Hope it's okay to announce this in the forum. I made a 1k JavaScript Roguelike game called "The Legend of Ecma" for the js1k competition that's going on right now. You can check out my entry here:
http://js1k.com/demo/285"The Legend of Ecma." Descend the dungeon to find the amulet of Ecma and then return it to the top floor. Monsters subtract 1 health, potions add 1 health. Features: 1 bit pixel art, randomized dungeon, can return to previous levels in the dungeon and their state is maintained, monsters chase you around obstacles. Boos: A bit sluggish in Opera, canvas scaling artifacts, no victory screen (yet?). Version 2 notes: Fixed timing issues with Firefox, tweaked difficulty a bit.Don't worry, I do have (much) larger RL plans, actually, something as an entry to the year 10 competition going on here:
http://www.thegamescollective.org/index.php/topic,75.0.html So that will be pretty much the polar opposite in terms of scope of my js1k game