Aside from potential community module doings, what can you tell us about the roadmap in general for the evolution of the game from here? New classes or further depth/skills for the current ones? New environs/enemies/items/etc? New music and sound fx? Engine improvements that would allow for "Feature X"? And so forth.
Well, we certainly need more areas and dungeons for players to
die in explore. The next area that's opening up are (in the order that they will most likely finish)
—Expanded Fields
—The Mountain Temple
—Silverblade Staging Grounds
—Dueling Arena (Gym Membership Req.)
—The Long Road
There's update notes and everything on the old site.
One new piece of music was added in this new update, and can be heard here;
http://www.indiedb.com/games/silverquest/videos/in-viaggio-part-ii#imageboxAs far as sound effects go, there was a massive update to that portion of the game, and it sounds great.
I redid the sprite-sheet, and there are now 24 new "face" colors. NPCs will be more colorful, and players will have access to these colors via a small monetary donation.
As features go, there was a nice little combat and stat update for Thieves recently involving the "speed" stat.
1 point in speed is now equal to one precent of critical strike chance.
Wizards will be next to receive an update. An incentive will be added for Wizards to take on a healing role in a group setting.
Enemy and item notes will always appear here, on IndieDB, and on the website;
Thanks for your questions!