Ahem ahem, can you hear me?
*mic feedback*
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the a new version of
PRIME: 2.3a - Metapsychics, and a new homepage to boot:
http://www.pesky-reticulans.orgSadly, the machine spirits appear to be in rebellion and Ancient is not available to give this announcement, since he's too busy reciting ancient incantations to soothe and subdue the restless machines. I would like to wish Ancient the best of luck in his time of need.
Version 2.3a now includes a ton of bugfixes since 2.2c , such as several crashes involving doors, invisible stuff glitches, and other nasty bugs lurking in wait to collapse the dungeon or boggle your mind - No more negative amounts of floppy disks! No more vengeful doors that crash your game when you attempt to optic blast their lock!
This new version also includes several new features.
Metapsychic faculties now govern characters' proficiency in broad areas of mutant powers, there are new mutations to be gained and several new character classes which rely on mutant powers - the whole psychic powers aspect of the game has been double-enriched with an infusion of metacreative crystals of annelid origin.
There are also new items, such as the Blood Sword or the Cryolator, and even more Sci-Fi references from beyond the outer limits.
Windows binaryLinux i386 binaryLinux x86_64 binaryChangelog rendered in excruciating detailI hope I didn't commit any blunders here, now go grab the game and give it a whirl!