I've been thinking about implementing fine-grained combat, i.e. something more than bumping into enemies. Some examples off the top of my head, so you get the idea:
- 2-step attack: first turn - take a swing, the second turn - hit if the enemy is still there; would be much stronger than normal attack; if he dodges then you're in trouble
- parry: if you have a shield and the enemy attacks from that direction in the next turn, then the attack is harmless
- dodge: you step back or sideways; if the enemy attacks in the next turn, then he is thrown off balance, otherwise you are
Of course you'd get limited information on what the enemy is up to next turn, depending a reflex skill or something.
Pros: more interesting combat, and more realistic - some real life scenarios could come naturally instead of being explicitly added
Cons: slows down the player, hard to learn, and possibly hard to implement good AI, could turn into a rock-paper-scissors game if not implemented well
The question is, are there any roguelikes that have this kind of thing, so I can see if it's worth trying, and possibly shamelessly copy from