 1-3 coastal and 1-3 normal
* rewrote dungeon generation
* implemented swimming - swimming doubles the amount of hunger points lost per turn, if now flying, you will lose 1 energy per turn and once energy reaches zero you will lose 1 hp per turn
* reworked hunger system - eating now adds a number of hunger levels (ie hungry to satisfied or satisfied to very full) based on the type of food eaten. Better food (starting with cheese/pears) adds a hp/energy regen buff which lasts for 25 turns
* added in/out of combat - when a monster is seen the character is automatically changed to in combat state. combat state affects regen rates, in combat - one regen tick every 10 turns, out of combat - one regen tick every 5 turns
* moving through mountains alters the amount of hunger points lost per turn - low mountain * 3, medium mountain * 4, high mountain * 5
* survival skill subtracts a number of hunger points lost per turn by survival / 10, chance to increase survival skill points every time the character moves on an overworld map
* town, cave, dungeon and region names are now randomly generated
* fixed - cant mouse move when a monster is visible
* fixed - endless end turn loop when mouse clicking on a door
* fixed - both ring slots now light up when dragging a ring item
* fixed - display actual sell value when showing item stats
* fixed - missing belt and arm slot icons
* fixed - broken dungeon transitions
* fixed - inability to mouse move when a monster is visible
* fixed - ability to cast a spell when your skill is below the requirement
* added - minimap display of transitions - pink - to underground, yellow -   to town, green - to region
* cave generation - cave size is random (64-128 tiles), larger treasure chests   only found on deeper levels, names are randomly generated
* beginning of town randomization - randomize town center location, shop size and location, removed empty buildings for the time being, will continue to flesh out towns
* rewrote cave and hive generation - cave generation is now faster, produces better results and is more customizable
* added watery cave type - similar to large/small cave but with many water pools
* implemented click to move
* added - automatically pick up potions and food


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2011, 10:36:52 AM »
The more implemented features are good...your work is too good!!
Know which Swim Fins are for you


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2011, 02:03:02 AM »
v 0.1.6 - Released 6/17/2011

* added health, energy, and life fountains to caves
* added storage chest - blue colored chest located in the crafting hall in every town. All storage chests are connected, meaning that items that are placed in them are accessable from any other storage chest. Moving into a chest will open the interface. You must be standing next to a chest to transfer items, all the usual drag and drop commands should work with them. Also added a transfer option to the item menu
* map transitions now require the spacebar to be pressed, this will prevent unintended transitions when using click to move
* began to add abilities for monsters - worms and bloated worms now spit poison, snakes, wolf spiders and giant wasps have a poisonous attack
* began to implement elemental resistances - currently only hooked up to ability use, when a monster uses an ability against the player, resistance is calculated
* made a ton of changes to code involving monsters/minions and the player. All 3 now derive from a base class instead of being 3 seperate classes. This allowed me replace the PlayerAttack, MonsterAttackPlayer, MonsterAttackMinion and MinionAttackMonster functions with a single attack function. Monsters/Minions also can now have equipped items, item inventories, and hit locations (though they are currently all empty and unused). I did quite a bit of testing but rewriting so much code may have introduced some new bugs.

v 0.1.6 Installer
v 0.1.6 Zip


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2011, 04:57:02 AM »
v 0.1.7 - Released 7/2/2011

* added the ability to zoom out, use mouse wheel to zoom in/out
* added support for "short" races, race sprite is a few pixels shorter and equipment is drawn with a offset to compensate
* added hit locations and equipment for creatures, added the ability to add/edit hit locations and (non enchanted) equipment to the data editor, when attacking a random location is chosen, this is temporary until i figure out a nice way to choose a location to attack
* added basic traps, invisible until standing next to one then the players perception is checked vs the perception to notice stat of the trap, there is currently no way to disable a trap and damage is static, for the next update i will add damage scaling and disabling
* changed goblins, kobolds and orks to use paper doll images

v 0.1.7 Installer
v 0.1.7 Zip


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2011, 12:21:49 AM »
v 0.1.8 - Released 8/11/2011

* added - enchanting screen
* added - hit point and energy bars for creatures
* added - third zoom level
* added - several items used for enchanting - mana crystals, runes, holy symbols, skulls, magic dust, runes can be crafted just as other items
* added - creature tooltip - displays stats for creature under the mouse pointer, currently used for debugging purposes, eventually ill tie it into a stat or skill and show differing amounts of information based on that stat/skill
* changed - crafting and enchanting screens no longer take focus from the gameplay screen
* changed - lots of code refactoring/reorganizing/rewriting, ive done quite a bit of testing but probably missed some bugs
* fixed - debuffs not working properly on creatures

v 0.1.8 Installer
v 0.1.8 Zip
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 12:23:22 AM by QJaxun »


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Re: Descension Alpha
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2011, 05:28:50 AM »
I used to have a water-powered computer.  The floating points were carved out of wood, and tended to fall on the floor and get lost whenever there was an overflow error.


Mine was ok until a family of beavers moved in...
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike