Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Zombie Madness
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:22:06 PM »
Updates on the zombie madness sequel, I'm yet to give it a name so I'll call it that until I do

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#include <allegro.h>
;A* Pathfinder (Version 1.71a) by Patrick Lester. Used by permission.
;Last updated 06/16/03 -- Visual C++ version
//Declare constants
const int mapWidth = 200, mapHeight = 200, numberPeople = 1;
int onClosedList = 10;
const int notfinished = 0, notStarted = 0;// path-related constants
const int found = 1, nonexistent = 2;
const int walkable = 0, unwalkable = 1;// walkability array constants
//Create needed arrays
char walkability [mapWidth][mapHeight];
int openList[mapWidth*mapHeight+2]; //1 dimensional array holding ID# of open list items
int whichList[mapWidth+1][mapHeight+1]; //2 dimensional array used to record
// whether a cell is on the open list or on the closed list.
int openX[mapWidth*mapHeight+2]; //1d array stores the x location of an item on the open list
int openY[mapWidth*mapHeight+2]; //1d array stores the y location of an item on the open list
int parentX[mapWidth+1][mapHeight+1]; //2d array to store parent of each cell (x)
int parentY[mapWidth+1][mapHeight+1]; //2d array to store parent of each cell (y)
int Fcost[mapWidth*mapHeight+2]; //1d array to store F cost of a cell on the open list
int Gcost[mapWidth+1][mapHeight+1]; //2d array to store G cost for each cell.
int Hcost[mapWidth*mapHeight+2]; //1d array to store H cost of a cell on the open list
int pathLength[numberPeople+1]; //stores length of the found path for critter
int pathLocation[numberPeople+1]; //stores current position along the chosen path for critter
int* pathBank [numberPeople+1];
//Path reading variables
int pathStatus[numberPeople+1];
int xPath[numberPeople+1];
int yPath[numberPeople+1];
// Function Prototypes: where needed
void ReadPath(int pathfinderID,int currentX,int currentY);
int ReadPathX(int pathfinderID,int pathLocation);
int ReadPathY(int pathfinderID,int pathLocation);
// Name: InitializePathfinder
// Desc: Allocates memory for the pathfinder.
void InitializePathfinder (void)
for (int x = 0; x < numberPeople+1; x++)
pathBank [x] = (int*) malloc(4);
// Name: EndPathfinder
// Desc: Frees memory used by the pathfinder.
void EndPathfinder (void)
for (int x = 0; x < numberPeople+1; x++)
free (pathBank [x]);
// Name: FindPath
// Desc: Finds a path using A*
int FindPath (int pathfinderID,int startingX, int startingY,
int targetX, int targetY)
int onOpenList=0, parentXval=0, parentYval=0,
a=0, b=0, m=0, u=0, v=0, temp=0, corner=0, numberOfOpenListItems=0,
addedGCost=0, tempGcost = 0, path = 0,
tempx, pathX, pathY, cellPosition,
//1. Convert location data (in pixels) to coordinates in the walkability array.
int startX = startingX;
int startY = startingY;
targetX = targetX;
targetY = targetY;
//2.Quick Path Checks: Under the some circumstances no path needs to
// be generated ...
// If starting location and target are in the same location...
if (startX == targetX && startY == targetY && pathLocation[pathfinderID] > 0)
return found;
if (startX == targetX && startY == targetY && pathLocation[pathfinderID] == 0)
return nonexistent;
// If target square is unwalkable, return that it's a nonexistent path.
if (walkability[targetX][targetY] == unwalkable)
goto noPath;
//3.Reset some variables that need to be cleared
if (onClosedList > 1000000) //reset whichList occasionally
for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth;x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight;y++)
whichList [x][y] = 0;
onClosedList = 10;
onClosedList = onClosedList+2; //changing the values of onOpenList and onClosed list is faster than redimming whichList() array
onOpenList = onClosedList-1;
pathLength [pathfinderID] = notStarted;//i.e, = 0
pathLocation [pathfinderID] = notStarted;//i.e, = 0
Gcost[startX][startY] = 0; //reset starting square's G value to 0
//4.Add the starting location to the open list of squares to be checked.
numberOfOpenListItems = 1;
openList[1] = 1;//assign it as the top (and currently only) item in the open list, which is maintained as a binary heap (explained below)
openX[1] = startX ; openY[1] = startY;
//5.Do the following until a path is found or deemed nonexistent.
