So, the 7DRL Challenge is coming... It is been 3 years now...
I still remember when I started working on CastlevaniaRL.... ah, the old times... it was basically turning out a working framework into my first game, whatever its quality was. I felt proud! I finally had a working roguelike! The fact that monster spawning was absolutely flawed (After 400 turns 20 monsters would spawn each turn, something like that) didn't take anything out of it.
I remember working on ANT: The roguelike, only to scrap it the last day in favour of Mt. Drash... it was a full work (satur)day working on it at the office.
I should probably retake that scrapped project, some day..
I remember trying to work on MetroidRL while having a release date for a project at work, and working in one girlfriend's project at the same time (you can tell that in the
lack of quality of the project

), the nice thing about this project, and the think I am proud the most, is the procedurally generated prize/barrier system, implemented for the suit upgrades (I remember seeing it months later on the 300 gameplay ideas from
I remember the last minutes before releasing ZeldaRL... I delayed a trip for about two hours, they were waiting for me! Also, I discovered amidst the trip that I had left all magic spells activated by default.. ouch

It was also my first 7DRL to sport a full overworld, amongst with the cool looking dungeon generation...
...meh, I should be a full-time roguelike developer... my life would be happier!

What to expect from this 7DRL? Post your thought about the challenges, actual and former, in this thread!