Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:36:09 PM »
Released version 1.0.9
- The 3rd dimension was added to the map! Buildings now have several floors, mobs can go up and down the slopes.
- Gravity added! You can step off the ledges and fall down. You can drop one Z level without any consequences but any distance greater than that and you will take increasing falling damage.
- Mobs will now recognize the gravity and will short-cut off the ledges if they see they won't take any damage without finding the nearest slope down.
- Added mansions to the building types.
- Removed support for small tiles.
- The 3rd dimension was added to the map! Buildings now have several floors, mobs can go up and down the slopes.
- Gravity added! You can step off the ledges and fall down. You can drop one Z level without any consequences but any distance greater than that and you will take increasing falling damage.
- Mobs will now recognize the gravity and will short-cut off the ledges if they see they won't take any damage without finding the nearest slope down.
- Added mansions to the building types.
- Removed support for small tiles.