Author Topic: They Who Are Too Busy  (Read 32379 times)


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They Who Are Too Busy
« on: November 28, 2007, 05:08:46 AM »
Possibly AKA They Who Have No Time.

It's 5am, I have to get up at 8am, and I'm still going through stuff for a Distributed Systems test tomorrow. Phase 1 of the project was delivered on Monday. Phase 2 is due in two weeks (it's huge), and I need to do extras if I don't want do aim for a measly 14/20. There's a very small program to submit until Friday. There's an Artificial Intelligence research assignment (neural networks) due on Monday, and there's another two weeks of bayesian networks after that. There's a "desktop" made in flash/actionscript due two weeks from now. And finally, there's the ongoing need to compile a language with functions/procedures (the interpreter and grammar are done), and this week, the final assignment for that class should come out and continue up to 23:59 of the 30th of December.

Oh, and we're lucky because we've had 3 Computer Graphics assignments accepted, and we don't need to do the next one.


So, how about you guys?
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One of They Who Are Too Busy


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 08:22:55 AM »
I'm trying to write a blog every day.

Your stuff sounds a lot harder. Your stuff sounds insanely hard, even.

Next semester will be busier for me.


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 05:08:53 PM »
[rant mode:ON]
Ok, here goes.

I have had several exams this quarter. I have the last "partial" exam tomorrow. On top of that, I have to make a stupid "research work" (I don't know how to translate it properly, sorry) which consists on making a virtual enterprise project, with everything it means: financing studies, project elaboration, market share research, etc. This spans more than 70 pages, and I must give it December 14th and then do an oral presentation before the whole class. I have to do some exercices for the operating systems architecture class, one of which include a chat. I have to do some work I must give in for the communications laboratory next week. Of course, I also have to study the 5 subjects I have which are not a laboratory for the finals on January, because there are lots of things to assimilate, and there is no way of learning everything on one week or less. And I have 35 hours of class a week, so I have virtually no free time. Luckily, I have finished most of the homework for this quarter... I guess I'll survive somehow.

Did I forgot to mention my university has one of the higher fail rates on Spain? The exams here are specially hard. I have the "pass" ratio of all subjects somewhere, I can post it later.
[rant mode:OFF]

Sorry for all the mistranslations I have possibly made above. Translating the words we use for all of this was hard!

Long live They Who Are Too Busy! Burn the university, FOR THE EMPEROR!
On the wings of the storm.


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2007, 06:00:23 PM »
Wow, 35 hours, you're worst off than I am, I've only got 28 and it's way too little! Congratulations!

And yeah, finals are great, aren't they? I haven't even tried looked at exams yet. I just can't. I did study most of everything for the test I had today (it didn't go that well :(), so I'm somewhat prepared for the exam.

I did do 80 hours per week for university related work (includings transportation), for 5 weeks in a row. That I am totally wrecked after that kind of schedule goes without saying! Oh, I just saw I have a test on the 20th. Man, seriously, how can a guy survive?

On a happier note, it's been the most interesting semestre I've ever had, but also the most frustrating. Whereas before we were always going at a rather slow pace in the 2 or 3 interesting classes, now we've 5 really interesting ones and I simply cannot absorb everything. I ->LOVE<- to understand and be able to explore the intricacies of what I'm learning. None of that now. I'm probabaly averaging around 6 hours of sleep, and I was used to 9.

And also, this semestre is like this because of Bolonha (I'm guessing you know what that is ;)). It's the transition, and some classes are moving semestre. We ended up with all the hard ones in this semestre. It's just this year though, so it was just bad luck :) On the other hand, I've never had to do anything 70 pages long :P

I'm 3rd year, hopefully graduating this year. Continuing for the other 2 years, of course! What year are you?

And about the fail rate: my course also has a large fail-rate. The fact is most people don't give a damn and are just spending their parents' money. But let's not get me started on that :P Computer Science / Informatics is an extremely strenuous course because you have to do assignments everywhere, otherwise you won't really learn.

Ah well. Brothers in ... timelessness!? ;D
Good luck, and hang in there!;)

Anyone else?
"Get it hot! Hit it harder!!!"
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One of They Who Are Too Busy


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2007, 07:18:30 PM »
Ah, a place to complain! :D

I have been working hard with my dev team for 3 weeks now, we have three deliveries due this week and we keep hunting and hunting bugs, the client keeps trying to change the initial scope, it is a constant fight, Today is one of the deliveries and the QA team is already throwing stones at us, we are defending with leather shields, small, weak shields. I worked til 2 AM yesterday, and have been working 70 hours / week in average (sucks :P)

Thus no metroidRL, no roguetemple posts, no myBuddy :)


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 11:29:08 PM »
Hmm, I just got back from a 4 week holiday, where I did not touch a computer or think about my job or masters degree at all. I have no university work due for at least 4-5 months, I have some deadlines at work which are due "when they are done". I am looking forward for another 3 weeks holiday over christmas. 

In my increasingly spare time I have started brewing beer again since we are getting hot/dry weather at the moment. 

Hmm I might as well start RL programming again, or then again I might just sit back and relax and watch cricket on tv with a homebrew in my hand. 

Good luck with your busy lives, you guys should really move to Australia and get an high paying government job like me :)  Wait someones piping the cricket through to my desktop again, looks like I dont have to go home afterall. *sound of beer bottle opening*

corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 01:38:20 PM »
Im on critical path and doing 6 days a week until probably end of january.

Corremn, I'd move back home (australia) if I could.. :)
--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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Re: They Who Are Too Busy
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2007, 04:47:31 PM »
I'm in grad school, so I'm lucky to be home by 11 most nights. Once every couple weeks I'm not back until 3 or 4. A lot of the other students just spend the night at school when that happens but I always walk home for my sanity's sake.