Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Crossword Dungeon is now available for iPhone!
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:41:35 PM »
It is with great honor and pleasure that I announce the launch of Crossword Dungeon (http://www.crossworddungeon.com), on the iPhone App Store (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/crossword-dungeon/id560785195?ls=1&mt=8).
Crossword Dungeon is a roguelike-like in which your character traverses a procedurally-generated crossword dungeon, wherein guessing the correct letter results in a critical hit to the monster on the tile, and the incorrect letter in trading blows with the aforementioned baddie.
There are three playable classes with unique skill trees: the Barbarian, with a focus on Gore Attacks and high damage; the Ranger, with a focus on revealing tiles and ranged attacks; and the Scoundrel, with a focus on Stealth attacks as well as a wide variety of opportunistic tricks.
The game is available for the iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS 5 and 6), please share it with your friends, and review it if you enjoy it!
Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla
Crossword Dungeon is a roguelike-like in which your character traverses a procedurally-generated crossword dungeon, wherein guessing the correct letter results in a critical hit to the monster on the tile, and the incorrect letter in trading blows with the aforementioned baddie.
There are three playable classes with unique skill trees: the Barbarian, with a focus on Gore Attacks and high damage; the Ranger, with a focus on revealing tiles and ranged attacks; and the Scoundrel, with a focus on Stealth attacks as well as a wide variety of opportunistic tricks.
The game is available for the iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS 5 and 6), please share it with your friends, and review it if you enjoy it!
Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla