Hello rogues,
the last time I started a new topic was in April 2012:
Cars in a roguelike Where I tried to make controlling cars in a roguelike feel right.
I didn't succeed, so now I started over and put the whole game into the future where no cars will be used. For faster prototyping I am also using a different programming language now, although the final game will still be realised in C++!
Here's a really early prototype made in Stencyl (so it needs Flash):
arrow keys | - walking (you might need to click into the window first) |
space | - skip turn |
a | - shooting mode (incomplete) |
i | - open inventory (incomplete) |
I would like to get some feedback on this already, although I am not interested in bugs:
* What do you think of the look and feel?
* How do the general mechanics work for you?
* What do you expect from the game while playing it?
I know it's early but I think criticism can't be gathered soon enough!