Thank you for your feedback, it's very useful!
I will start off by saying that while I don't intent expedition to become a full fledged sailing simulator, I agree some additional things are needed for sea trips to be more interesting, here's a list I have compiled, based on your input and some external sources:
* Wind: Adding wind currents that propel/hinder your ships movement
* Landing: Should be more dangerous, there could be hidden rocks that severely damage your ship on shallow beach water. May be adding landing boats
* Tides: Random variations on the ship position, stronger when near land
* Storms: Huge random variations on the ship position, loss of control, loss of precision on the dead reckon measures, massive damage on the ships and possible man-loss (specially sailors). Those could be randomly generated and seen at a distance.
* Rigging: Simplified, you can deploy sails at the cost of time and thus be faster but more prone to damage and chaos on storms
* Ship groups: It's hard to command a group of ships as an unified unit, so there's a risk of the ships crashing between themselves on storms
* Telescope: Ability to look far away (Needs Captains)
Right now the following is implemented:
* Ship speed: If you have a full crew your ship will move much faster (IIRC 1 captain and 10 sailors per ship). This includes the crew being unarmed.
* Ship damage: Your ships will be randomly damaged while on the sea, and you have to make your crew repair it, using wood. Carpenters make much better use of wood (repairing more points for the ships)
I have discussed this issue with the roguelike cabal and they generally consider sea travel shouldn't be overly complex, you could use the "idle" travelling time to think your strategy while pressing the left or right arrow (That's how it worked in seven cities of gold

The key here is that I want the game to remain simple on the surface, with lots of unexpected events handled behind the scenes. I wouldn't like having the trips be so complicated that you prefer to stay in Spain

About the manual, I agree... there are a lot of mechanics which are just not documented, and it would be great to have a cool looking manual with illustrations and stuff too

I guess it will come in time, for now I should start writing them out in a text file at least.
You may also want to check this out:'m glad you like the game and I hope you can stick around to see it develop further. Thanks.