//6.If the open list is not empty, take the first cell off of the list.
// This is the lowest F cost cell on the open list.
if (numberOfOpenListItems != 0)
//7. Pop the first item off the open list.
parentXval = openX[openList[1]];
parentYval = openY[openList[1]]; //record cell coordinates of the item
whichList[parentXval][parentYval] = onClosedList;//add the item to the closed list
// Open List = Binary Heap: Delete this item from the open list, which
// is maintained as a binary heap. For more information on binary heaps, see:
// http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/binaryHeaps.htm
numberOfOpenListItems = numberOfOpenListItems - 1;//reduce number of open list items by 1
// Delete the top item in binary heap and reorder the heap, with the lowest F cost item rising to the top.
openList[1] = openList[numberOfOpenListItems+1];//move the last item in the heap up to slot #1
v = 1;
// Repeat the following until the new item in slot #1 sinks to its proper spot in the heap.
u = v;
if (2*u+1 <= numberOfOpenListItems) //if both children exist
//Check if the F cost of the parent is greater than each child.
//Select the lowest of the two children.
if (Fcost[openList[u]] >= Fcost[openList[2*u]])
v = 2*u;
if (Fcost[openList[v]] >= Fcost[openList[2*u+1]])
v = 2*u+1;
if (2*u <= numberOfOpenListItems) //if only child #1 exists
//Check if the F cost of the parent is greater than child #1
if (Fcost[openList[u]] >= Fcost[openList[2*u]])
v = 2*u;
if (u != v) //if parent's F is > one of its children, swap them
temp = openList[u];
openList[u] = openList[v];
openList[v] = temp;
break; //otherwise, exit loop
while (!key[KEY_ESC]);//reorder the binary heap
//7.Check the adjacent squares. (Its "children" -- these path children
// are similar, conceptually, to the binary heap children mentioned
// above, but don't confuse them. They are different. Path children
// are portrayed in Demo 1 with grey pointers pointing toward
// their parents.) Add these adjacent child squares to the open list
// for later consideration if appropriate (see various if statements
// below).
for (b = parentYval-1; b <= parentYval+1; b++){
for (a = parentXval-1; a <= parentXval+1; a++){
// If not off the map (do this first to avoid array out-of-bounds errors)
if (a != -1 && b != -1 && a != mapWidth && b != mapHeight){
// If not already on the closed list (items on the closed list have
// already been considered and can now be ignored).
if (whichList[a][b] != onClosedList) {
// If not a wall/obstacle square.
if (walkability [a][b] != unwalkable) {
// Don't cut across corners
corner = walkable;
if (a == parentXval-1)
if (b == parentYval-1)
if (walkability[parentXval-1][parentYval] == unwalkable
|| walkability[parentXval][parentYval-1] == unwalkable) \
corner = unwalkable;
else if (b == parentYval+1)
if (walkability[parentXval][parentYval+1] == unwalkable
|| walkability[parentXval-1][parentYval] == unwalkable)
corner = unwalkable;
else if (a == parentXval+1)
if (b == parentYval-1)
if (walkability[parentXval][parentYval-1] == unwalkable
|| walkability[parentXval+1][parentYval] == unwalkable)
corner = unwalkable;
else if (b == parentYval+1)
if (walkability[parentXval+1][parentYval] == unwalkable
|| walkability[parentXval][parentYval+1] == unwalkable)
corner = unwalkable;
if (corner == walkable) {
// If not already on the open list, add it to the open list.
