Author Topic: heavenly plane in ADOM?  (Read 41818 times)


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heavenly plane in ADOM?
« on: December 01, 2007, 02:02:05 AM »
a friend told me that he found that the ToTRR had another use... i think i recall him saying that there was soomeone who you could give the trident of the red rooster to in the red rooster inn (which i dont know where it is or if he was just pulling my leg :P) who would tell you about a mystic stairway in the eastern mountains on the other side of the rift. he said that there was a mystic stairway that lead him to a heavenly plane where you could meet the deitys of that certain race (like saraxx, onn, and isiatra), there was a disturbance in this plane in coming from a nearby volcano that you can enter... The disturbance gave the deity's a limit in their power... i dont even think that there is a volcano mentioned anywhere in ADOM, so im wondering if this was a true place in ADOM that any of you have been to.
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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 04:40:13 PM »
Well...there IS a volcano mentioned in the source, but the general consensus was that it was an early element of the game replaced by the Tower of Eternal Flames.

Also, I remember seeing the ultimate endings in the source (the descriptions, that is; you can read those by opening adom.exe in Notepad), but nothing like what you've mentioned.  I'm guessing that he was just pulling your leg.

As for the Red Rooster Inn, here's an excerpt from the source:
"You enter the Red Rooster Inn as the sun is just rising. Alganon, the innkeeper, welcomes you with great joy and honors you for helping the ancient dwarf. As a reward he grants you a long item wrapped in a sheet. He winks at you and mumbles "Ye know what'ta do with dat, don't ye?". Due to some urgent business Alganon then leaves."

It would seem that he's giving you and item, and not the other way around.  I think this was another element of the game that was replaced, in this case by that guy you rescue.

Also intriguing is this line:
"You will need to find the red rooster at dawn.  I have hidden it more effectively.  I am sorry to disappoint you but you won't be able to find the Scroll of Omnipotence in this place."

So what is this Scroll of Omnipotence? I'm guessing that it was the original way to reach an ultimate ending, and was replaced later in the game.  Here are some relevant messages:
"As you read the scroll you suddenly feel great power surging through your body. You feel invincible and your abilities are increased by enourmous amounts! Now you are a true champion of %s!" (%s is Order, Chaos, or Balance, I assume).

Or, if you fail:
"Immediately you realize that this was a big mistake as you are not prepared for the wave of power that suddenly floats your body. You are ripped to pieces almost instantly!"

Also interesting is this line, obtained by reading a certain scroll (not sure which one):
"The background depicts an elaborate red rooster.    The scroll depicts a trident made from gleaming black steel."

But I don't know the significance of any of this.  It sure is fun to speculate, though.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 04:54:01 PM by Gamer_2k4 »


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 08:09:53 PM »

Do you have adom's source code???
Where did you get it?


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 10:48:39 PM »

Do you have adom's source code???
Where did you get it?

No he does not have the source, nor has it ever been released.  You can however get ascii information from binaries with a text viewer.  Also  there are certain other methods for extracting source like information from distributions.


However the source code for JADE has just been released and is a awsome game once you know how to build it. I am already up to level 15.  just kidding...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 02:47:04 AM by corremn »
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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 05:40:27 AM »
However the source code for JADE has just been released and is a awsome game once you know how to build it. I am already up to level 15.

O_O Tell me more...


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 08:43:47 AM »
WTF Corremn, are you serious???? When was it released!!!

Argh... wish I had some spare time to give it a look

(Or is this an evil joke?)


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 02:46:12 AM »
WTF Corremn, are you serious???? When was it released!!!

Argh... wish I had some spare time to give it a look

(Or is this an evil joke?)

Hmm, my post does sort of imply that it has been released, ok so that was a sick joke.
I apologise for my statement.

If only it was true. I doubt it that TB even works on it anymore.
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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 03:02:34 AM »
he does, you should really check the ADOM group on google
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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2007, 03:54:39 PM »
I really think he DOESN'T work on adom anymore.

I am in the group and TB seems to be working on Jade... i would really like to see some new features in adom, but what can i do? no source code =(


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2007, 04:52:13 AM »
ADOM should be open sourced, it has been long enough for TB to get a name for himself and to move on to newer stuff.  Open source will keep his project alive for many years to come, who really cares if the code is a mess? No one will judge him for it. 
I have read his opinions on open source and I initially agree with his reasoning but I think it has been long enough. He knows he has no time to spend on it, every one else knows that, so whats really holding him back. ADOM is dead, let the open source community ressurect it.
I mean look what it has done for Linley's crawl.

ADOM is dead, long live ADOM!
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2007, 06:14:41 AM »
ADOM is dead, let the open source community ressurect it.
I mean look what it has done for Linley's crawl.

ADOM is dead, long live ADOM!

Maybe he wants it to stay dead.  If I wrote a successful roguelike, at some point I'd say, "I'm done; it's time to move on."  That game would be solely my work, and I wouldn't want anyone to alter the vision I had for it.

I think he wants people to accept that ADOM is a finished game, and they should look for new features only in JADE.


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2007, 12:25:30 PM »
ADOM is TB's work and TB only.

Thats his work, if he wants it that way everyone should respect.
The man already made a heck of a roguelike, which is among the best.

Even as a programmer I wouldn't want to look the code. . . that would take away all the magic that the game has, and even if someone continued TB's work wouldn't be the same, ADOM has a high roguelike level and would be difficult to continue that way being a opensource project.

Opensource isn't the answer to everything!


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2007, 11:17:18 PM »
Opensource isn't the answer to everything!

Of course, but that means ADOM is dead.  ADOM was the game that really got me hooked, it is a sad day indeed to know it will never be given new life.

The roguelike genre relies on the old games being updated and refreshed to encourage old and new players to continually play and come back.   This also promotes new developers to come along and try their thing. If other games like nethack stopped being developed (some might say it has) then all we have is *bands (with a large player base).  If ADOM went open source then I would imagine a lot of interest would be generated in the RL world.  AFAIR this would be a blessing for the RL community, after all he still has JADE, right?

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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2007, 04:17:32 PM »
it is a sad day indeed to know it will never be given new life.
 If ADOM went open source then I would imagine a lot of interest would be generated in the RL world.

For that to happen the source code is not needed, one could easily get all the 'adom world' and make a new adventure, maybe somewhere in ancardia, using all the elements TB introduced and some new, but keeping the same world, the same signs ( maybe something new yeah, but keeping all the adom essence ). This could be coded from the ground up, no old source needed. Only adom's manual and some tips from TB, if he approves it of course.


That's just what I think... if the source code would be released maybe we'd get some nasty ADOM distortions, made by sick people =\
(include in that war tanks, modern weapons, pornography, foul language and all that)
Such a thing shouldn't happen to the game.. at least is what I think


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Re: heavenly plane in ADOM?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2007, 08:42:39 PM »
That's just what I think... if the source code would be released maybe we'd get some nasty ADOM distortions, made by sick people =\
(include in that war tanks, modern weapons, pornography, foul language and all that)
Such a thing shouldn't happen to the game.. at least is what I think

In fact, I think this is not a valid reason for not releasing the source code. Wanting to keeping it yours is ok, but I think that if some "distortions" occur, it is in the hand of the player choosing which variants to play and which don't. Vanilla Adom would *always* be there, look at Angband or Crawl for an example of this. You can always get back to playing older versions if you liked them better, or completely ingnore variants.

Please do keep in mind this is *my opinion* :P.
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