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Messages - gwathlobal

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Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: September 16, 2017, 12:51:10 PM »
That ARRP goodness~   8)
Pure coincidence  ::)

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: September 15, 2017, 09:12:03 PM »
Released version 1.2.1

- Added Trinity mimics as a playable faction. Trinity mimics are three mind-linked angels - the Star singer, Star gazer, and Star mender. Each has a separate set of abilities and all of them can merge with each other. The player controls each mimic individually.
- Added Righteous fury ability to the Star singer. Righteous fury is a berserk-like ability that lets you attack harder and faster but at a cost of slowing you afterwards.
- Added Pain link ability to the Star signer. Pain link makes the target deal increased damage to the caster but decreased damage to everyone else.
- Added Heal other ability to the Star mender. This ability allows healing not only yourself but your allies as well.
- Added Soul reinforcement ability to the Star mender. Soul reinforcement prevents a fatal blow that would otherwise kill the target.
- Added Silence ability to the Star gazer. Silence prevents the target from casting.
- Added Confuse ability to the Star gazer. Confused targets sometimes move in a random direction instead of an intended action.
- Added Pandemonium Shades as a playable faction. Shadow creatures are unable to possess humans but get a number of shadow-related abilities. You start as a shadow imp.
- Added Umbral aura to shadow devils. This makes shadow devils be not light, but darkness sources.
- Added Extinguish light to shadow demons and shadow devils. This ranged ability will switch off a stationary light or cause an enemy to stop emitting light for short period.
- Added Shadow step to all shadow creatures. Shadow step is a short-range teleport that works only if the source and destination tiles are not lit.
- Added the Church as a playable faction. You start as a priest in a church and your aim is to destroy all demons.
- Added Smite to priests. Smite is a single target damage ability that gets better the more humans are around the caster.
- Added Slow to priests. Slow is a single target ability that causes the enemy to take more time when attempting any action.
- Added Prayer of wrath to the priests. This ability grants a fire-based melee attack to those who follow you.
- You can now wait a turn using [.], and pick items using [g] and [,].
- The game now logs your current title instead of your initial title into a high score entry.
- The player is now highlighted on the map.
- Dropping in water gives you a 'wet' effect, which means 25% of increased fire resistance.
- Added rainy weather. Being caught in the rain will make characters wet, extinguish fires and clear blood.


Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: September 08, 2017, 06:47:21 PM »
As I'm playing more, I have some more thoughts: ;)

Could we have some way to easily distinguish the player from other creatures with the same glyph? It happens mostly with angels, but generally when you get into a fray of creatures with the same glyph, you can easily loose track where exactly you are, especially when dodging messes up with you position. And you don't want to loose turns to missteps in combat because you thought you were the other "a". Maybe the player could eb underscored (if that's an option with the tileset)? Or have some light background color?

Glad you pointed that out, that will give me the necessary push to implement this feature ;D I have the same problems myself, but always postponed the solution.

As a scout, you best option is to always shoot your rifle - it does so much damage that even in melee, it's better to reload and shoot than get two melee attacks. As scout seems to be intended as a ranged fighter, maybe he could be encouraged more into never getting into melee? It hard to use a rifle in melee, so the scout could be unable to shoot at adjacent targets. You could either bash melee opponents, or run and shoot them when you get away.

Well, I think that right now the scout is discouraged from getting into melee by the fact that he can be possessed and this is instant game over (on top of that he is rather frail and if he loses the horse he is toast). I do not actually want to add what I believe rather arbitrary rules like you can not shoot into adjacent tiles while riding a horse.

I love the new mind-linked angels with fire abilities and their avatar, but I'm still loosing pretty often with them. That's not to say that angels are weak - they are pretty tough to kill, with their healing and powerful attacks. The avatar's flying is cool, but unfortunately very limited by the short duration of your transformation. Would it be too much if all angels could fly in their revealed forms? They can only attack in melee, so it would be more of a movement/escape option, plus because they would be revealed, they would need to be careful about enemy snipers (both archdemons and human army). It would still give them something to counteract being swarmed by demon summons and zombies. :)

Well, giving angels permanent flying is not that easy, I am afraid.
Firstly, right now mobs can not attack you if you are standing/flying on top of them, while you can :) It is hard to abuse it at the moment, as you can fly for 5 turns max but with permanent flying, this strategy will be a guaranteed win. So I need to teach mobs to be aware of the creatures above them.
Secondly, permanent flying may or may not cause degradation of performance (which I can't say is stellar already :D) due to pathfinding.