if (whichList[a][b] != onOpenList)
//Create a new open list item in the binary heap.
newOpenListItemID = newOpenListItemID + 1; //each new item has a unique ID #
m = numberOfOpenListItems+1;
openList[m] = newOpenListItemID;//place the new open list item (actually, its ID#) at the bottom of the heap
openX[newOpenListItemID] = a;
openY[newOpenListItemID] = b;//record the x and y coordinates of the new item
//Figure out its G cost
if (abs(a-parentXval) == 1 && abs(b-parentYval) == 1)
addedGCost = 14;//cost of going to diagonal squares
addedGCost = 10;//cost of going to non-diagonal squares
Gcost[a][b] = Gcost[parentXval][parentYval] + addedGCost;
//Figure out its H and F costs and parent
Hcost[openList[m]] = 10*(abs(a - targetX) + abs(b - targetY));
Fcost[openList[m]] = Gcost[a][b] + Hcost[openList[m]];
parentX[a][b] = parentXval ; parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
//Move the new open list item to the proper place in the binary heap.
//Starting at the bottom, successively compare to parent items,
//swapping as needed until the item finds its place in the heap
//or bubbles all the way to the top (if it has the lowest F cost).
while (m != 1) //While item hasn't bubbled to the top (m=1)
//Check if child's F cost is < parent's F cost. If so, swap them.
if (Fcost[openList[m]] <= Fcost[openList[m/2]])
temp = openList[m/2];
openList[m/2] = openList[m];
openList[m] = temp;
m = m/2;
numberOfOpenListItems = numberOfOpenListItems+1;//add one to the number of items in the heap
//Change whichList to show that the new item is on the open list.
whichList[a][b] = onOpenList;
//8.If adjacent cell is already on the open list, check to see if this
// path to that cell from the starting location is a better one.
// If so, change the parent of the cell and its G and F costs.
else //If whichList(a,b) = onOpenList
//Figure out the G cost of this possible new path
if (abs(a-parentXval) == 1 && abs(b-parentYval) == 1)
addedGCost = 14;//cost of going to diagonal tiles
addedGCost = 10;//cost of going to non-diagonal tiles
tempGcost = Gcost[parentXval][parentYval] + addedGCost;
//If this path is shorter (G cost is lower) then change
//the parent cell, G cost and F cost.
if (tempGcost < Gcost[a][b]) //if G cost is less,
parentX[a][b] = parentXval; //change the square's parent
parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
Gcost[a][b] = tempGcost;//change the G cost
//Because changing the G cost also changes the F cost, if
//the item is on the open list we need to change the item's
//recorded F cost and its position on the open list to make
//sure that we maintain a properly ordered open list.
for (int x = 1; x <= numberOfOpenListItems; x++) //look for the item in the heap
if (openX[openList[x]] == a && openY[openList[x]] == b) //item found
Fcost[openList[x]] = Gcost[a][b] + Hcost[openList[x]];//change the F cost
//See if changing the F score bubbles the item up from it's current location in the heap
m = x;
while (m != 1) //While item hasn't bubbled to the top (m=1)
//Check if child is < parent. If so, swap them.
if (Fcost[openList[m]] < Fcost[openList[m/2]])
temp = openList[m/2];
openList[m/2] = openList[m];
openList[m] = temp;
m = m/2;
break; //exit for x = loop
} //If openX(openList(x)) = a
} //For x = 1 To numberOfOpenListItems
}//If tempGcost < Gcost(a,b)
}//else If whichList(a,b) = onOpenList
}//If not cutting a corner
}//If not a wall/obstacle square.
