In my first tries, I had overcomplicated the isometric view calculations a lot too. I'm glad you like it, I'm also happy how nicely it shapes up.
After the map structure and the field of view code, I wanted to work on a module for game actions. That is, a structure that allows to bind a (generic) action to a key press. I think I have the basics of this module in place now, too, and also implemented an example "Move" action for the demonstrator program. So, it now is kind of a super-simple mini roguelike walkaround demo.
You can fetch the JAR file with demonstrator code included from Sourceforge: can run the walkaround demo from the console by typing:
java -jar RoguelikeGameKit.jar
On Windows (and maybe other operating systems) the demo can also be started by a double click on the RoguelikeGameKit.jar if java is properly installed. It needs Java version 6 or newer to run. The demo will generate a random dungeon, display the dungeon and let you move the @ character around. You can move by WASD, HJKL and cursor keys.
Once I had a lockup in the demo (couldn't move anymore) and it might happen that the @ is not placed inside a room of the dungeon at start, but in a wall. In such a case, just restart the demo. I'll try to find out why it locked up this one time - I couldn't reproduce it anymore so far.
In order to avoid misunderstandings - this project is not meant to become a roguelike game itself, it just provides modules which help to write one. The walkaroudn demo is there to show how to use these modules.
Having said that, it was an exciting moment for me too, to move the @ the first time, and see the field of view update