What is the problem, as I understand it, is the lack of any escape options when you are swarmed. I'll think what I can do here without touching pathfinding. If I do not come up with anything good, that permanent flying will be the last resort  :)

Maybe the angels could also get a Resurrection ability (cost cca 5 power) that would bring corpses of angels (and all other things) back to life? That's a tradeoff of getting one ally back in exchange for some power you will need to defeat archdemons. You could of course bring back humans who died innocent, but why? There's no advantage to do so. :P

Yeah, that's a cool ability, thank you, will certainly add it, may be even in the next release.

Falling into water could grant temporary "wet" status that would increase you fire resistance to 25% (or so). That would stack with natural resistance, so angels could get pretty much invulnerable to fire by jumping into a river. :) If there ever is a rain, it could wet everyone not inside a house.

Great, wrote that down into my to-do list.

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: September 02, 2017, 03:52:55 PM »
Yep, sure thing.

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: August 30, 2017, 07:15:32 PM »
By the way, shouldn't angels be able to conCeal their divinity, rather than conseal it?

Yeah, time for a facepalm.jpg picture  :-[. This has been in front of my eyes for half a year and I have not noticed it. Thanks, will fix the spelling.

And a minor convenience request - many roguelikes use [g] or [,] for pick up command, could we have those as alternate keys? Similarly, maybe [.] as alt key for waiting a turn?

Sure, will be in the next release.

May I also have one more suggestion, this time for a new playable creature - a ghost?

Ok, I like the gameplay idea of a possessor, will try to incorporate it into a release after this one.

The only problem I see with this is that all satanists will likely die without any effort on the player's part, just because the RNG dropped you on the other side of the map while putting them near a couple of angels. Maybe it is better just to find their lair while being in possession of some body and kind of perform a ritual of rebirth or something, or vice versa - a ritual that will put the ghost to rest.

For now, in the upcoming release, I plan to add two more factions beside priests - the shadow demons and the trinity isolationists. Stay tuned  ;)

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: August 18, 2017, 07:46:10 PM »
Released version 1.2.0

- Added high scores.
- Added Wisps to the map. These are flying angelic beings that are able to navigate using their hearing.
- Sound sources can now be seen on the map.
- All menu options now have letter shortcuts.
- Lit and shadowed tiles are now displayed on the screen.
- The player is now able to set his or her name.
- Fixed a bug with severed body parts animation showing when the player should not be able to see it.
- Fixed a bug with num lock interfering with arrow keys.


Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:12:49 PM »
Released version 1.1.4

- Avatars of Brilliance are now able to fly for the duration of the transformation.
- Archdemons now have a ranged attack that inflicts minor damage and pulls enemies to the ground.
- Satanists can now empower an undead unit and make it permanently follow them.
- The Military now have medkit items to heal their wounds.
- The Thief's ability Smoke bomb is now converted into an item with the same effect. The Thief starts with three of them.
- Most citizens now have a small number of coins in their pockets.
- You can now see which creatures you can see properly and which through a shared mind, as well as iterate through visible creatures in look mode.
- Added wind to the map that affects the direction in which smoke moves.


Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: June 02, 2017, 07:30:42 PM »
Released version 1.1.3

- Windows now are not clear glass, so you will not see as far as you usually do when looking through windows. Leaves also obstruct your vision somewhat.
- Undead now have their own counter.
- Added smoke bombs to the Thief. Smoke will obstruct visibility and can help you escape.
- Added an ability to ignite grass and furniture on fire to the Angels. Fire damages those standing in it and produces smoke.
- Added ability to temporarily transform into Avatars of Brilliance (former Archangels) to Angels.
- Added the Scrooge achievement - for those who hold the most gold at the end of the game.
- Added the Evil Spirit achievement - for those who had the most possessions during the game.
- Added the Necromancer achievement - for those who made the highest number of reanimations during the game.
- Gold coins worth 1500$ are now guaranteed on the map.
- Satanists now have unique names.


Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: May 19, 2017, 09:24:56 PM »
You mean the option of a 8x13 font you have now is not enough?
I'll think what I can do about it but it seems that would require the usage of SDL_ttf so unfortunately, that's not the nearest future.

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: May 18, 2017, 07:49:25 PM »
I like the game more and more. :) So please forgive me for the barrage of thoughts and ideas below. ;)

That new angel power is quite useful! Could we maybe get a PgDn/PgUp scrolling for the "seen monsters" sidebar, so we can more easily check how many monsters do we actually see through the shared mind?

What about archangels getting wings, so they can fly around the town? Having a map with z-levels is very cool, but unfortunately only thieves really use it to a greater extent. It would also make archangels feel very different from archdemons. Speaking of archdemons, maybe they could get a new active ability Breathe Hellfire? Not that they would be too weak, but giving them a ranged attack would again make them feel unique. It's not really common for me to get up to arch-anything, so if both archangels and archdemons had a special ability, it would make it quite a nice reward for getting there.

Yeah, flying is indeed a thing, shame I did not think of it myself :)
However, for the next release I plan to make angels transform into archangels for a period of time (like Demon Hunters in WoW now). For lore reasons mainly - now that they are a communion, not a hierarchy, it seems logical to me that they should have only one unit. And if they need to engage a tough enemy they will have to transform, get a strength boost and delay their winning through ascension. I hope this will further differentiate Angels' gameplay from Demons.

Archdemons getting a ranged attack is also good, I'll try to incorporate your ideas into the release after the next one.

PgUp/PgDn are now reserved as a substitute for numpad's NE and SE diagonal movement, but I see what you are pointing at, I'll think what I can do to better present shared mind.

I like the new Satanists, their abilities definitely make them play uniquely. However, what if they also got an ability similar to teh "follow me" order of chaplains, that would only apply to undead? That way you could actually lead a force of zombies against the angels, not only sit back and try to bolster demonic forces.

I thought of it and decided against it. As a Satanist, you have a free summoning ability so that should be your idea of controlling the horde. However, I might add something like "control undead" to make an undead unit permanently follow you, maybe additionally applying a boost to it.

Speaking of undead, would it be too much of a hassle to split the demons counter and add a new one for only undead? My last game I won as a Satanist, I had a total of 100 demons... I was creating undead like crazy, plus I haven't actually seen a living demon for most of the game, so I would like to know if any demons survived, or if the angels were overwhelmed by my zombies. :D

Yeah, that is totally fine. I'll add an additional undead-only counter while the demon counter will track both of them.

Maybe soldiers could get a very limited amount of consumables, so that they have a resource to use in need, just as angels and demons have power? Something like starting with a medikit, or several grenades that damage everything in a 3x3x3 globe. It could also be fun to try to assassinate soldiers with a thief to get to their medikits. :) Of course, supernatural creatures would not be able to use medikits. :)

Good idea, but I believe I'll manage to implement it in 2 releases only.

BTW, is it guaranteed that the map will contain the required 1500$ for the thief? On some smaller maps, I don't know where else to look to find enough. :) What if all humans dropped a small amounts of cash, so the thief is pushed a bit into exploring the battlefield and looting the dead? And if a Satanist sees him there, the thief could get a nasty surprise. :D

Right now the money is not guaranteed. A bank (which is a guaranteed building) has from $250 to $1250, while every house has from $50 to $100. So in the worst case scenario, when RNGod really hates you, you need 25 houses (apart from the bank). The map size is 100x100, a house is 10x10, on an island map 30 tiles are substracted from borders to place water, so that leaves 70x70 which has room for 49 houses. Given the probabilities to place a house (as opposed to all other buildings), I would say that there might be extremely rare cases when there is not enough money on the map for you to win. I'll look into it.

As for pocket money - that may be likely, yes.

Finally, what if the end game screen always shown how many (and maybe which) creatures the player killed? To compare with the creatures that earned a title. Some new titles would also be fun:

The Necromancer: who raised the most zombies, so that the player can see how good he was in comparsion :)
The Evil Spirit: most possessions, now that it's quite possible and useful to possess multiple times
The Scrooge: most gold collected (because I sometimes collect it even when I'm not a thief, why would you leave money lying around, right?)