}//If not already on the closed list
}//If not off the map
}//for (a = parentXval-1; a <= parentXval+1; a++){
}//for (b = parentYval-1; b <= parentYval+1; b++){
}//if (numberOfOpenListItems != 0)
//9.If open list is empty then there is no path.
path = nonexistent; break;
//If target is added to open list then path has been found.
if (whichList[targetX][targetY] == onOpenList)
path = found; break;
while (1);//Do until path is found or deemed nonexistent
//10.Save the path if it exists.
if (path == found)
//a.Working backwards from the target to the starting location by checking
// each cell's parent, figure out the length of the path.
pathX = targetX; pathY = targetY;
//Look up the parent of the current cell.
tempx = parentX[pathX][pathY];
pathY = parentY[pathX][pathY];
pathX = tempx;
//Figure out the path length
pathLength[pathfinderID] = pathLength[pathfinderID] + 1;
while (pathX != startX || pathY != startY);
//b.Resize the data bank to the right size in bytes
pathBank[pathfinderID] = (int*) realloc (pathBank[pathfinderID],
//c. Now copy the path information over to the databank. Since we are
// working backwards from the target to the start location, we copy
// the information to the data bank in reverse order. The result is
// a properly ordered set of path data, from the first step to the
// last.
pathX = targetX ; pathY = targetY;
cellPosition = pathLength[pathfinderID]*2;//start at the end
cellPosition = cellPosition - 2;//work backwards 2 integers
pathBank[pathfinderID] [cellPosition] = pathX;
pathBank[pathfinderID] [cellPosition+1] = pathY;
//d.Look up the parent of the current cell.
tempx = parentX[pathX][pathY];
pathY = parentY[pathX][pathY];
pathX = tempx;
//e.If we have reached the starting square, exit the loop.
while (pathX != startX || pathY != startY);
//11.Read the first path step into xPath/yPath arrays
return path;
//13.If there is no path to the selected target, set the pathfinder's
// xPath and yPath equal to its current location and return that the
// path is nonexistent.
xPath[pathfinderID] = startingX;
yPath[pathfinderID] = startingY;
return nonexistent;
//READ PATH DATA: These functions read the path data and convert
//it to screen pixel coordinates.
void ReadPath(int pathfinderID,int currentX,int currentY)
; Note on PixelsPerFrame: The need for this parameter probably isn't
; that obvious, so a little explanation is in order. This
; parameter is used to determine if the pathfinder has gotten close
; enough to the center of a given path square to warrant looking up
; the next step on the path.
; This is needed because the speed of certain sprites can
; make reaching the exact center of a path square impossible.
; In Demo #2, the chaser has a velocity of 3 pixels per frame. Our
; tile size is 50 pixels, so the center of a tile will be at location
; 25, 75, 125, etc. Some of these are not evenly divisible by 3, so
; our pathfinder has to know how close is close enough to the center.
; It calculates this by seeing if the pathfinder is less than
; pixelsPerFrame # of pixels from the center of the square.
; This could conceivably cause problems if you have a *really* fast
; sprite and/or really small tiles, in which case you may need to
; adjust the formula a bit. But this should almost never be a problem
; for games with standard sized tiles and normal speeds. Our smiley
; in Demo #4 moves at a pretty fast clip and it isn't even close
; to being a problem.
int ID = pathfinderID; //redundant, but makes the following easier to read
//If a path has been found for the pathfinder ...
if (pathStatus[ID] == found)
//If path finder is just starting a new path or has reached the
//center of the current path square (and the end of the path
//hasn't been reached), look up the next path square.
if (pathLocation[ID] < pathLength[ID])
//if just starting or if close enough to center of square
if (pathLocation[ID] == 0 ||(abs(currentX - xPath[ID]) < 1 && abs(currentY - yPath[ID]) < 1))
pathLocation[ID] = pathLocation[ID] + 1;
//Read the path data.
xPath[ID] = ReadPathX(ID,pathLocation[ID]);
yPath[ID] = ReadPathY(ID,pathLocation[ID]);
//If the center of the last path square on the path has been
//reached then reset.
if (pathLocation[ID] == pathLength[ID])
if (abs(currentX - xPath[ID]) < 1
&& abs(currentY - yPath[ID]) < 1) //if close enough to center of square
pathStatus[ID] = notStarted;
//If there is no path for this pathfinder, simply stay in the current
xPath[ID] = currentX;
yPath[ID] = currentY;
//The following two functions read the raw path data from the pathBank.
