That collapsed hydra makes me a bit curious ... need to find out what is the amount of head the beast needs to accumulate in order to get die instantly.
Also finding a equipment set which allows to obtain this as cheaply as possible is a nice mathematical puzzle, I think. (It took me about 200 HP, could be less by using better shields and more Potions of Extreme Speed)
Need to quaff life potion now but with ~800 HP I should be all-right for quite a long time. Who knows when this character bites the bullet. Probably I will move hydra.sav somewhere else to run some other slayers in near future. It is tempting to test new way of dispatching ancient beast. For that and another try of creating a really giant zombie eradicator is needed but this character left it at twelfth floor.
There is a command line option to change the savefile name. (Trying to run with a parameter it does not understand should display command line options) My experiments with giant zombies used Decimator, not sure which one is better (Eradicator would be better if the algorithm used by magic on the way had not its limits)
Vampire hydras are too rare below AH level for my taste. Challenge factor would get a healthy boost by their presence. Right now it is a no-brainer to use stunning + decapitate on them.
I will add a stat calculating the number of uses of decapitation/fungification on vampires, so you could try to keep it at 0 if you want.
Have a look at my stuff. Obsidian + reduction makes for a cheesy combo. Soon I will have enough big sticks to replace one of the swords by obsidian variant
Thanks for reminding me that it is possible to obtain obsidian divisors

But are they indeed more helpful than normal ones? They are used to quickly reduce monsters with lots of heads, and that e.g. +6 does not help the hydra that much. (Actually, I think that it might help you. If you cannot use your /5, it is possible that using your /3 or /2 and growing that 6 heads could make you able to use /5 in the next turn.)
I would add most hydra heads cut with a single ambidexterous attack. 360 was my high score. 360 /5 /3 /2 -12 = dead hydra. As you see no vampire head growth is listed. This is because I have exterminated them with extreme prejudice but encountered only a few. If memory does not fool me I could count them all on a single hand. MaxHP would also be useful additions if 4.0 does not provide it already.
Good ideas! (I think you mean max hydra killed by a single attack, otherwise you could easily get more) Currently there is a 3/20 chance of a vampire hydra per level... yeah, that's too low. I will raise to 5/20.
Single ambidextrous hits seems to count attacks against hydras unaffected by the potion. It would explain why with only nine potions whole game I managed to accumulate 52 single attacks. IMO when you stun a hydra using ambidexterity and fight another hydra meanwhile it should not count.
That's strange, I will check that.
Ettins deep down carried some really neat tools. Among them was a five-handed sword and a six-handed sword. Oh, now I remembered. Some of new names with longer element types exceed status area space and corrupt the map. Staff of misfortune is among them when combined with sapphire. Same for poisoned three-handed sword. That should be easy for you to fix.
curses hint of the day: You'll want to use erase() rather than clear() to clear the screen without repainting. Everything seemed to work fine for me when I just string-replaced clear() with erase() in hydra.cpp. This way there won't be a flickery redraw every time the player presses a key 
Thanks! I was wondering why it was flickering...
I have found a weird bug in 4.0 (you lose 16 max HP when using Necromancy), so I will release a fix soon.
EDIT: Version 4.1 released. I could not find any bug regarding counting ambidextrous single hits, maybe you misunderstood what it means? (It means that 17 of your attacks used multiple weapons, and they were composed of 52 single weapon attacks)