Author Topic: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)  (Read 14479 times)


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My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« on: November 18, 2010, 04:24:58 PM »
Right, so I tend to come up with tons of ideas for things, and I'd like to think that a few of them are good. Of course, even if I get extremely skilled in programming, there's no way I could create them all. But if anybody else likes the sound of any of my ideas and wants to give one a shot, that would just make my day! So I thought I'd share some ideas as they cross my mind, for your viewing pleasure(?).

I'll update this periodically, whenever a new idea crosses my mind.

If you use it, just make sure you credit me in some way, even if it's a mocking afterthought in the credits or something. But really, I'm more interested in being able to play a game that has any of my ideas in it.

Idea 1: You play as a being trapped in a vast dungeon with various other beings, and each one is the lone recipient of a single perk, skill or attribute. You are all instructed to fight each other to the death, inheriting the gifts of the people you defeat in battle. But your opponents won't just stand around waiting for you to challenge them; they're fighting each other elsewhere in the dungeon, and god help you if one of their body counts gets too high before you fight them...


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 05:12:57 PM »
Sounds like Battle Royale  :)

Ari Rahikkala

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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 08:06:01 PM »
I'll spare you the usual rant that only demoralises people anyway, and say just this about this thread in general: Ideas aren't people. They're not little children all frantically waving their hands and going "Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!" They're not going to care that you are a human being with limited capability and limited time who can't implement them all. It's OK to  just pick one that you think would make a great game and roll with it. Even the most dedicated and productive game designers have ideas that they'll simply never get around to implementing, in fact given that you just started this thread with one idea... they probably have a lot more ideas than you do. And that's OK. All that really matters is the games you make.

I mean, take this thought you have here. It'd make a wonderful game and would be entirely doable in a 7DRL. Let me just see if I can give you a few pointers and see if I (definitely not a game designer by trade!) can spot a few possible pitfalls in the idea.

One, remember that it's the player's emotional reactions that make a game worth playing. Roguelikes are a very abstract medium and can have a hard time arousing much emotion... but, still, there is the anxiety of exploring, hoping for healing equipment rather than monsters when you're on your last 10 HP. There is, sometimes, a sort of fear when you know a very out-of-depth enemy is near (and far better if you describe its presence by sound!). There's a sort of exhilaration in slaughter after leveling up or gaining some powerful new ability or equipment. Even frustration, in controlled amounts, can be a powerful tool for the game designer, as it makes accomplishment taste that much sweeter.

What kind of emotional reactions do you want the player to have to this game you're going to be making? One thing you could do is make them feel hurried. Tell them that an enemy is on a spree gaining powerful abilities and you have to get to them fast. Maybe you could try to make them feel determined, determined to take out an enemy that just slipped from their grasp, or even angry at another that just stole a kill from them - but be sure to be extraordinarily fair or you'll make the player angry at the game rather than at the enemies!

Two, speaking of fairness, players are sort of sensitive to what I believe should be considered a technical term in game design theory: Bullshit. Here's one bullshit scenario that might occur if you're careless about design: The player never hears about one opponent becoming all-powerful and killing all of the other ones and being absolutely unkillable once the PC eventually runs into him. Here's another bullshit scenario: No opponent ever actually gets around to killing a lot of others, and the player just walks through the game without being challenged at any point.

You have to be strictly fair to the player and give them both challenge and the tools to defeat it. Deviating from that is bullshit (though in general not giving the player the tools is far more bullshit than not challenging them is). Here's one way you might be able to avoid bullshit, you could make it so that the opponents are guaranteed to have a certain amount of fights where one of them dies within some given time bound, and make a dungeon with a branching structure where the player always knows where to go to find the currently most urgent kills.

Three, remember what players are thinking of in the thick of gameplay. Is it the plot, perhaps an epic of wrathful gods, or a comedy of arcane tricksters, or maybe a tall science fiction tale? Is it far-away bosses and places they don't even know how to get to yet? Is it even the quests they are on right at the moment? Of course not. The player is almost certainly thinking of what direction they're going in, of what equipment they're looking for, of what resources they're trying to preserve, but really that's pretty much it, and so far that seems to be a pretty well-working paradigm of certain sorts of games such as roguelikes and FPSes.