//You can call these functions directly and skip the readPath function
//above if you want. Make sure you know what your current pathLocation
// Name: ReadPathX
// Desc: Reads the x coordinate of the next path step
int ReadPathX(int pathfinderID,int pathLocation)
int x;
if (pathLocation <= pathLength[pathfinderID])
//Read coordinate from bank
x = pathBank[pathfinderID] [pathLocation*2-2];
x = x;
return x;
// Name: ReadPathY
// Desc: Reads the y coordinate of the next path step
int ReadPathY(int pathfinderID,int pathLocation)
int y;
if (pathLocation <= pathLength[pathfinderID])
//Read coordinate from bank
y = pathBank[pathfinderID] [pathLocation*2-1];
return y;
#define EMPTY -1
#define MAPY 200
#define MAPX 200
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
enum node_states { UNVISITED, OPEN, CLOSED };
enum searching_states { FOUND, NON_EXIST, SEARCHING, NOT_SEARCHING };
struct node {
node() : x(0), y(0), f(0), previous_step(NULL), state(UNVISITED) { }
int x,y,state,f;
node* neighbours[8];
node* previous_step;
// sort by f value
static bool compareNode(node lhs, node rhs) { return (lhs.f < rhs.f); }
class obj_pathfinder {
vector <node> list;
int xPath[];
int yPath[];
node start, cur, dest;
int state,steps;
int dist(int start_y, int start_x, int dest_y, int dest_x) {
return abs(start_y - dest_y) + abs(start_x - dest_x);
// search list for existing node
bool checkNeighbour(vector <node> nodes, node* look) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
if ( (nodes[i].x == look->x) && (nodes[i].y == look->y) && (look->state == OPEN) ) {
return true;
// search list for existing node
bool check(vector <node> nodes, node look) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
if ( (nodes[i].x == look.x) && (nodes[i].y == look.y) && (look.state == OPEN) ) {
return true;
// find path and record it to a cord list
void FindPath(int str_y, int str_x, int dest_y, int dest_x, int walkable[MAPY][MAPX]) {
// reset
steps = 0;
// 1. Put the starting square on the open-list.
start.y = str_y; start.x = str_x; start.state = OPEN;
dest.y = dest_y; dest.x = dest.x;
state = SEARCHING;
//2. Repeat the following steps:
while (state == SEARCHING){
// a) Find the square with the lowest G value from the open-list, this square is the new current square.
sort(list.begin(), list.end(), node::compareNode);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list[i].state != CLOSED) {
cur = list[i];
// b) Put the current square on the closed list.
list[i].state = CLOSED;
else { /* do nothing */ }
// c) For each of the 4 adjacent squares to the current square the following steps are executed:
int dy[] = {1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1};
int dx[] = {0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1};
int dc[] = {10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 14, 14};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// If the square is a wall than we ignore that square.
if ( walkable[cur.y+dy[i]][cur.x+dx[i]] == 0 ) {
// If the square is not yet on the open-list it will be put on it.
// The current square is the parent square for this square.
cur.neighbours[i]->y = cur.y+dy[i];
cur.neighbours[i]->x = cur.x+dx[i];
if( checkNeighbour(list,cur.neighbours[i]) == false) {
//Calculate the G value for this square and add it to the open list.
cur.neighbours[i]->f = dist(cur.neighbours[i]->y,cur.neighbours[i]->x,start.y,start.x);
cur.neighbours[i]->state = OPEN;
} else {
/* If the square was already on the open-list then there must be check if the
/ current path is a shorter path than the neighbour path.
/ A lower G value means a shorter path.
