Author Topic: T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta16 "World Wide Tome" unleashed!  (Read 5135 times)


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T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta16 "World Wide Tome" unleashed!
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:23:38 AM »
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta16 ! See

Not everything I wanted to have is in this release but my life is a bit complicated currently, not much free time until the end of the year, so those 118 lines of changelog will have to do ;>
Release highlights:

* Online automatic character-sheets: all your characters will automatically be uploaded to
* New class: the Doomed
* New trees for Anorithils
* FOV code speed improvment
* Persistent hotkey assignements when quickbirthing!

Expanded changelist:

* Can not be stuck on tannen tower
* Positive energy is magic!
* Z'quikzshl the skeletal mold has been demoted from Boss to Unique rank
* The Rod of Recall is now dropped by Bill. Rejoice!
* Many typos!
* Removes mentions of some left over tolkienian names
* Warning about the crypt danger
* Custom mouse cursor support (disablable in the video options)
* Infusions & Runes can be used while silenced
* The game now computes "keyframes", those are the number of reference frames displayed. Simply this means that particles effects and such that are dependant on being called 30 times per seconds now work independantly from actual FPS.
* Game:display() now receives a "nb_keyframes" parameter, it should be passed to to the map an other such things (see the example module, it is easy to update, although technically not needed)
* Requested FPS can be changed in the video options
* Do not pop artifact quest in the ID
* Maximun OOD creatures set to 6 in the infinite dungeon
* The Ruined Dungeon is now persistant
* Reduced the power of melee projection on randarts
* Artifact bows/slings have default ammo
* Fixed Dark Ritual
* Inscriptions are now displayed in character sheet and dump
* Creating a new incription slot correctly consumes the infusion/rune
* Made it clear that overriding an inscription deletes the old one forever
* Added new lore to Tol Falas, I am sure you'd love some undead poetry, wouldn't you?!
* Renamed Tol Falas the Dreadfell
* Infusions & Runes items now have a more descriptive name
* Infusions & Runes variable values should scale better with levels
* Randart themened name will be determined by the theme that has the higher powers in the randart (out of the possible theme names, not all themes have names)
* Wild Infusion will only clear detrimental effects
* Fixed spell crit multiplier increase
* Aeryn in the endfight is a big biffier
* Fixed cooldown for Cursed's Rampage
* Disable equipment destruction by elemental attacks
* Greatmauls now have the same attack speed as other weapons
* Fixd the duplicate hotkey binding in the third hotkey page
* Bad (online)profile data wont prevent load
* Twilight gives the correct amount of Negative enegy
* Forbid lore items in place of unqiues
* Wands of trap destruction are much more effective now
* Renamed Stalactitic Missiles to Earthen Missiles
* Improved antimagic quets description
* Switched Explosion Expert and Alchemist Protection
* Talent category points now increase mastery by 0.2 but can only be sued once per category (instead of twice 0.1)
* Ametrine correctly lights the target area when used with Throw Bomb
* Fix bone shield, probably
* Fix Brandish description
* Runed Skull wont prevent using Imbue
* Fixed Martyrdom
* Added an achievement for killing Harkor'Zun
* Corrupted talent description update
* Gave a unidentified name to all artifacts
* Reworked Nightmare and Insane difficulties. Instead of weakening the player they will generate much nastier monsters. You have been warned.
* Demon Plane can only be cast on or by the player
* Bow & Sling specific talents only work with bows or slings
* Fix random/rare crash when saving
* Fix Vestments of the Conclave
* Sand tunnels will be strengthened by a second tunneler passing by
* Improved the speed the NPC FOV calculation, should lag less on crowded big levels
* Absorption shield talents now provide more info in the corresponding tooltip when activated
* Demon Plane should not work on players possessing creatures
* Updated online profile creation to work with the new website
* Even if bosses are killed by non-actors (like traps or suffocation) the player gain exp
* Using magic will correctly put on cooldown all antimagic talents
* Hate regen (loss) lies on an exponential curve. Above 10 it falls very quickly. Below 5 it falls pretty slowly.
* Hotkeys assignements are now remembered when doing a quickbirth
* New achievement for killing Bill at character level one
* Fix Geomancer's life rating
* Reading lore does not randomly turn the font italic or bold
* Renamed Trollshaws to Trollmire
* Advanced Golemancy requires higher level
* The Demonic Orb of Many Ways is identified as such when discovering the trickery
* Entities can have a "__position_aware" flag to tell the map code to store their position in x/y properties
* Infusion/Rune scaling is shown in talent info
* canProject() returns 2 additional values, the explosion coords
* Great many typos fixed by greycat
* Improved talent tooltips
* Demon Plane can not be used in zones forbidding worldportation
* Domniation Hex is removed if the target is damaged by the caster
* Automatic character sheet upload to each time the game is saved. The charsheets are then visible online, with colors and tooltips!
* Character Sheet dialog now provides a link to the online character sheet url
* Increased healing from shield of light on the lower end
* Rebalanced shield of light positive energy drain (now drains up to 2 per hit instead of a flat 3)
* Fixed Brandish targeting
* Rebalanced Providence (lower duration but more healing, should encourage investing more then one talent point into it without it being worthless at one point)
* Fixed Simulacrum and changed it a bit, added some cunning scaling
* Made twilight scale off cunning
* New Anorithil tree: Eclipse
* New Anorithil tree: Circles
* Fix the onslaught on Zigur quest
* Killing the elementals in Derth will now currently trigegr the quest even if killed by a summon controlled pet
* Character sheet now displays archery damage correctly
* Fix a weird worldmap bug
* Static map addZone and addSpot can take a 4th parameter that is a table to be merged into the spot/zone data
* Ghoul & Skeleton stat increasing talent does not count toward the stat limit, like items
* Fix Grace of the Eternals speed
* Fixed quakes, again
* The Summoner's Stone Golem does not quake anymore, instead it can use Unstoppable
* Added new horror creatures
* New class: Doomed (Afflicted)
* Changes some of the talents of the Shades in the Shadow Crypt
* Meditation breaks on damage
* Clarify stealth tooltip
* The Flooded Cave can be encountered again
* The Shade can not bleed
* Fatigue can not be negative
* High level Phase Door & Teleport will indicate which targetting does what
* Cyst Burst & Epidemic tooltip changed to note they only spread one disease
* The alchemist's golem will not appear on the worldmap
* Fix Crooked Club
* Added lore to each of the orc prides
* Effects duration is now displayed in left player pane & tooltip
* Game modules will be verified against an online check; profile data logging and online charsheet will only activate if the game is found to be clean. This is to prevent developpers & testers from erroneously uploading false data
* Frozen effects now reads as "encased in ice", making it more explicit that cold resist has no effect on it
* Frozen provides a 20% resist all due to being encased in ice
* Frozen creatures are shown more explicitly
* Creating a new character over an existing one now prompts a confirmation
* Added lore to the Temple of Creation
* Reknor max level increased
* Updated Cunning tooltip, it does not affect APR

Have fun!