Is your idea something that the player would be thinking about in the thick of gameplay, or is it something that would give context and interesting constraints to their actions? I'm thinking it's most likely to be the latter, meaning that this would be a fairly traditional roguelike except with special bosses you can go around killing and gaining the powers of. It doesn't have to be a big roguelike, of course - you don't need a food clock since the player knows that tarrying around is going to make the bosses more powerful, you don't even particularly need an inventory or a lot of character advancement since the player has meaningful and interestingly constrained choices about which boss to go for and gain the powers of next. You just need enough tactical complexity to make clearing areas vs. hurrying to get to a boss an interesting choice, and to make killing monsters fun in itself.

(you could also base the entire game around the special opponents, leaving the usual roguelike stuff out of it... but I'm afraid it would end up sort of like Shadow Of The Colossus without the breathtaking art and wonderful colossi that way)

So how about it? It didn't take me long to mash this post out and a lot of it could well be bullshit, I don't mind if you don't make any use of it. But I would love to see a new roguelike developer going at it, whatever idea you happen to base the game you'll be working on on :)


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 01:42:24 AM »
  Hey sounds like a good idea but prepare to be flamed a little.
  I posted a few of my RL ideas some months back and was trashed and I didn't know why. Basically guys come on here and give some cool ideas but then games never come out so people are left frustrated. There is also an issue that someone may have a similar idea, actually put a game out, and then have the idea poster try to take some credit. Or WORSE claim theft!
  The best way to post an idea is to do a 24hrl, 4drl or 7drl of your idea and have people critique that.

  I have no problem with idea posting. It can be fun to see what people think. But you better equip your +5 Flame Shield and quaff a potion of Thick Skin because you are opening the door for Krice and the boys, and they spit sticky flame.


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 05:12:13 AM »
 The best way to post an idea is to do a 24hrl, 4drl or 7drl of your idea and have people critique that.

This is great advice. I think too often people don't give this a shot because they feel like they want to work on 'bigger' projects or that they can't 'fit' their idea into a 7d-or-less-rl, but in reality, if they're inexperienced, they don't realize how much work a 7drl can be.

However if they make the game their skills improve and the community gets a game, or at least a demo out of it.

And I would wager that far more games are based on previous games than on game ideas. So if you want to see games based on your ideas, make games. :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 05:14:22 AM by george »


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 08:41:29 AM »
If you use it, just make sure you credit me in some way

Don't be naive. If you spill out a really good idea (this wasn't one of them..) no one is going to credit you. The author will just claim it was his idea. But don't worry, REALLY good ideas are hard to invent, ones that actually bring something new to a scene where everything is already invented many times and ways.


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 11:12:37 PM »
If you spill out a really good idea (this wasn't one of them..) no one is going to credit you.
And as well they shouldn't. Chances are that somebody's already made that same thing, and better. We're a community of mostly developers,  and some strict players who have been playing in the genre for years. We've all heard thousands of ideas. I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts, but you'd be more welcomed with enthusiasm if you showed us a game with your ideas. Most programmers have their plate full already and don't need help coming up with ideas, that's the easy part.
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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2010, 04:31:35 PM »
I have a 3/4 megabyte text file full of roguelike game algorithms and ideas on my hard drive -- the vast majority of them gleaned from my own posts on

I invite anyone who feels like it to use anything I've posted there in their own games. 

Incidentally, the idea of NPC's who are also in the dungeon and racing you toward the goal is one I posted five and a half years ago.  You can use it without crediting me if you feel like it. 



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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2010, 08:25:47 PM »
the idea of NPC's who are also in the dungeon and racing you toward the goal is one I posted five and a half years ago.

You were late. The oldest implementation (I can remeber) of that basic idea was in a game called Feud. It was somewhere in 1980's...


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2010, 10:33:54 AM »
If you use it, just make sure you credit me in some way

Don't be naive. If you spill out a really good idea (this wasn't one of them..) no one is going to credit you....
 ...Krice and the boys, and they spit sticky flame.

LOL!  See. Told you. :-)


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Re: My Random Ideas (Feel free to use them if you're so inclined)
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2010, 04:17:57 PM »
the idea of NPC's who are also in the dungeon and racing you toward the goal is one I posted five and a half years ago.

You were late. The oldest implementation (I can remeber) of that basic idea was in a game called Feud. It was somewhere in 1980's...

You call that pedantic, Krice? To be perfectly clear, this idea probably first surfaced in the Royal Game of Ur, approx. 5000 years ago ;)

As always,
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