/ If this is the case than this square should change it’s parent square and it should be given the new G value. */
int lowest_f = 9999999;
int lowest_id = 0;
for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) {
if (cur.neighbours[o]->state == OPEN) {
if (cur.neighbours[o]->f < lowest_f) {
lowest_f = cur.neighbours[o]->f;
lowest_id = i;
// set lowest G value neighbour to current
if (cur.f <= lowest_f) {
cur.x, xPath[steps] = cur.neighbours[lowest_id]->x;
cur.y, yPath[steps] = cur.neighbours[lowest_id]->y;
cur.state = cur.neighbours[lowest_id]->state;
for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) { cur.neighbours[lowest_id] = NULL; }
// d) Stop the calculation if the ending point is put on the open-list.
// (in this case the shortest path has been found)
if ( check(list,dest) ) { state = FOUND; }
// unable to find path
if ( list.empty() ) { state = NON_EXIST; }
if (MouseClicked() == LEFT) {
for (int y = 0; y < MAPY; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < MAPX; x++) {
if (board.tiles[y][x].obj_solid == true) {
solidmap[y][x] = 1;
} else { solidmap[y][x] = 0; }
struct node {
int y,x,g,h,f;
bool state;
node() { y,x,g,h,f = 0; }
node(int y0, int x0) { y = y0; x = x0; h = 0; f = 0; g = 0; };
void set(int y0, int x0) { y = y0; x = x0; };
// ============================ PATH FINDING ==========================
int StepsFrom_To(int start_y, int start_x, int dest_y, int dest_x) {
int count = 0;
for (int y = start_y; y < dest_y; y++) { count++; }
for (int x = start_x; x < dest_x; x++) { count++; }
return count;
void FindPathFrom_To(int start_y, int start_x, int dest_y, int dest_x) {
// create nodes for start and desticaion
node start_node(start_y,start_x);
node dest_node(dest_y,dest_x);
node old_current(-1,-1);
// open current id
node current(start_y,start_x);
current.state = OPEN;
// node list
node nodes[MAPY*MAPX];
bool searching = true;
// start searching
int steps = 0;
while (searching) {
// Get the node off the open list with the lowest f and make it current node
int lowest_f = 9999; // just so it works :)
for (int i = 0; i < MAPY*MAPX; i++) {
if ( (nodes[i].f < lowest_f) && (nodes[i].state == OPEN) ) {
lowest_f = nodes[i].f;
tiles[nodes[i].y][nodes[i].x].c[0] = 'x';
} else {nodes[i].state = CLOSED; }
// check if reached destination
if ( (current.x == dest_node.x) && (current.y == dest_node.y) ) { searching = false; }
// check if node has not changed (meaning there is no where to go)
if ( (current.x == old_current.x) && (current.x == old_current.x) ) { break; }
// Generate each state node_successor that can come after node_current for each node_successor of node_current
if (tiles[current.y+1][current.x].obj_solid == false) { // check below
nodes[steps].set(current.y+1, current.x); // set node cords
nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y+1,current.x,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y+1,current.x,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
if (tiles[current.y-1][current.x].obj_solid == false) { // check above
nodes[steps].set(current.y-1, current.x); // set node cords
nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y-1,current.x,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y-1,current.x,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
if (tiles[current.y][current.x+1].obj_solid == false) { // check right
nodes[steps].set(current.y, current.x+1); // set node cords
nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x+1,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x+1,start_node.y,start_node.x)+ steps; // calc move cost
nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
if (tiles[current.y][current.x-1].obj_solid == false) { // check left
nodes[steps].set(current.y, current.x-1); // set node cords
nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x-1,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x-1,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
current.state = CLOSED;
I'm currently in development to a squeal to this game (meaning I'm no longer in development of the old one), which I'm really looking forward to
Image: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=523919701002106&l=09ee6a8ecc
If you wish to download Zombie Madness, please follow the link below where you can find all of my developments.