<useful ui suggestions>
Thanks for the feedback, good ideas that improve the ui with little coding to do, I like that

The new version is awesome.
Actually its THE zombie game that many people were waiting for and its so good, that people started to be really enthusiastic and are suggesting things like crafting, farming on city outskirts, persistent world (like dwarf fortress) and similar stuff. It would be great if you would somehow describe some kind of plan or vision for this project. How far are you planing to go with this?
Next version. Then the next one. Repeat.

More seriously, it will basically just stay that : a quite-simple-but-fun open-ended zombie apocalypse survival game.
I won't make a dwarf-fortress-with-zombies, an ultimate survival game with civilizaton rebuilding and sexual reproduction

or a fully fledged rpg.
Little by little I'll add features to enrich the gameplay, and develop on features already there.
When I think alll the major features are done it will go beta.
To give an idea, feature I plan to add in next major version (say alpha 4) are :
- more than one map per districts : sewers and undergrounds.
- uniques NPCs, heroes or vilains, with better AI and interaction than average npcs.
May sounds little but its quite a lot of work.
In the next minor version (say alpha 3.1):
- ammo.
- traps and alarms.
- loud noises can wake nearby sleepers (already implemented).
- more useful followers -yeah I know its a never ending improvement quest- : stand guard, patrol the house, give me your stuff etc...
- better difficulty control (zombification rate option, already implemented).
Of course this could change if I find something more urgent to add, fix or balance etc...
And last but not least, is there a way to support you? (Other than to say that you're doing great.) 
Feedback on stuff I can fix/improve/add relatively easily with good value for the player :
- Bugs reports. I hate when it crashes on people face.

- UI improvement suggestions for features already there, like flap did.
- Balancing problems : this or that is too hard/too easy/useless/too powerful.
- Content suggestion : new items, actors, buildings...
I also love reading people short aars and see what strategy or tactics they use, discussion between players...
Serves as indirect feedback plus its fun seeing my little creation alive and people having actual fun -or not-