Once again, thank you for the game. :)

Yeah, this is cool, though I think I will also need to add names to Satanists (and the Thief maybe) for some achievements to be interesting. Otherwise, it will always be Player vs a nameless Satanist/Thief.

Thanks for playing :)

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: May 12, 2017, 09:24:02 PM »
Released version 1.1.2

- All Angels now have a shared mind - each of them sees what others see.
- Satanists are now a playable faction. Their goal is to assist their demon masters and destroy all angelic forces.
- Satanists are now able to reanimate corpses. The less severed body parts the corpse has - the stronger it will be after the reanimation. Reanimated corpses are slow-moving, have very little HP and will burn to ashes when killed by Angels.
- Demons' ability to possess is now toggleable, so that you can kill humans instead of always possessing them first if you wish so.
- Demons now have an ability to sacrifice their host on demand to gain power and health (as if they killed them in combat).
- Added a bank building to the city.


Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: April 26, 2017, 08:31:37 PM »
I haven't played the original 7DRL, but this game of yours is great!
Thanks for the kind words! I'm happy that you liked the game :)

Quote from: red_kangaroo
I quite often die with my angels when I try to slay a demon and get jumped by several summoned ones, or archdemons. :/
Yeah, the time has come for some rebalancing, I think.

Quote from: red_kangaroo
Only thing is I wish I didn't automatically try to possess the first human I attack - it's often better to kill it and gain the power than possess it and have it revolt at bad times.
I will make the possession ability toggleable in the next version, then.

Quote from: red_kangaroo
I wish Satanists could raise all the dead humans as zombies, if they survive long enough. Thus you could have to prioritize finding and killing them if you don't want the endgame to become a chatoic battle with a new threat.
I had some thoughts of making a necrodemon that could animate the dead, but giving this ability to Satanists makes perfect sense. I think I will also make them playable now that they will have a distinct gameplay. Thanks for the idea!

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: April 25, 2017, 08:15:12 PM »
Released version 1.1.1

- Water is now traversable, albeit more slowly than normal terrain. You can swim through it horizontally as well as up and down, but beware of the lack of oxygen. This will kill you quickly. Angels and Demons do not need to breathe.
- All Angels, Demons, and humans now have an ability to switch on and off stationary lights if they happen to be near one.
- Added doors to the buildings of the city. All humanoids are able to open and close them.
- Added ability to open/close windows to the Thief.
- You can bump into doors, windows, and lanterns to active the respective ability (if you have one).
- Made Satanists' lair less conspicuous.


Early Dev / Re: An early modern sociopolitical simulation
« on: April 18, 2017, 10:04:14 PM »
> I write the logic in Common Lisp (which is great)

Is it going to be open-source? :)

Early Dev / Re: City of the Damned
« on: April 14, 2017, 10:01:29 PM »
Released version 1.1.0

- Added stealth to the game! Remaining in shadows will render you invisible to your enemies while moving through illuminated terrain (and moving in general) will expose you. 
- To counter stealth, Citizens of the City carry lanterns and Angels radiate light (note that Demons do not have a portable light source). Moreover, stationary light sources were added to the houses and some streets.
- Outdoor lighting depends on the time of day - at midnight you will need to rely on lamps, while at day time the sun will not let anybody hide outside buildings.
- Time of day now changes dynamically as the time passes.
- Added scenario options regarding the starting time of the day - you may start at night, at noon, in the morning or in the evening.
- Added hearing to the game! Characters' actions will generate sounds that others can hear and learn the general direction to the sound's origin. Most creatures will try to investigate what or who produced the sound if they have no other pressing matters.
- Added the Thief to the game.
- Added Death from Above ability to the Thief. This allows the Thief to jump onto an enemy from an upper Z level and make a devastating blow.
- Added Climbing ability to the Thief. It allows the Thief to go up and down along the Z level when clinging to walls.
- Added trees spanning across several Z levels.
- Added inventories to characters. You are now able to pick up, carry and drop items.


Thief on the ledge -
Death from above -


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